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Games You are Currently Playing



  • Downloaded the full Sgt. Peppers Album for The Beatles: Rock Band. Really fun, insanely trippy. Totally worth the money.

    And a Borderlands question for anyone who plays. If anyone plays Soldier, what class mod do you enjoy playing? I've been a Heavy Gunner for the most part, but I'm wondering if anyone is willing to share any information/experience they've had playing a different class.
  • Snap decision: L4D2 for PC or Modern Warfare 2 for 360?
  • Snap decision: L4D2 for PC or Modern Warfare 2 for 360?
    Are you going to be playing online with friends?
    Yes: Left 4 Dead 2
    No: Modern Warfare 2
  • Playing some L4D2 at this exact second. Still in lobby, need one or two more.
  • I'm still waiting patiently for my copy of Assassin's Creed 2 to arrive from Amazon.
  • I've beaten 3 out of the 5 L4D2 campaigns. Also, replaying Symphony of the Night. There's a new free DLC for Blood Bowl. Think I'll reinstall it tonight.
  • Damnit, I need to buy L4D2. I just replayed Umbrella Chronicles with my dad the other night and now I am playing fetch with my cat.
  • edited November 2009
    If anyone is down to play The Parish campaign on L4D2 tonight, I'm keeping the Steam group chat open.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • If anyone is down to play The Parish campaign on L4D2 tonight, I'm keeping the Steam group chat open.
    Woot, that was awesome man.
  • A mix of L4D2, Dragon Age, and Torchlight. It's gaming season.

    About Torchlight: Yes, it's pretty. Yes, it's a dungeon crawler. Yes, it's got all the standard tropes. It might as well be called Fate 2 (or if there's a Fate 2 already, then Fate 3. Whatevs.), especially as it is made by some of the same people who made Fate. But there is an attempt at a story here, the dungeons are really very pretty, and I like managing the drops. I know that makes it more or less a math game, but it's mindless fun to which I can zone out, requiring no skill, and providing the perfect after-work escapism. Couple it with iTunes playing some 'casts in the background, and *BAM*, there goes some stress.

  • About Torchlight: Yes, it's pretty. Yes, it's a dungeon crawler. Yes, it's got all the standard tropes. It might as well be called Fate 2 (or if there's a Fate 2 already, then Fate 3. Whatevs.), especially as it is made by some of the same people who made Fate. But there is an attempt at a story here, the dungeons are really very pretty, and I like managing the drops. I know that makes it more or less a math game, but it's mindless fun to which I can zone out, requiring no skill, and providing the perfect after-work escapism. Couple it with iTunes playing some 'casts in the background, and *BAM*, there goes some stress.
    It's not Fate, it's Diablo.
  • Yay for Phoenix Wright! In preparation for the new game, I have decided to bone up on all four for the past games. That should last me until Heart Gold and Dick Gumeshoe investigations. Also Guns of Icarus. :D
  • Heart Gold
    Soul Silver superior, Heart Gold inferior!
  • It's not Fate, it's Diablo.
    Did you play Fate? It has the same color pallet, the same basic art design, the same mechanics (fishing is the obvious one), the same font, the same home base, the same the same the same the same the same the same the same.
  • Did you play Fate? It has the same color pallet, the same basic art design, the same mechanics (fishing is the obvious one), the same font, the same home base, the same the same the same the same the same the same the same.
    Then Fate is also Diablo.
  • Heart Gold
    Soul Silver superior, Heart Gold inferior!
  • Got my new computer up and running, which in some ironic way made L4D2 actually harder (it's funny all the enviromental hinderances you miss with a crappy video card!)

    So I'm playing Dragon Age: Origins, L4D2 and Mass effect.
  • edited November 2009
    Dick Gumeshoe investigations.
    If only that were the real title, but it's Miles Edgeworth who's the star. Gumshoe's gonna be second fiddle forever.
    Post edited by Diddgery on
  • Castle Crashers.
  • edited November 2009
    But that has always been the game I have WANTED to play!
    Post edited by ElJoe0 on
  • The ending of Dragon Age is amazing!
  • My ass is raw from the beating it took in L4D2 versus tonight. We did not do well.
  • Someone else should have seriously gotten up on that other scaffhold. I was sniping chargers and hunters off of you left and right.
  • edited November 2009
    Playing more Trine. I seriously love this game. It can be intense switching in and out of three characters for different abilities. I just love the look of it and the controls. Unfortunately using WASD hurts a bit since I'm not used to it.
    Post edited by Viga on
  • Unfortunately using WASD hurts a bit since I'm not used to it.
    Get an XBox 360 gamepad.
  • Playing New Super Mario Bros. Wii-hii-hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii (to quote a certain plumber.) I must say, it is your standard Mario platform game (which isn't a bad thing.) From what I've played so far, it does a good job of mixing classic elements from past Mario games, and spicing it up with new challenges and obstacles. The level design is as tight as it's ever been, so any one familiar with Mario Bros. games can jump in and move through them somewhat intuitively, allowing you to often move through the first few stages on the first try. The difficulty does ramp up as you progress through the game though.
    The only complaint I have, not really with the game but with with the people I play with, is that they kinda suck (no offense :-p). Whereas I've been playing Mario games my whole life and can quickly pick up on whatever they throw at me, my companions often cannot. The game does circumvent this by providing players the ability to retreat into a protective bubble, while a more skilled player moves on through the level. Playing with others is definitely a hoot, but will often lead to bickering and a little confusion. The solution, of course, is to throw annoying players at goombas and off ledges. I highly recommend this game to any Wii owners out there, as this seems like the best game that will be coming out for a while...

    Other than that, I just finished Uncharted 2: Among Thieves (PS3.) It's strong points were definitely the characters, dialogue, and overall presentation. The graphics are beautiful, and has some of the best character animation I've seen in a game ever. Game play is well polished in my opinion, with the platforming bits being very fun to play once you get into a groove. I can see why it got the reviews it did.
  • I am currently playing:

    Dragon Age: Origins (PS3)
    Tekken 6 (PS3)
    Lunar Silver Star Story COMPLETE (PS1)
    Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn (Wii)

    I have to say I'm impressed with Dragon Age so far, I'm on my first play through and I'm already at 12 hours and I haven't even done the four main quest lines. I did up to the branching point, and completed Warden's Keep and Leliana's personal quest. I'm about to complete the Shale quest.

    My play time may or may not be a wee bit bloated as I have left it on pause while I listened to podcasts while I ate dinner in the evenings. Not sure if play time increases while on pause or not.

    I'm a huge lover of the Fire Emblem franchise and so I'm currently trying to beat Radiant Dawn as I have yet to beat it. I also love fighting games (not every single one, just the good ones) and Tekken never disappoints.
  • The only complaint I have, not really with the game but with with the people I play with, is that they kinda suck (no offense :-p). Whereas I've been playing Mario games my whole life and can quickly pick up on whatever they throw at me, my companions often cannot. The game does circumvent this by providing players the ability to retreat into a protective bubble, while a more skilled player moves on through the level. Playing with others is definitely a hoot, but will often lead to bickering and a little confusion. The solution, of course, is to throw annoying players at goombas and off ledges. I highly recommend this game to any Wii owners out there, as this seems like the best game that will be coming out for a while...
    I am worried about this issue as well. I have friends who will play, and they are good at Mario, but I'm about ten times better at Mario-ing than anyone else in the FRC. If I played co-op I might just get annoyed at them getting in my way.
  • I am worried about this issue as well. I have friends who will play, and they are good at Mario, but I'm about ten times better at Mario-ing than anyone else in the FRC.
    Oh no, you didn't just insult the rest of the FRC's mario playing skills....Oh no.
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