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  • edited August 2012
    Splinter Cell: Conviction is alright. Played the first few levels before it crashed. It seems to want me to use more guns than sneaking.

    No 1280x1024 res though.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • Some people just really like complex stat management (my friend loves it) but it usually boils down to "so which one is better?"
    That's one thing I liked in Mass Effect 2, at least for me it felt like there were some real options between different guns. Choosing between a sniper rifle that has lot's of ammo, fast rate of fire and weak damage and other which has little ammo, reload after every shot and huge damage wasn't just a question of numbers, but also preferences. I was confident with my aim and headshotting so I used the slow, powerful one, while I can see how the fast one could be perfectly viable too.

    I think you're thinking about ME3 there, because in ME2 there were only 2 weapons for each type. It boiled down to do I use the gun I've had since the beginning or do I use this gun that I just got and is better than the first one in every conceivable way?
  • edited August 2012
    I think you're thinking about ME3 there, because in ME2 there were only 2 weapons for each type. It boiled down to do I use the gun I've had since the beginning or do I use this gun that I just got and is better than the first one in every conceivable way?
    IIRC, there were more than that - I know there were four sniper rifles, but I think one was DLC, and about five assault rifles, for example - but between the DLCs, I think you're not far off. Not to mention, a lot of the guns felt quite similar, which didn't help.

    As for new guns, that depends on what class you're playing - I went infiltrator, and I had the starter rifle right up until I unlocked the widow.

    Post edited by Churba on
  • To jump in on the Zelda ranking party:
    Skyward Sword
    Oracle of Ages/Seasons
    Twilight Princess
    Link's Awakening
    Everything else
    Phantom Hourglass
    Spirit Tracks

    Only ones I haven't played are Zelda II, Majora's Mask, and Four Swords Adventures. I'm waiting for MM to get the inevitable 3DS remake.
  • I think you're thinking about ME3 there, because in ME2 there were only 2 weapons for each type. It boiled down to do I use the gun I've had since the beginning or do I use this gun that I just got and is better than the first one in every conceivable way?
    IIRC, there were more than that - I know there were four sniper rifles, but I think one was DLC, and about five assault rifles, for example - but between the DLCs, I think you're not far off. Not to mention, a lot of the guns felt quite similar, which didn't help.

    As for new guns, that depends on what class you're playing - I went infiltrator, and I had the starter rifle right up until I unlocked the widow.

    I played as an Engineer, so it was only pistols and SMGs for me.
  • I really can't tell how powerful guns are in BF3. I differentiate them by fire control type (what is this actually called? Single, Burst, Auto, etc) and mag size, because the different calibre bullets don't feel like they make any difference.
  • Turned NS2's settings up to full and raw mouse input on. So good.

  • My only problem with Super Metroid was that it was too easy. Symphony of the Night has the same problem.
  • Gorged it up on an EU server and everything worked great. Ended up backing up all manner of fades and an Onos at the end.

    Going to try my hand at commanding.
  • My only problem with Super Metroid was that it was too easy. Symphony of the Night has the same problem.
    Then I suggest trying for 100% in Zero Mission. On HARD. :)

  • Betas betas betas. Now I'm in the RaiderZ beta in addition to GoIO and PS2. I have too many games to play now, and I haven't even bought any of them :P
  • I just played Slendergame. Definitely the creepiest and scariest game I have ever played. I screamed like a little girl multiple times.

    Its a free indie game based on the Slender Man. mythos. The best part of this is the reaction videos of people freaking out while playing it, which is linked to from the site. It is among the funniest things I've ever seen. Make sure you play the game at least once before you watch them though.

    Also, if you are to play this game, you must do it in a dark room, alone, and with a good sound setup or headphones. Enjoy.
  • I'm not really in a position to comment because I haven't played them, but I really don't see what's so scary about Amnesia or Slender. The graphics are too poor to maintain suspension of disbelief, from the look of them both.

    That said, HL2 nearly made me crap myself and System Shock 2? Forget about it.

    Oooh oooh aaah aahh ook!!
  • Amnesia has some really well-thought-out mechanics. I plan to review it in the new future on the show.
  • Some people are convinced they can't be scared by games. I can't tell you if that's true or not, without research, but the presumption is that since they are not themselves in danger (unless it's that kind of game :P) they don't have any fear. At least not in the context of horror as opposed to risk of (say) losing money in poker or something.
  • My friend was telling me about Slender. He also said it was probably the creepiest game he has played.
  • Am I the only person who recognizes that something jumping out and going BOO! is surprise, not fear. Fear is scary shit you are going to pee your pants and run away. If a guy comes down the street with a gun shooting people, I will turn and run. That shit is scary. If I am walking in a dark place and someone jumps out at me, that's a surprise.

    Lots of these "scary" games like say Eternal Darkness only have surprise, and not so much fear at all.
  • Some people are convinced they can't be scared by games. I can't tell you if that's true or not, without research, but the presumption is that since they are not themselves in danger (unless it's that kind of game :P) they don't have any fear. At least not in the context of horror as opposed to risk of (say) losing money in poker or something.
    It's the same type of scare as in a good scary movie. If you immerse yourself into it enough your brain will do the rest for you. Try out slendergame and see. It's surprisingly effective for such a simple game.
  • edited August 2012
    I think most intelligent people recognize that distinction. There is a another distinction to be made though that it is possible for a surprise to cause fear, they are not mutually exclusive.
    Post edited by Anthony Heman on
  • Am I the only person who recognizes that something jumping out and going BOO! is surprise, not fear. Fear is scary shit you are going to pee your pants and run away. If a guy comes down the street with a gun shooting people, I will turn and run. That shit is scary. If I am walking in a dark place and someone jumps out at me, that's a surprise.

    Lots of these "scary" games like say Eternal Darkness only have surprise, and not so much fear at all.
    What if the guy jumping out from a dark place also has a gun shooting people? These two kinds of fear aren't exclusive.

  • By Scott's logic no work of fiction in any form can ever be scary.
  • edited August 2012
    Am I the only person who recognizes that something jumping out and going BOO! is surprise, not fear. Fear is scary shit you are going to pee your pants and run away. If a guy comes down the street with a gun shooting people, I will turn and run. That shit is scary. If I am walking in a dark place and someone jumps out at me, that's a surprise.

    Lots of these "scary" games like say Eternal Darkness only have surprise, and not so much fear at all.
    That statement is a HUGE generalization. A lot of it has to do with psychology and, usually, age. I was TERRIFIED of going in water in 3D games when I was a child mostly because I feared that something was going to attack me and I would be helpless.

    Much the same way the fear of something jumping out at you can exist.
    Post edited by MATATAT on
  • Monsters jumping out is just surprise, sure.

    But Slenderman is legitimately a scary figure. Some kids at my camp were doing a Slender parody, and they had me program the feature where if you look at him, he stops moving, but the longer you look at him, the faster he moves. So look at him, then away, then back, and seeing him get closer?

    That, is scary.

  • That statement is a HUGE generalization. A lot of it has to do with psychology and, usually, age. I was TERRIFIED of going in water in 3D games when I was a child mostly because I feared that something was going to attack me and I would be helpless.
    I felt the same way for a while. I mostly blame Super Mario 64 and its traumatizing drowning animation.
  • There were a couple games that I just said "Fuck it" and stopped playing because there was a swimming part. Mario was okay for me sort of because the water was really clear all the time. But I still had to grit my teeth and power through them.
  • Am I the only person who recognizes that something jumping out and going BOO! is surprise, not fear. Fear is scary shit you are going to pee your pants and run away. If a guy comes down the street with a gun shooting people, I will turn and run. That shit is scary. If I am walking in a dark place and someone jumps out at me, that's a surprise.

    Lots of these "scary" games like say Eternal Darkness only have surprise, and not so much fear at all.
    A loud, unexpected "BOO!" could evoke an instinctive response that some people would find genuinely unpleasant. In a horror game, you have to input the commands that may lead to an sudden "BOO!", or gruesome image, or some other unpleasantly. I'd say a game has the potential to be scarier than a movie because of this participation. In a movie theater, there's no way to stop the horror, so you just accept it, knowing that the movie is 2 hours long. In a game, you need to exercise willpower and convince yourself that "beating" the game is worth the unpleasantness.
  • edited August 2012
    Anyone up for some forum dayz? I've been trying to get a buddy to run around with but trying to find anyone using in game chat is normally suicide. I'll probably be playing all night tonight on and off and I'm game to use voice.
    Post edited by Vhdblood on
  • Hey vhdblood! I just got your steam chat. I need to get to bed (it's midnight), but want to play tomorrow?
  • Hey vhdblood! I just got your steam chat. I need to get to bed (it's midnight), but want to play tomorrow?
    Well, I actually work for 5 PM CST - 1 AM CST on most nights, I just happened to be off tonight, but if you're ever on later than that, I am definitely down. I normally stay up to around 4-6 AM CST, so that Dayz offer still stands to anyone online!
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