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  • The bubble mechanic is perfect when playing with less skilled players, like children and wives. I thought it was pretty ingenious, myself.

    I refuse to buy an expensive handheld just to continue the series, though. Fuck that noise.
  • No, the problem with the bubble mechanic is that if you don't use it to save yourself, you die. So you get everyone unnecessarily hitting the bubble button every time they make a bad jump, which eventually leads to losing the level when everyone is trapped in bubbles.

    Rahman Origins fixed this by making the bubble non-voluntary. If you "died," you would turn into a bubble and float around until another player freed you. That way, you'd only lose the level if you all made bad jumps, rather than because people were trying to save themselves.
  • Having the level lost if everybody "bubbles" is the mechanic that keeps you from abusing it. When everyone makes a bad jump at once, you'd have died and lost the level anyway.
  • I should have said people use the bubble whenever they *think* they've made a bad/unrecoverable jump. Really, the problem goes back to them trying to fit this mechanic into the outdated life system. They want you to go into a bubble when you die, but noooo, there also needs to be a way to lose arbitrary lives because it's a Mario game, so let's make the bubble mechanic so that only a skilled player can have the reflexes and knowledge of when he's screwed or not to use it properly without abusing it.
  • I disagree with your analysis. I think the simple solution to your problem is to stop being such a pussy and bubbling all the time. ;-)
  • I was basically done with Mario games in general(disliked both Galaxy games, SM3DL was well-designed but laughably easy) but my dad came home with New Super Mario Bros. 2 yesterday, so I've been playing it. Still very easy, but less so than 3D Land and with my extremely lowered expectations I'm having fun with it. Kind of wish I knew someone else who got this game so I could play it co-op, since NSMB Wii was the last platforming Mario experience I really enjoyed, despite the bubble mechanic and player collision being terrible.
    The player collision isn't terrible if you're a griefer.

    Which I totally am while playing that game.

  • edited August 2012
    I disagree with your analysis. I think the simple solution to your problem is to stop being such a pussy and bubbling all the time. ;-)
    Alright d00d. Tell your wife and kids to stop being such pussies while they're using the bubble mechanic too :D
    The player collision isn't terrible if you're a griefer.

    Which I totally am while playing that game.
    I jumped on my friends' heads, kicking them into pitfalls constantly, it's mostly annoying when there's a platform that two people can't stand on at the same time.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • If this is a "The World Ends With You" sequel, I will be MOST pleased.
  • If this is a "The World Ends With You" sequel, I will be MOST pleased.
    I hope that they this time make a combat system that makes sense and doesn't make me want to throw my DS to wall.
  • If this is a "The World Ends With You" sequel, I will be MOST pleased.
    I hope that they this time make a combat system that makes sense and doesn't make me want to throw my DS to wall.
    Nah, it was fine. I mastered it.

  • If this is a "The World Ends With You" sequel, I will be MOST pleased.
    I hope that they this time make a combat system that makes sense and doesn't make me want to throw my DS to wall.
    Nah, it was fine. I mastered it.
    I just put upper screen to automatic and let it work as a timer for fights. That got me through the game, but for the extra stuff I said fuck it.

  • I really enjoyed The World Ends With You's combat system, and didn't have a problem with it after the first couple fights getting used to controlling the upper screen.

    The prospect of a sequel gives me mixed feelings. It's, uh - it's mostly dread, though.
  • Oh right. Not using the top screen is fine. Me and a mate both 100% completed the game, I used both screens, doing all the "puck" passing stuff. He only ever used the lower screen but MAN was he good, he set up his pins for these mad juggles and air combos that I never even thought of. (or could do)

    Both ways are completely legitamate ways of playing the game.

    I am excite.
  • I got by only using lower screen too, but then I started to wish that I could use the d-pad to move my character move effectively, as now the d-pad was just something to mash left or right depending on situation.
  • I got by only using lower screen too, but then I started to wish that I could use the d-pad to move my character move effectively, as now the d-pad was just something to mash left or right depending on situation.
    Yep, it certainly was tricky, I agree. But if you ever watned to trigger level 2 or even level 3 fusions against end game bosses and enemies it was soemthing you needed to master.

    Heh, TWEWY had a combat system with a brutal learning curve, a severely emo protagonist, J-pop music and was an RPG set in modern Japan. It's super niche and gaurenteed it become a cult classis almost overnight. I can COMPLETELY understand if someone either outright hated the game, or just failed to *click* with it. For me, it just hit all the right notes and short of Nintendo announcing Wind Waker 2, this is EXACTLY want I want to play RIGHT NOW.

    Assuming it is TWEWY 2. And assuming it's on the 3DS? (I get my 3DS XL this Thursday).

  • Does he really count as Emo? I mean, he did get murdered and subsequently Gantz'd. I think any emotional irregularities following that would be reasonably justified.
  • edited August 2012
    Having the level lost if everybody "bubbles" is the mechanic that keeps you from abusing it. When everyone makes a bad jump at once, you'd have died and lost the level anyway.
    Much simpler solution: the last player not in a bubble cannot bubble (pressing the button does nothing).

    Another useful addition would be each player having an option to enable/disable collision with other players (and their bubbles) - in other words, two players collide only if they both have collision enabled. This also gives a strong incentive not to bubble, since the other player can choose not to save you, while also avoiding the problem of being saved from your bubble in very shitty locations.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • Much simpler solution: the last player not in a bubble cannot bubble (pressing the button does nothing).
    This is functionally equivalent and wouldn't matter at all except in the rare instance that you bubble unnecessarily, and frankly I think there *should* be a penalty for that. Jumping skill and precision is basically the whole game.

    Disabling collisions would remove a large point of the game. Crashing into each other, and the resulting slapstick and faux acrimony, drives the social aspect of the thing.

    I'm glad you guys aren't on the design staff for these games...

  • The game's biggest failing was having too low of a resolution for that many characters to interact. This game should have

    1: Been high res, or at least had smaller character sprites and a bigger screen.
    2. Really, been a DS/Wii combo game with large maps and individual player screens.
  • edited August 2012
    Much simpler solution: the last player not in a bubble cannot bubble (pressing the button does nothing).
    This is functionally equivalent and wouldn't matter at all except in the rare instance that you bubble unnecessarily, and frankly I think there *should* be a penalty for that. Jumping skill and precision is basically the whole game.
    I think the experience that you would have by going "Oh shit, I'm totally fucked. BUBBLE! SHIT! I'M THE LAST ONE! (short time passes) OH MY GOD, I ACTUALLY MADE IT!" is much more entertaining and enlightening than the penalty would be. I'd argue that giving you a taste for what you could potentially miss out on by bubbling too much could easily be the more effective method.
    Disabling collisions would remove a large point of the game. Crashing into each other, and the resulting slapstick and faux acrimony, drives the social aspect of the thing.
    I didn't say to disable collisions. More specifically, my suggestion would be a per-player in-game collision toggle that could be used at any time. There are times and areas when player collision gets rather stale, and you could avoid those while still allowing for friendly griefing the rest of the time.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • Thirty Flights of Loving (the sequel to the fantastic Gravity Bone) was pretty alright, but I really felt myself wanting a lot more by the end. It just kind of... fell apart, I thought. But, the game does come with Gravity Bone, so it's worth it if you want to support the developers.
  • edited August 2012
    All I'm gonna say at this point is if you liked the co-op in NSMBW as much as I did, give Rayman Origins a shot.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • Started playing Catherine today, game is pretty dope. The puzzles are already getting a bit challenging by the second level (playing normal). I really like the character designs too. I also like that the sort is very non conventional for a video game and that they've managed to make a game based on the premise they establish not suck.

    Awful PC port. Fucjing terrible port. I don't know how they could Fucj it up so bad. The controls are whacked out and need rebounding. The menu is bound to end, not escape! All the tooltips show controller controls. The game is rendered in 720p and upscaled. The mouse is visible when you're playing.

    The worst part I can't get over is that the mouse accelerates negatively. The faster you move your mouse, the slower the camera turns. Completely retarded.

    I love this game. I'm going to play the shit out of it. There's people working on making the game better. Scripts to hide the mouse, dll's that change the rendering to your actual resolution. If you have a controller, it's worth it for the PC. If you don't, you're in for a tough ride and I would hold out until patches, community made or not. Or just play it in its miserable state because it's hard yet FUN.
  • Just had a game of NS2 where we had a 10 year old on the team, and he was the commander. We won.

    Awful PC port. Fucjing terrible port. I don't know how they could Fucj it up so bad
    They were making no bones about the fact that they were putting the 360 version onto the PC with new content, no more no less; they fully expect you to get a controller and deal with bad visuals.

    That's awesome to hear there's a community making it worthy of the master race.
  • Fun fact about Dark Souls is that it will probably be the first xbox game I buy DLC in. I just have to wait until end of the year to get it while PC master race can play it right now. (If they can get past the bad porting)
  • I can't even imagine how bad mp hacking is gonna be in Dark SOuls. Console pvpers are bad enough in that they use pretty much any and every exploit possible when they invade.
  • I was only killed once by an invader and it was because I made a cocky mistake after I thought I had it in the bag. He got off a counter with that special counter blade and fucking destroyed me.probably wouldn't have killed me if I actually put some better armor on though.

    Awful PC port. Fucjing terrible port. I don't know how they could Fucj it up so bad. The controls are whacked out and need rebounding. The menu is bound to end, not escape! All the tooltips show controller controls. The game is rendered in 720p and upscaled. The mouse is visible when you're playing.

    The worst part I can't get over is that the mouse accelerates negatively. The faster you move your mouse, the slower the camera turns. Completely retarded.

    I love this game. I'm going to play the shit out of it. There's people working on making the game better. Scripts to hide the mouse, dll's that change the rendering to your actual resolution. If you have a controller, it's worth it for the PC. If you don't, you're in for a tough ride and I would hold out until patches, community made or not. Or just play it in its miserable state because it's hard yet FUN.
    Okay good, something else after Skyrim we can both play the shit out of - I'm using my 360 controller, and the port itself seemed pretty alright based on the few minutes I was able to play last night.

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