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  • I'm down for some DayZ. Haven't had too many chances to play it.
  • Of all the game consoles made, the N64 is one I've never owned, therefore I missed out on both the Ocarina of Time & Majora's Mask.

    I wonder whether I'd be better off obtaining an authentic N64 or if I should just get a USB adapter for the controllers?
  • Of all the game consoles made, the N64 is one I've never owned, therefore I missed out on both the Ocarina of Time & Majora's Mask.

    I wonder whether I'd be better off obtaining an authentic N64 or if I should just get a USB adapter for the controllers?
    I am trying to remember if those ROMs crashed somewhere, I prefer the real thing when I can because I know some games will crash on the final boss fight depending on the plugin combination you are using (looks at Mega Man 64 rom).

    Honestly if you want to get a good N64 PC controller, look at this. It's what I use and it is awesome when you have a first party controller in that.
  • edited August 2012
    I've played Ocarina a whole bunch of times on both the N64 (I had about 4 games.) and Project64. Work fine and I'd go with P64 simply for the save states so you don't have to start at the temple of time every time you want to drop an hour into it.

    If you're willing to spend the extra ($30), this adapter has proper rumble support, which I think is the only one to have it work.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • You didn't miss much not owning an N64. I barely used mine. It was the most underutilized console I ever owned next to my PS2/PS3. OoT was great. I never "got" Majora's Mask (but I own a "gold" copy with lenticular label). Mario 64 is my least favorite Mario of all time.

    I wish the Dreamcast had been more successful. That thing was fantastic. Poor Sega.
  • Playing Beyond Good & Evil. It is very good.
    After that I will probably start with Sleeping Dogs.
  • I have very mixed feelings on Dayz...
  • I have very mixed feelings on Dayz...
    Tell me your feels bro.
  • The Nintendo 64 has wrestling games that have no equal, at least in the US. It's a real shame that AKI was dropped by THQ in favor of Yukes on the PS2 generation.
  • The Persona fighting game is the first Arc Sys game I actually like. It doesn't have the huge barrier to entry that their other games do and I think I've reached the first gnosis with one character.
  • Man, I wish Guilty Gear XX was still cool. That game was awesome despite my inability to handle the technical shit.
  • Man, I wish Guilty Gear XX was still cool. That game was awesome despite my inability to handle the technical shit.
    Why not play BlazBlue?

  • Man, I wish Guilty Gear XX was still cool. That game was awesome despite my inability to handle the technical shit.
    Why not play BlazBlue?
    Because he should play Persona 4 Arena, which is the hot new thing.

  • What are these Non-Street Fighter games??? (I need to branch out more)
  • edited August 2012
    Man, I wish Guilty Gear XX was still cool. That game was awesome despite my inability to handle the technical shit.
    Why not play BlazBlue?
    Because he should play Persona 4 Arena, which is the hot new thing.

    I'd probably go with Persona over BlazBlue at this point. I feel like a lot of fighting games lose steam as soon as the next thing comes around. At least with all my crazy hardcore fighting game friends it is.
    Post edited by MATATAT on
  • You didn't miss much not owning an N64. I barely used mine. It was the most underutilized console I ever owned next to my PS2/PS3. OoT was great. I never "got" Majora's Mask (but I own a "gold" copy with lenticular label). Mario 64 is my least favorite Mario of all time.

    I wish the Dreamcast had been more successful. That thing was fantastic. Poor Sega.
    Not to hate but there where a lot more great games for the N64 than just that. Banjo Kazooie and it's sequel, Starfox 64, Shadows of the Empire, Mario Kart, Mario Tennis, Super Smash Bros. are all things that come to mind.
  • Lots of Dark Souls, little Dota 2 beta and CS:GO beta.

    I can't understand why I have been having this huge drive towards playing Dark Souls lately. I though that finishing the game once would move me to other games, but no. New game + and new character keep me going.
  • Since no desktop, ROM time on my laptop. Mega Man X3 ROM Hack that makes Zero a full character instead of just a guest character who disappears if he dies once.

  • I can't understand why I have been having this huge drive towards playing Dark Souls lately. I though that finishing the game once would move me to other games, but no. New game + and new character keep me going.
    I think the reason for that is, as far as I'm concerned, is because it has this strange balance of anti-fun and is compelling at the same time. I know that probably does not make sense to people who have not played Dark Souls, but if you do play it you will, hopefully, understand what I mean.

  • I'm really really digging the atmosphere and story of Sleeping Dogs. I like the unarmed combat and the very fleshed out non-US locale. Typically in games you get some exotic island or you get an American metro center. It's a nice change of pace (yes, I know there are other examples but I think they're fairly isolated.)

    The controls and responsiveness are a bit gummy, particularly during the combat (counters seem inconsistent but maybe it's just me). It's definitely worth a full price purchase, but I'm a sucker for sandbox games.
  • I don't think Dark Souls is ever "anti fun" honestly. Like if you just chill and play the game however you want, its just really super duper well designed and challenging. The combat is some of the best Ive seen in an action rpg too, which helps. Not a huge fan of the boss fights though.

    But I think there is some unfun stuff in it when you are really searching out a certain item or gear/stat level or whatever. Rustling up 20 rocks to upgrade your sword is pretty annoying, tho thankfully most upgrade stones can just be purchased with souls. But then, grinding out souls to buy stones to make your sword numbers bigger gets lame. None of that shits necessary if you dont want to PvP and youre decent enough at the combat to get by with relatively weak weapons.

    Theyre adding a PvP arena with the new stuff, too. And more bosses, areas, items etc. I want to play a different game already..
  • I don't think Dark Souls is ever "anti fun" honestly.
    I would otherwise agree with you, but the archers at the rooftops of Anor Londo called and told me you are wrong. Yes, there are multiple ways to deal with those, but they still are pain in the ass and cheap. And unlike some traps where you die maybe once before you learn that giant boulders = death, those archers can kill new player again and again.

  • The two silver night archers? Mannn they didnt even kill me once.
  • The two silver night archers? Mannn they didnt even kill me once.
    And without looking how to deal with them online? If so then good for you. I can get past them without losing souls, but haven't yet done it without dying.

  • Yeah I just rushed em with my shield up, rolled a few times maybe. I think I got lucky when I took out the one guy on the left, though, cause I somehow managed to roll past him and get out of the other archer's line of fire. Took him down with fireballs too. Also only ever had to do it once :P
  • edited August 2012
    I used the "Hidden Body" spell to get close and "Force" to pushed them off the edge.
    Post edited by Wyatt on
  • Killing one guy was easy, killing the other was always a bit tricky. Then again I didn't start using a shield until maybe the library?

    Used COINSTAR this weekend and and used the coupon to get caroline. That game looked pretty fun.
  • Finished playing through Super Mario Galaxy 2 over the weekend. Really wanted to get 120 stars (since I did in SMG1), but the difficulty on the last set of levels went beyond my desire to do so. I think I'm just done with 3D Mario games. I played the hell out of Mario 64, but none of the 3D games since have really been worth playing more than once. With the Wii ones, especially, the controls have been dodgy and frustrated me to no end with certain levels/stars.

    Not sure what I'm going to play next. Thinking it's about time to break in my new Xbox 360.
  • I've only put about 35 total minutes into SMG2. I really should go back to it, I guess. I think the problem for me is that it's just too similar to SMG, which is ironic since I hated SMB2 when it came out...
  • I was basically done with Mario games in general(disliked both Galaxy games, SM3DL was well-designed but laughably easy) but my dad came home with New Super Mario Bros. 2 yesterday, so I've been playing it. Still very easy, but less so than 3D Land and with my extremely lowered expectations I'm having fun with it. Kind of wish I knew someone else who got this game so I could play it co-op, since NSMB Wii was the last platforming Mario experience I really enjoyed, despite the bubble mechanic and player collision being terrible.
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