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  • I can't even imagine how bad mp hacking is gonna be in Dark SOuls. Console pvpers are bad enough in that they use pretty much any and every exploit possible when they invade.
    From what I saw on the 4chans, within hours of the game being released, the hacks were as simple as opening up cheat engine and changing some values. Looks like the cheating will be terrible as part of making a direct port meant they didn't even bother to have any protection at all.
    Okay good, something else after Skyrim we can both play the shit out of - I'm using my 360 controller, and the port itself seemed pretty alright based on the few minutes I was able to play last night.

    The only issue you will have with a controller is the fact that it'll be blurry as shit since it's forced to render at 720p. A 3rd party fix helps, but that then causes messages to be invisible so you won't see people telling you to jump off cliffs.
    I am awful with a controller though. Those flick movements to do kicks are hard as hell, and pushing down an analogue stick just to lock on is annoying as dicks. If they could just fix the mouse moving the camera slower at higher speeds, I would be more willing to play with keyboard and mouse than a controller. I played the game for 4 hours on a 360 before so I'm well aware of what a controller is like.
  • Yeah, Dark Souls is pretty sweet, once you use that 3rd party fix. I S-ranked the PS3 version, now I'm going for gold on the PC version. Also, buying it on green man gaming is the way to go, $32 with their coupon code. Beats the $70 cost in the Australian Steam store.
  • edited August 2012
    tell me more about these codes

    EDIT: Nevermind I found a 20% off code. I FUCKING BOUGHT THIS GAME AGAIN. But I did it for the Dark Souls.

    This ones for you Dark Souls.
    Post edited by MATATAT on
  • edited August 2012
    Try this on for size: DERHE-RRDER-RINGE

    And use my referrer code for $2 for me and $2 for you in store credit (or don't):
    Post edited by thaneofcawdor on
  • Try this on for size: DERHE-RRDER-RINGE

    And use my referrer code for $2 for me and $2 for you in store credit (or don't):
    Aww shit, just missed your post! Oh well.
  • edited August 2012

    This game is chill as fuck. Going around exploring stuff. Jumping around doing platforming bits. Killing big wankahs, going through portals and getting lost in some weird ass techno-pyramid filled with tiny munchkin players. You just go with the flow. There's some stuff going around you? Better go check it out. Maybe some pikey thought it was a good idea to take a stroll and needs you to defend him against all sorts of wild beasts. There's be this group of people following him along with you like an entourage. You don't even know these people but you're all working together because there's nothing to lose by helping someone out. It's so relaxing just doing stuff.

    Combat is cool as shit. Don't need to wait around for mana to regen between every fight. Throwing lasers out of m greatsword, making clones everywhere, popping dust and going invis, blasting away a bunch of hoes away with my swords just to leap at them and do some wicked multiflurry slash, it's chaotic fun. The only thing stopping you is the cooldowns. I'm just kinda wishing things were harder though. I'm still in the beginning areas and I heard it gets harder. Have yet to do any dungeon crawls.

    Only reason I stopped playing after 5 hours was because I got kicked as the servers got ruined by all the Yuropeans waking up.

    Post edited by Nine Boomer on
  • Connection error(s) detected. Retrying...


  • So, what server are you guys playing in? I'm still very conflicted as to what class I should play.
  • Everyone seems to be talking about Guild Wars 2, but I'm skeptical. Is it grindy at all?
  • Everyone seems to be talking about Guild Wars 2, but I'm skeptical. Is it grindy at all?
    It's an MMO, so yeah it has some minor grindy parts. A lot of the major game mechanics, though, are very much not-grindy.

  • Everyone seems to be talking about Guild Wars 2, but I'm skeptical. Is it grindy at all?
    I hate most MMOs because they're so grindy and it's just a race to level up so that you can do fun stuff. In Guild Wars 2, you're pretty must slapped in the middle of your starting area and told to go around. There's always stuff to do everywhere. There's always events occurring. There's heart quests which you can imagine as being the traditional "kill 10 rats" but you're doing it with other people who are always helping. During these quests, there can randomly be an event occurring like waves of big meanies coming in to wreck shit. Everyone will then gather around to valiantly defend some area or person. It's very much all about playing with other people even if they aren't in your party.

    In World of Warcraft, if someone else comes by then that can mess things up. You want your phat loot, and you need to kill those rats. Not in GW2: everyone is friendly with each other, working for the same goal. There's no penalty to working together. You get the same amount of experience, you get your own loot that you don't have to share, and you both progress to your goals equally. It's very much more so of an MMO in how everyone will team up and break off, rather than everyone playing a single player game in the same server. It's almost like there's always an instant flash mob to help you no matter what you're doing.

    There's waypoints to find so that you can instantly travel between locations. Important locations are noted on your map. You can find vistas that give a pretty view after some platforming action. It's really easy to gather materials all around you. Everything I mentioned gives you experience at a rate that grinding on the same patch of enemies until you level up does, so there's little incentive to just go to an area and kill a bunch of shit for the sake of "progressing".

    There's a ton of little things that make this all so much smoother and less archaic. You can instantly deposit all your crafting materials in some vault of infinite holding. You can instantly sell all your junk to a vendor. This alone frees of so much of your inventory space that other MMOs like to clog up. When you're crafting 100 pieces of wool, it will speed up radically because no one wants to wait around for that shit. You can play on other people's servers with little penalty (can't participate in server vs server based activities at a server not of your own). It's all about getting rid of shitty limitations and hardships that have little reason to exist. There's no such thing as being a "healer", everyone can heal. Some people are more suited to certain roles, but you're not going to be like a paladin in WoW where you spend all day taking no damage but you do no damage either.

    The only reason why I am playing GW2 is because I'm not leveling up just to do things. I'm doing things and by chance I happen to be leveling. If you jump into this making your sole objective to level up, then chill out and relax. There's no subscription so there isn't any race to get to a "fun" part of the game. It's fun from the beginning once you get past the hand-holding part. It also gets quite hard past level 20 from what I told if you feel like it's not enough of a challenge.
  • I realize I'm late to the game, but I'm playing Game Dev Story. I keep on remembering not to make games I would play, but make games that would do well. I really would love to make a Pop Star Adventure game, but it won't sell so I don't. This gives me an insight into why I don't play more video games I hadn't thought of before (IDK why though, seems kinda obvious).
  • Everyone seems to be talking about Guild Wars 2, but I'm skeptical. Is it grindy at all?
    text text text text.
    There was a good article, I think on Gamasutra, about how GW2 is the first MMO that respects the gamer's time. This is because a lot of the content you'd normally associate with end game stuff is just out in the world for you to encounter.

    For instance last night I was fighting a giant shadow boss in the middle of a swamp with about 40+ people. And this was just something I encountered in the level 10 to 15 area of the world whilst doing some other stuff.
  • edited September 2012
    I realize I'm late to the game, but I'm playing Game Dev Story. I keep on remembering not to make games I would play, but make games that would do well. I really would love to make a Pop Star Adventure game, but it won't sell so I don't. This gives me an insight into why I don't play more video games I hadn't thought of before (IDK why though, seems kinda obvious).
    Dungeon Village is another game by those guys that I actually like a lot more. I highly recommend it.
    Post edited by DevilUknow on
  • Everyone seems to be talking about Guild Wars 2, but I'm skeptical. Is it grindy at all?
    text text text text.
    There was a good article, I think on Gamasutra, about how GW2 is the first MMO that respects the gamer's time. This is because a lot of the content you'd normally associate with end game stuff is just out in the world for you to encounter.

    For instance last night I was fighting a giant shadow boss in the middle of a swamp with about 40+ people. And this was just something I encountered in the level 10 to 15 area of the world whilst doing some other stuff.
    Side note, I fought the same giant shadow boss in the same swamp last night. That was fucking awesome. :D

  • Played in the RaiderZ closed beta. GW2 sounds better, as Raiderz has a gimmicky but more-fun-than-most-mmo's active combat system. I'll give it a look.
  • I decided to play some more Witcher 2, and I would be, if not for the fact that it's decided it needs a 24 gig patch. It would be smaller, but it won't let me De-select about three languages I don't speak worth of voiceovers.

    Twenty four fucking gigs. What the fuck, that's larger than most of the games in my steam library.
  • I keep hearing people saying good things about Darksiders which confuses the hell out of me, so I reinstalled it, and it's just as tedious as I'd remembered.
    I thought I might not have gotten very far but I've not got the horse and it's just as bad.
  • edited September 2012
    Sleeping Dogs is quite good. The combat's a little clunky, and too simple for my taste, but it's satisfying. The vehicle physics are dead on. Better than any other sandbox shooter I've played. Topping it off, the writing and acting is very naturalistic and well-characterized (and, to be fair, I am a sucker for Triad dramas). I give it 4.5 yeses out of purple.
    Post edited by Walker on
  • The biggest problem with Gotham City Impostors (the free to play isn't that bad - certainly more bearable than Tribes Ascend) is that everyone is terrible. I started playing for the first time this morning, and now I'm regularly the highest-scoring member of my team.
  • I keep hearing people saying good things about Darksiders which confuses the hell out of me, so I reinstalled it, and it's just as tedious as I'd remembered.
    I thought I might not have gotten very far but I've not got the horse and it's just as bad.
    From what I heard the beginning part sucks until you get into an event and then the game shifts to a zelda style and not the beat em up.
  • Finished Mario 3D land (both normal and special worlds) with all medals. Fantastic game! If you liked Galaxy 1 and 2, this is for you.

    Really impressed with the 3DS XL so far. The 3D effect is really quite stunning on that larger screen.
  • I've been spending a lot of time playing Rock Band Blitz and Retro/Grade during this past week. Retro/Grade especially, that game is mind-bending. I like all the challenges they include which take the normal tracks and change the gameplay in various ways to provide a bunch of different experiences. I feel like both of these games though are going to burn out pretty quickly, but I'll pick them back up every once in a while when I feel like it (which Rock Band 3 and Rocksmith have also become for me).
  • MineCraft.
    Have you finally jumped on the wagon?
  • MineCraft.
    Have you finally jumped on the wagon?
    I tried to start playing a year ago, but the game ran really freaking slowly on my laptop, so I decided to get it for XBLA.

    Totally converting a mountain into a fortress at the moment.
  • I picked up Bastion for iPad, but now I'm playing Super Hexagon.
  • I picked up Bastion for iPad,
    Ew. That does not sound like it would work very well, especially on some of the harder challenges.
  • It works great if youre used to good virtual touch joysticks/buttons. Only thing I had trouble doing consistently was using the shield... but I just rolled a lot anyway and usually forgot it even existed. Gotta use the 'classic controls' tho cause the default is some terrible shit. Im sure it also helps that I never played the pc version.
  • Gotta use the 'classic controls' tho cause the default is some terrible shit. I'm sure it also helps that I never played the pc version.
    Yeah, I switched to the default controls after half an hour and restarted. It made a huge difference.
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