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  • Calamity Cannon / Flame Bellows for the win.

    Brusher's Pike is also much better than you might expect due to its reach and knockback.
  • edited September 2012
    I bought it for Xbox because more of my real life friends only have xboxes. Plus I assume split screen will be much easier on xbox.
    Post edited by MATATAT on
  • I would except I already have my party with my apartment-mates. However, I am so excite for BL2.
    Oh god yes... I'll be playing non-stop until I finish it.

  • Wish it came out this week because I'm in for a mega-boring weekend.
  • edited September 2012
    Limbo. That's quite a game. If you follow me on Twitter, you'll see my other commentary on it.

    Also for those who will be playing Borderlands 2 next week, an informative PSA type thing.

    Yeah, I'm going play Siren class again. Jeremy wants to be that silly Assassin character, Zero. He doesn't look cool AT ALL.
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • I like pistols and melee, and running as fast as possible. Those are my things.
  • I like pistols and melee, and running as fast as possible. Those are my things.
    When given a choice of what variables to change in an fps I will always max out weapon accuracy, rate of fire, and damage per hit. That makes the game as easy as possible. Spraying becomes amazingly effective.
  • I had big plans to play through Borderlands 2 splitscreen with a friend, but the higher ups decided they want to move me back to a night shift, so now all Im gonna do when this game is released is flip the double birds at the Man and pop a wheelie all the way back to Lonely Night Shift Town.
  • I like pistols and melee, and running as fast as possible. Those are my things.
    When given a choice of what variables to change in an fps I will always max out weapon accuracy, rate of fire, and damage per hit. That makes the game as easy as possible. Spraying becomes amazingly effective.
    I enjoy the exhilaration of flying at a million miles per hour and then cutting someone down. This and stealth kills provide me with vastly more joy than just progressing a game.

  • FTL is awesome, but I've been playing a lot of [REDACTED] and [UNDER NDA] too. Also Battlestations: Pacific for some awesome pew pew action.

    Also, Scott, use drones. Drones are awesome, because they don't take very much power and can cause a lot of havoc. Specifically, anti-ship drones are incredible both in the early game and against the boss. Plus defense drones can shoot down missiles and lasers (somehow).

    Additionally, consider using bombs (firebombs) to blow away systems. Also teleporting crew members is basically the best.
  • FTL is awesome, but I've been playing a lot of [REDACTED] and [UNDER NDA] too. Also Battlestations: Pacific for some awesome pew pew action.

    Also, Scott, use drones. Drones are awesome, because they don't take very much power and can cause a lot of havoc. Specifically, anti-ship drones are incredible both in the early game and against the boss. Plus defense drones can shoot down missiles and lasers (somehow).

    Additionally, consider using bombs (firebombs) to blow away systems. Also teleporting crew members is basically the best.
    I think I said this already, the one time I was able to teleport crew, I had to spend my time making sure the teleported crew did not die. Meanwhile, my ship set on fire, nobody was there to put it out, and the teleporter broke so they couldn't get back to the ship.

    How can you get enough scrap to get drones and stealth and teleporters bombs and all that stuff? I would gladly load my ship up with every piece of equipment available, but there isn't enough turns to do that, and it's incredibly luck based.
  • FTL is awesome, but I've been playing a lot of [REDACTED] and [UNDER NDA] too. Also Battlestations: Pacific for some awesome pew pew action.

    Also, Scott, use drones. Drones are awesome, because they don't take very much power and can cause a lot of havoc. Specifically, anti-ship drones are incredible both in the early game and against the boss. Plus defense drones can shoot down missiles and lasers (somehow).

    Additionally, consider using bombs (firebombs) to blow away systems. Also teleporting crew members is basically the best.
    I think I said this already, the one time I was able to teleport crew, I had to spend my time making sure the teleported crew did not die. Meanwhile, my ship set on fire, nobody was there to put it out, and the teleporter broke so they couldn't get back to the ship.

    How can you get enough scrap to get drones and stealth and teleporters bombs and all that stuff? I would gladly load my ship up with every piece of equipment available, but there isn't enough turns to do that, and it's incredibly luck based.
    If you can manage to kill the crew of an attacking pirate ship/whatever rather than destroying the ship, you'll get a larger amount of scrap. Also, use the Engi ship if you haven't already. You start off with one drone, and you can use an Engi to run around repairing stuff. They're super good at that, especially leveled up.

    The key is to gain a huge amount of crew. To beat the end boss thingy you should end up having 8 or so, then you can afford to teleport people on the attack (maybe mantises or rock dudes) and have a full crew remain behind.

    I agree, a lot of it is luck. It is a roguelike, after all. Also, don't leave sectors too early. Put it off to the absolute last moment so you can make sure you're exploiting everything you can.
  • Ok, so let's say I start with Engi ship. Then I encounter an enemy right away. How do I kill them without destroying the ship?

    Let's say I get teleporter as soon as one is available at a shop, but my crew is still small due to luck. Do I send people over? How many?

    Should I just keep restarting the game until the very first ship has a teleporter and I get bonus crew right away?
  • edited September 2012
    You can't, at the beginning. The only way you can really do it is by killing their crew. So you'd either have to save up and get the teleporter, or get lucky and get something that can kill crew without damaging the ship. Like a telebomb. So that way you can use your Ion Blast 2 (with a ranked up crew member to make it recycle super fast) to keep their weapons down while bombing the hell out of their crew or 02.

    Also note that if you do manage to kill the crew of the slaver ship but not the ship itself you'll get 2 crew extra instead of one.

    Also if you manage to get a missile (any missile) to supplement the ion blast 2, use the ion blast 2 to wipe out weapons while the missile hits O2. Then just wait.

    Now trying to get the secret ship IS bullshit, although he made it easier in the last patch. You have to luck out and get like 3 rare things in a row, and then you have a chance of getting it. Maybe.
    Post edited by SquadronROE on
  • I've tried to hit the O2 and wait, but the problem is they keep repairing the O2. I end up hitting the O2 so much that the ship explodes.
  • Bombs are honestly the best way to do it, if you get them. It won't damage the ship. Fire bombs are even better because they'll eat up O2 and distract the crewmembers.
  • Bombs are honestly the best way to do it, if you get them. It won't damage the ship. Fire bombs are even better because they'll eat up O2 and distract the crewmembers.
    So I get the Engi ship with its drone. I buy a teleporter and bombs. Now I need both drone parts and missiles. I try really hard not to lose crew while teleporting. Even with increased scrap from ships, will it be enough to max out the shields and maybe get stealth before the end?
  • More than likely, if you don't jump out early and have some luck.

    Also note that you don't need to pay for drones, you'll pick up at least one each battle you do. Missiles are a little harder to find, but not really. So most of your scrap can go into your ship and a teleporter.
  • edited September 2012
    Alright bitches, I'm getting back into Burnout Paradise and Are you playing Burnout on PC?
    Post edited by ColombianShadow on
  • FTL is awesome, but I've been playing a lot of [REDACTED] and [UNDER NDA] too. Also Battlestations: Pacific for some awesome pew pew action.

    Also, Scott, use drones. Drones are awesome, because they don't take very much power and can cause a lot of havoc. Specifically, anti-ship drones are incredible both in the early game and against the boss. Plus defense drones can shoot down missiles and lasers (somehow).

    Additionally, consider using bombs (firebombs) to blow away systems. Also teleporting crew members is basically the best.
    How many crew members do you usually teleport over? My guys must suck at hand-to-hand fighting because they always die. Also, it seems to take me forever to get enough people to properly crew my ship, let alone have enough left over for away missions.
  • FTL is awesome, but I've been playing a lot of [REDACTED] and [UNDER NDA] too. Also Battlestations: Pacific for some awesome pew pew action.

    Also, Scott, use drones. Drones are awesome, because they don't take very much power and can cause a lot of havoc. Specifically, anti-ship drones are incredible both in the early game and against the boss. Plus defense drones can shoot down missiles and lasers (somehow).

    Additionally, consider using bombs (firebombs) to blow away systems. Also teleporting crew members is basically the best.
    How many crew members do you usually teleport over? My guys must suck at hand-to-hand fighting because they always die. Also, it seems to take me forever to get enough people to properly crew my ship, let alone have enough left over for away missions.
    Yeah, I have the same issues, and I'm playing on easy. I think there is some secret people are not telling us.
  • If you get boarded, huddle all your dudes into the medbay. They'll all live there, especially with an upgraded medbay. No one will die.

    If you want to game the system a little, do this and then vent alll the rooms to space except for the medbay. The AI will then send all their dudes to the medbay, since it'll be the only one not losing air.
  • If you get boarded, huddle all your dudes into the medbay. They'll all live there, especially with an upgraded medbay. No one will die.

    If you want to game the system a little, do this and then vent alll the rooms to space except for the medbay. The AI will then send all their dudes to the medbay, since it'll be the only one not losing air.
    Now THAT is advice I can use. I was always just waiting for the guys to eventually get to the medbay and crying as they destroyed all the other rooms.
  • Also, rockmen don't need air and are immune to fire. Use them if you have them, for boarding.
  • Had a great game of FTL and finally got up to the boss for the first time... and it wasn't even close. I guess my weapons weren't that strong because I couldn't even penetrate its shields and even though I survived for about 5 3-4 minutes, it was mostly just me scrambling around repairing things and putting out fires. Drones are awesome though.
  • I'm juggling between various games at the moment. From Bastion, Limbo, Super Mario Bros 2 (3DS), and other iOS games to now Offspring Fling on Steam.

    I saw it at PAX as one of the PAX 10. It has cutie plushies, but they weren't for sale. However, the display and how it was being played sold me.

    To play with the 360 controller, you have to set it up in options. It's not the best way to set up controls, but it works. It's brings back a lot of nostalgia from SNES puzzle platform games with an adorable animal lead.
  • edited September 2012
    FTL is now officially out. If you're at all intrigued by what we're talking about (dude, seriously, you can kill boarders by releasing all the air out of the ship.. unless they're robo-drones), buy it.

    Also to note, this game reminds me so much of Battlestations.

    Also, I finally moved on from FTL. Now I am playing Battlestations: Pacific to get my giant battleship pew-pew fix. Not sure what I'll play tonight since I'll have some dedicated gaming time, I have far too many choices. Maybe World of Tanks or some more Tekkit.
    Post edited by SquadronROE on
  • FTL is now officially out. If you're at all intrigued by what we're talking about (dude, seriously, you can kill boarders by releasing all the air out of the ship.. unless they're robo-drones), buy it.

    Also to note, this game reminds me so much of Battlestations.

    Also, I finally moved on from FTL. Now I am playing Battlestations: Pacific to get my giant battleship pew-pew fix. Not sure what I'll play tonight since I'll have some dedicated gaming time, I have far too many choices. Maybe World of Tanks or some more Tekkit.
    I've never played Battlestations, but Faster Than Light reminds me of Space Alert, which is a very good thing.

  • FTL is now officially out. If you're at all intrigued by what we're talking about (dude, seriously, you can kill boarders by releasing all the air out of the ship.. unless they're robo-drones), buy it.

    Also to note, this game reminds me so much of Battlestations.

    Also, I finally moved on from FTL. Now I am playing Battlestations: Pacific to get my giant battleship pew-pew fix. Not sure what I'll play tonight since I'll have some dedicated gaming time, I have far too many choices. Maybe World of Tanks or some more Tekkit.
    I've never played Battlestations, but Faster Than Light reminds me of Space Alert, which is a very good thing.

    I've never played Space Alert, though I've heard it's fantastic. Battlestations, I think, is a bit more RPG-esque. There's a person working as GM during it.
  • FTL is hot shit. Loving it.
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