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  • Anyone up to play a Civ V game?
  • I tried NS2. It wasn't a very good experience. The actual game part is fine. I'm looking forward to playing some more after watching a tutorial. But I get 30ish FPS with very low settings on a 7870XT. I should not. The only other recent games I've tried, Tomb Raider and Bioshock Infinite both run at 60FPS with vsync and fancy hair and what not. Those games look a lot better. Older games I tried are Metro 2033, runs just fine, F-Zero GX, just fine, Dark Souls, at least better than on Xbox and Hot Pursuit, which runs like dogshit.

    I also got other technical issues with the game. Booting up the game takes longer than it should, and escaping my mouse is buggy. The settings page shows my microphone as working. It works just fine in Skype. Yet in-game, my microphone doesn't transmit sound. And literally 20% of the game is spent looking from outside the map in, if you play as the default guy and walk along the walls.

    The first round, I had an awesome commander. Tons of fun, even though I was sucking, and had no idea what any of the names he said meant. But my microphone didn't work, so I couldn't ask to be tutorialized. Second round, third and fourth round, commander sucked. Said like 2 words during the entire thing.

    (First guy was clearly European, second clearly American. Just throwing that out there =P I don't think it's a good thing the communities have combined after all)

    Edit: First launch, I was met with a black screen for like.. 30 seconds. If when you press launch in Steam, and the game doesn't immediately work as advertised on any supported computer, you should not release that game. Fix it, then release it.
    Works fine on my 6870, just gotta lower the settings.
  • I just beat Bioshock Infinite last night. Not gonna get too much into it, but I felt it was a vast improvement above the first two games, in terms of both gameplay and artistic merits. Incredible, vibrant environments, extremely smooth/slick-feeling gameplay, awesome skyhook mechanics, excellent story with a satisfying ending, and not to mention the best partner character I've ever seen, in terms of both her character and partner AI.

    tl;dr Play Bioshock Infinite you fuck.
  • Playing new X-Com because Andrew gave it to me for free. Pretty good game guys. Glad I wasn't in a rush to play it. Just as fun now as when it came out. Saving money because patience.

    Anyway, I am in a dilemma. I started off the game suboptimally, so there's a few parts of the world that are panicking. I also probably have to abandon this really hard terror mission. Way too many cyberdiscs. Kind of thinking about restarting.

    However, I am actually doing well in other parts of the game. I researched a ton of stuff. Some of my guys are really strong and well equipped. If I restart the whole thing, I'll have to do a lot of stuff over again.

    le sigh
  • I say, let it ride.
  • I always let my first game of X-Com ride (when I'd pick up old X-Com after a long hiatus). It's always worth it.
  • Alright, letting it ride. Going down in a blaze of glory. I only have one soldier I really care about. She started out with a shotgun, didn't die, automatically got the nickname "shotsy". Now she has awesome armor and the only plasma rifle we've got. I'm just about to upgrade the skyrangers as well.
  • Since it was free on PSN I am trying out Spec Ops the Line.
  • On my third run through, I ended up with a bunch of nicknamed soldiers, so I ended up re-naming them after forum people at random, just for laughs.
  • On my third run through, I ended up with a bunch of nicknamed soldiers, so I ended up re-naming them after forum people at random, just for laughs.
    It's funny, when I play JRPGs I always change all the names. Everyone thought I was crazy because I didn't know who Locke was in FF6, I only knew Scott. Meanwhile in X-Com I'm leaving all the defaults.
  • I'm imagining Scott renamed every single FF6 character to Scott.
  • I Renamed All my newbies "Meat Shieldson" or "Kenneth N. Fodder" until they made sergeant, then they got their names back. I'm a firm believer in Imperial Guard Infantry Tactics.
  • Playing Arma 3 for hilarity and also more Wargame: European Escalation. If anyone wants Arma 3 Alpha Lite version let me know. I have tons of random invites.
  • On my third run through, I ended up with a bunch of nicknamed soldiers, so I ended up re-naming them after forum people at random, just for laughs.
    It's funny, when I play JRPGs I always change all the names. Everyone thought I was crazy because I didn't know who Locke was in FF6, I only knew Scott. Meanwhile in X-Com I'm leaving all the defaults.
    I've gone through several iterations of papa smurf. He looks like Dick Butkus with blue hair.
  • Aaaaaaaaaaaand War Thunder wins April Fools:

  • On my third run through, I ended up with a bunch of nicknamed soldiers, so I ended up re-naming them after forum people at random, just for laughs.
    It's funny, when I play JRPGs I always change all the names. Everyone thought I was crazy because I didn't know who Locke was in FF6, I only knew Scott. Meanwhile in X-Com I'm leaving all the defaults.
    I suppose it's a bit different in Xcom, because Xcom doesn't have a Locke, or a Terra, or a Sabin, they're all randomly generated. I never bothered with JRPGs, but I'll often do that sort of thing with random-name-generator style characters in games. Except The Sims, because that's just a little bit creepy.

    I will note, you were an Assault, IIRC. You survived the Alien Invasion of Earth. Congratulations.
  • Yeah, is there some way to control what class a rookie becomes?

    Also, how do you equip the skyrangers with different weapons?
  • Check out Papers, Please. It's a free pc/mac game (still in beta) that you can finish in like 15 minutes. It's really weird but strangely compelling.
  • Yeah, is there some way to control what class a rookie becomes?

    Also, how do you equip the skyrangers with different weapons?
    I don't think so. Also, Skyrangers are transports and don't have weapons.

  • edited April 2013
    Yeah, is there some way to control what class a rookie becomes?

    Also, how do you equip the skyrangers with different weapons?
    I don't think so. Also, Skyrangers are transports and don't have weapons.

    I meant interceptors. I already encountered one gigantic alien craft that my guys couldn't shoot down.
    Post edited by Apreche on
  • Also, how do you equip the skyrangers with different weapons?
    IIRC, in your hangar, you get your ship list, if you highlight one and click "Details", then on that screen, there should be an Edit Loadout button.

  • I thought there was some comment a ways back that you can vaguely control what class a rookie gets if you get all four rookies in your first squad to level up at the same time (you would get one of each class?).
  • I thought there was some comment a ways back that you can vaguely control what class a rookie gets if you get all four rookies in your first squad to level up at the same time (you would get one of each class?).
    HAHAHAHA You really expect a team of four rookies to have no casualties? I'm on normal, and that's next to impossible.
  • I'm near the end of a normal playthrough with, IIRC, a single casualty.
  • edited April 2013
    You can look at the memorial if you zoom in on the barracks, I think.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • Man, old X-Com I'd fill a skyranger with four extra rookies instead of a tank. Armed with nothing but grenades and rockets, they'd bust out, fuck everything up around my ingress point, and then run back onto the skyranger if they weren't killed.

    In general, I'd lose 2-5 troops most every serious mission.
  • Me and my friend agreed to do classic + ironman from the beginning (despite never having played xcom old or new). After four quick restarts I had gotten literally one story mission away from beating it (needed a levelled psychic). Then I fucked up a terror mission in the meantime and my funding got pulled.

    I never knew a game-over cutscene could make my heart sink that low.

  • I now have the mission to infiltrate the secret alien base available. Not going on that mission until I upgrade some shit.
  • That goddamned base. I think that was the mission where I lost my squad leader. RIP Lt. Vargas.
  • Well, I lost. It was really anticlimactic. I just got my satellite nexus up and running, and I was launching satellites to help people out. Then suddenly the monthly report and they shut it down. Game over. BOOOO. LAME. I was rocking all kinds of plasma weapons, too.

    I guess I couldn't afford to ignore all those terror missions. They're an impossible catch-22. You either go out there and die, losing a whole squad of soldiers and equipment, or you ignore. Either way the terrorized country is going to panic and leave the project. Guess I'll give it another go.
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