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  • edited December 2013
    So my first ending was the museum ending. My critique of the game was that, if one plays The Stanley Parable as they would Portal or some other game (even if aware that the game has tricks up its sleeve based on choice) there is a strong likelihood that the museum ending is one that would be encountered first, as the setup for it follows what another game would use for saying "hey this is the right way, over here, not the obvious path in front of you."

    And, because of the way that ending plays out... it lacks some context and seemed confusing. The museum ending was more satisfying and understandable when I had seen a few others and then went back to it.

    Or am I the only one?
    Post edited by SWATrous on
  • edited December 2013
    I got the Insane ending the first time to check if there was anything downstairs.

    I was mystified for the next minute and then realised how awesome the game was and started looking everywhere in the map.

    However if you have played the Portal games you understand you should always question what the announcer is telling you and you are compelled to refuse what they ask.
    Post edited by sK0pe on
  • Anyone else playing Contrast? So far I'm enjoying it, but I'm confused what Dawn has to do with any of the other characters. My working theory is that she's the little girl's imaginary friend because no one else has interacted with her, but I'm only an hour in.
  • edited December 2013
    Greg - spoilers...

    I played through it on the PS4 and found it mostly enjoyable. There were a few areas that at first I was like WTF? Than I was like WhyTF?

    A few of the areas have jumpy spots that are more difficult than they should be because they are not part of a puzzle and they are clearly the only way to go.

    The story is the game and the puzzles are just a price you have to pay to reveal the story.
    Post edited by HMTKSteve on
  • edited January 2014
    Thanks again for the game Vino! image
    Post edited by Pegu on
  • Finally got around to finishing up my first play-through of Chrono Trigger on the DS. I had stopped playing it for a while due to things coming up and never getting back to it. Seems when I stopped I was about to head into the final battle, which I wish I had realized at the time.
  • I might need to check out prison architect again. I was really into that game for a while but stopped so I wouldn't get burnt out before the game actually comes out.
  • Played a co-op mission of ARMA3 with grey. It was predictably difficult, but it ended up getting silly.

    Objectives - Blow ammo dump, kill rebel leader, extract.

    Methods unsuccessfully attempted - Sneak up, sniper kill, blow dump with charges. Sneak up, sudden assault, charges. Balls out running assault. Slow and steady, sneaking around killing one by one. Lots of tactical, careful movement, and regularly planting different combinations of charges.

    Successful method - Drive up in eight-wheeled diesel truck, blow the dump with an anti-tank rocket, jump back in truck, drive up to house that rebel leader is chillin' in, sprint into the house, drop kit-bag full of demo-charges in the first corner you don't get shot in, sprint back out to the truck, drive away, reduce house and occupants to fine powder from safe distance, drive away to extraction, cackling like idiots.
  • Playing the 4th Layton game (Last Specter). Almost 3 hours in. It's more Layton.
  • I almost forgot to mention - This is after we missed the insertion chopper because we didn't know that walking near it would trigger it's takeoff countdown, and we ended up driving said truck from our home base, about 35-40 minutes across the Altis landscape on a heavily armed virtual roadtrip. And it was the second time, after we'd figure out a better route. The first time, we took about 50 minutes to drive in, spent three minutes walking, and then were immediately shot to death as soon as we came across an enemy patrol.
  • I bought the DayZ standalone. Ran into a guy, wandered around with him for a bit. Found a canteen and a hat. wandered North a bit and came across a farm that had a water pump I could drink up and fill my canteen. There was also a barn that I went into and to the top, nothing up there. Fall off the side of the barn. Now I have two broken legs crawling around in the middle of nowhere...
  • MATATAT said:

    I bought the DayZ standalone. Ran into a guy, wandered around with him for a bit. Found a canteen and a hat. wandered North a bit and came across a farm that had a water pump I could drink up and fill my canteen. There was also a barn that I went into and to the top, nothing up there. Fall off the side of the barn. Now I have two broken legs crawling around in the middle of nowhere...

    Sounds like you got the DayZ experience indeed.
  • Mario 3D world is quite possibly the BEST game that the LEAST amount of people will ever play.

    Best:Least ratio is through the roof.
  • I bought Rust after hearing about it on the last Bombcast. I had seen it topping Steam but it kinda looked dumb and I didn't really get the appeal of it. My friend had bought a copy and was telling me about it so I spent the rest of my giftcard on it. It's confusing as hell at first and I died three times or so before my friend and I found each other and also didn't get killed. The kicker about the game is that you are still "active" in the world after you log off so people can come murder you for your shit. So you need to build up defenses and hide your house somewhere. My friend had been killed previously so we were starting over. The only persistent thing is you can learn crafting off of these blueprints you either find on zombies you kill or if you get a research kit and some paper you can learn to craft any item you find.

    So naturally people are forming colonies and murdering each other. My friend and I found a nice spot to set up camp at the top of this hill surrounded by rocks. We find out quickly after that we are near like the most decked out guy on the server who apparently raids a bunch of people. Luckily the draw distance is short enough that unless you head in the direction a ways you cant see our base from his and hopefully he just won't go over there at all since we're sort of at the perimeter of habitable land. So then a plane flies overhead and I'm like WTF is that. It drops these two crates out of it and I start heading towards on of them. The guy who has all the shit on the server asks one of his lackeys to go get it so I bail out real quick. I got some explosive material which apparently only drops from the boxes so it was a good find. It also had a bunch of metal and some gunpowder so I was able to build a 9mm and some bullets. So I go out scouting and kill a couple zombies and find a research box and some paper. When you have paper and a research box you can learn to craft any item in the game so I learned how to craft the explosive material. I also found a flare which combined with explosives makes a C4 charge which will take down metal doors with two of them. I found a hidden place and put a box there to hide my stuff near my camp.

    So tomorrow hopefully I'm still alive and if not then I'm hoping my secret stash hasn't been found. Then I'm gonna try and get enough resources and fuck with the guy who has all the stuff.
  • Finally got around playing Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon as I got it on the Sale.

    It sure is some fun fps action with decent mix of sneaking in the grass with bow and arrow and shotgun to the face action parts. Usually I approach situation trying to stealth, fuck it up and take out big guns and start re-enacting Commando.
  • I don't like the "The Volunteer" mission in XCOM. What I liked about that game is that losing didn't stop progress, but that mission totally defeats that premise.
  • Greg said:

    I don't like the "The Volunteer" mission in XCOM. What I liked about that game is that losing didn't stop progress, but that mission totally defeats that premise.

    Do you mean the Temple Ship Assault?

  • sK0pe said:

    Greg said:

    I don't like the "The Volunteer" mission in XCOM. What I liked about that game is that losing didn't stop progress, but that mission totally defeats that premise.

    Do you mean the Temple Ship Assault?

  • Greg said:

    sK0pe said:

    Greg said:

    I don't like the "The Volunteer" mission in XCOM. What I liked about that game is that losing didn't stop progress, but that mission totally defeats that premise.

    Do you mean the Temple Ship Assault?

    So can you elaborate on the defeated premise, did you lose funding to 8 countries and still get onto the Temple Ship?

  • sK0pe said:

    Greg said:

    sK0pe said:

    Greg said:

    I don't like the "The Volunteer" mission in XCOM. What I liked about that game is that losing didn't stop progress, but that mission totally defeats that premise.

    Do you mean the Temple Ship Assault?

    So can you elaborate on the defeated premise, did you lose funding to 8 countries and still get onto the Temple Ship?

    No, it's the mission-based loss that bugs me. I've had entire squads die on missions and it let me keep playing. If my volunteer dies, I should be able to just get a new psi ops dude and keep going.
  • Played a bit of dayz standalone. It's much more polished than the demo, and Chernerus looks beautiful redesigned, but there isn't a lot of content in it yet. I walked around and ran into a friend, and eventually kitted myself out with three guns and two types of ammo (neither of which match the guns I have). So now I'm huddled in the Green Mountain tower waiting for new content to get released or some friends to go up to the NW airfield with.

    Also, Churbs, that sounds like the Arma experience. We should play sometime.
  • Also, Churbs, that sounds like the Arma experience. We should play sometime.

    I guarenfuckingtee that dumb shit will happen.
  • edited January 2014
    I once tried to arm an M2 SLAM without reading anything about how they work. Good news: It exploded fine and destroyed the objective! Bad news: It took me and about half my squad with it.
    Post edited by YoshoKatana on
  • We had a similar thing trying to blow the ammo dump, and it was from there that the "reduce house to powder" plan arose from - We're taking cover in a brick building next to the ammo dump, and I've hit the clacker on the charges, figuring that the house would protect us from the blast. Which it technically did, before it fell in on us.

    Also amusing, the time we got shot, because I was too busy telling grey about how he shouldn't go near the red triangles, because I was mining the corpses of the patrol we'd managed to kill somehow. Though there was that terrifying moment when I heard him say "What's that triangle?", turned, looked, and see him running towards both be and the active APERS mine three feet behind me.
  • Greg said:

    sK0pe said:

    Greg said:

    sK0pe said:

    Greg said:

    I don't like the "The Volunteer" mission in XCOM. What I liked about that game is that losing didn't stop progress, but that mission totally defeats that premise.

    Do you mean the Temple Ship Assault?

    So can you elaborate on the defeated premise, did you lose funding to 8 countries and still get onto the Temple Ship?

    No, it's the mission-based loss that bugs me. I've had entire squads die on missions and it let me keep playing. If my volunteer dies, I should be able to just get a new psi ops dude and keep going.
    I just want to be able to finish that mission. Three times, through various bugs, the game has crashed on me during that mission. I suspect it doesn't like some of the Enemy Within mechanics as all the bugs revolve around gene mods and their use.
  • edited January 2014
    Greg said:

    sK0pe said:

    Greg said:

    sK0pe said:

    Greg said:

    I don't like the "The Volunteer" mission in XCOM. What I liked about that game is that losing didn't stop progress, but that mission totally defeats that premise.

    Do you mean the Temple Ship Assault?

    So can you elaborate on the defeated premise, did you lose funding to 8 countries and still get onto the Temple Ship?

    No, it's the mission-based loss that bugs me. I've had entire squads die on missions and it let me keep playing. If my volunteer dies, I should be able to just get a new psi ops dude and keep going.
    Oh I know what you mean now, I never actually let my volunteer die but it's similar to the rest of the game, finality and persistence. There is only one volunteer so the game developers are hoping people role play that situation and protect him/her.

    Are you playing with Enemy Within DLC or without?
    Dromaro said:

    I just want to be able to finish that mission. Three times, through various bugs, the game has crashed on me during that mission. I suspect it doesn't like some of the Enemy Within mechanics as all the bugs revolve around gene mods and their use.

    I finished it on my first play through with an all gene mod squad, I'm on my second play through at the moment. What abilities are bugged out for you or which part of the mission?
    Post edited by sK0pe on
  • sK0pe said:

    Greg said:

    sK0pe said:

    Greg said:

    sK0pe said:

    Greg said:

    I don't like the "The Volunteer" mission in XCOM. What I liked about that game is that losing didn't stop progress, but that mission totally defeats that premise.

    Do you mean the Temple Ship Assault?

    So can you elaborate on the defeated premise, did you lose funding to 8 countries and still get onto the Temple Ship?

    No, it's the mission-based loss that bugs me. I've had entire squads die on missions and it let me keep playing. If my volunteer dies, I should be able to just get a new psi ops dude and keep going.
    Oh I know what you mean now, I never actually let my volunteer die but it's similar to the rest of the game, finality and persistence. There is only one volunteer so the game developers are hoping people role play that situation and protect him/her.

    Are you playing with Enemy Within DLC or without?
  • I'm playing League of Legends again. I feel like I'm surprisingly competent this time around.
  • Greg said:

    sK0pe said:

    Greg said:

    sK0pe said:

    Greg said:

    sK0pe said:

    Greg said:

    I don't like the "The Volunteer" mission in XCOM. What I liked about that game is that losing didn't stop progress, but that mission totally defeats that premise.

    Do you mean the Temple Ship Assault?

    So can you elaborate on the defeated premise, did you lose funding to 8 countries and still get onto the Temple Ship?

    No, it's the mission-based loss that bugs me. I've had entire squads die on missions and it let me keep playing. If my volunteer dies, I should be able to just get a new psi ops dude and keep going.
    Oh I know what you mean now, I never actually let my volunteer die but it's similar to the rest of the game, finality and persistence. There is only one volunteer so the game developers are hoping people role play that situation and protect him/her.

    Are you playing with Enemy Within DLC or without?
    Regardless of the volunteer mechanic, if you found Enemy Unknown interesting, I strongly recommend Enemy Within.

    The difference is immense, it gives the game dramatic depth that was missing in the vanilla release, there is no wrong choice, there is no obvious tech path to follow, multiple strategies can be used with similar efficiency.

    Plus having to worry about a 3rd presence in the world adds some great complexity and fun extra strategy to worry about.

    It is one of the few DLC's which change a game from an above par game to a great game.

    It is one of the few games which produces cool emergent stories that I usually only ever find in multi-player games. Like that time my shotgun assault was rushed by a berserker and 2 mutons yet she killed all 3 on reaction and perk shots as the last remaining squad member.

    I guess it's the finality of death for your characters who you train up.
  • My toddler started up Bionic Dues by mashing on the keyboard when the TV was off, so according to Steam, I've got 8 hours under my belt now.
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