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  • edited January 2014
    I'm playing a decent amount of pokemon Y just in random moments where I have two-fifteen minutes to play with. I don't mind wondertrade, even though I send out decent pokemon, they're always ones I have doubles of, and I'm yet to get one that I already had. But still, stop sending out level two fucking Pokemon you assholes.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • edited January 2014
    Beat the Elite Four in Pokemon X. I've noticed that this game has a lot of trainers with fewer, higher-level Pokemon - it makes the trainer battles reasonably challenging, but they usually don't take up too many resources. I'm a bit surprised, though, because even the Elite Four only used four Pokemon each - I think the Champion is the first trainer you face in the game who uses a full six-mon team.
    Post edited by Linkigi(Link-ee-jee) on
  • sK0pe said:

    Dromaro said:

    I just want to be able to finish that mission. Three times, through various bugs, the game has crashed on me during that mission. I suspect it doesn't like some of the Enemy Within mechanics as all the bugs revolve around gene mods and their use.

    I finished it on my first play through with an all gene mod squad, I'm on my second play through at the moment. What abilities are bugged out for you or which part of the mission?
    I forget the name of the specific mod but it's the one where you can detect unseen enemies. That accounts for two of them. I even reproduced it to make sure that's the one. The other, iirc, involved an interaction with my teams adrenal neurosympathy. It somehow proc'd on a mind controlled Muton and when the MC ended, down she went.
  • didn't realize Artemis is on Steam.. We should get on this!
  • Shit, guys, why didn't anyone warn me how many feels Bioshock Infinite would give me?
  • Don't worry it will go away soon enough and make you not care about it :-p

    Also, anyone notice how Steam is getting attacked a lot now. This is like the third major outage in 2 weeks.
  • I don't know about feels I remember there being a heavy exposition dump in the last 15 minutes.
  • Cremlian said:

    Don't worry it will go away soon enough and make you not care about it :-p

    Also, anyone notice how Steam is getting attacked a lot now. This is like the third major outage in 2 weeks.

    Well at least some of these are due to targeted hacks by "Derp" on certain game streamers of Dota 2.

    If I put my tinfoil hat on it could be Sony and Microsoft attacking Steam because they are collectively shitting themselves at having to face a system that has 400 launch titles, is cheaper and has more functional computing power than their consoles and doesn't use physical media.
  • The current build of the Wasteland 2 beta certainly has it in for characters armed with firearms. The enemy units still run past other targets to get into hand to hand with a guy with a gun. At this point my party of four has two gunners and two fisters. By fisters I mean large men with spiked clubs. By gunners I mean small wimpy people that I use to force the enemy units into running a gauntlet through my bludgeon brothers in order to even get near them.
  • HMTKSteve said:

    By fisters I mean large men with spiked clubs.

    Hey, I think I've been to that bar before.

  • MATATAT said:

    I don't know about feels I remember there being a heavy exposition dump in the last 15 minutes.

    Elizabeth's desperate Utena-esque escape from her prison, the rise and fall of the Vox Populi, Comstock stealing the fame from real soldiers -- there's no lack of feels in that game. Well, there is, but it's Booker DeWitt and he's kind of marginal.
  • I dunno I thought those were interesting but they didn't move me in any way. I felt like the best characters in that game where the Lutece twins.
  • I kinda hate Bioshock: Infinite as a game, but did really enjoy parts of the window dressing. Generic Shooter: The railroad between interesting bits.
  • I'll be playing BioShock:Infinite soon, it is on the PS+ free list for Jan.
  • edited January 2014
    Fuck that ending. I was ready to give that game a 9.0 if they would just take Elizabeth to Paris. And if you're going to do this whole "every universe exists" sort of thing, maybe a multiple endings mechanic would work better than railroading the player through a long series of expository events.

    EDIT: and what was with those three moral choice QTEs at the very beginning if they never went anywhere!?
    Post edited by Greg on
  • Science be, Endless Space is fantastic. Not as polished as Civ but it's a space turn based 4X. I'm all kinds of addicted.
  • I'm playing EVE Online, which may or may not be a terrible idea.
    The interface and new player experience has improved by a magnitude since I bounced off the game in my 14-day trial in 2012, and I'm really enjoying roaming around in nullsec and making internet spaceships explode with my corp. I'm going to start training up to suicide gank miners just after I finish off the last few days of my Covert Ops cloaky ship training. Thanks to most of my corpmates being rich and generous (and my ships being relatively ultra cheap), I haven't had to do any grindy crap, trading, scamming or exploration to pay for my ships.

    Immediately joining a Nullsec corp is the best way to play EVE.
  • I got really into EVE for a week around Memorial Day of last year, then I went to Europe for a week and a half. Then when I came back I couldn't get back into it. I want to give it another shot though.
  • I tried really hard to play Far Cry 3 but that game has more bugs and glitches than anything I've ever played before. I haven't been able to get it to run truly stable.

    I've run it at 2560x1600 with full ultra settings for 4 - 6 hours. Followed by video card crashes or the game crashing.
    Tried it at 1920x1200 with all AA settings off no AO. Only lasted 15 minutes.

    Reduced the video quality settings to low / medium / high, the game varies from playable for hours to crashing out within minutes. The majority of these crashes are in menu screens and auto save points.

    The engine is supposed to be based on a modified Cryengine. I've run and played Crysis 1 - 3 completely fine, 2 and 3 were easier than 1.

    I'm not even sure it's the engine's fault it could be totally with the Uplay interface running in the background and having conflicts with Steam.

    Luckily I bought it for $8 using leftover money from selling steam cards.

    Fool me twice Ubisoft shame on me.
  • Sounds like its your machine. Never have I had video card crashes in any game and on top of that Far Cry 3 ran perfectly the entire time I played it. Maybe you just need to update firmware or drivers?
  • I bought it for five, but I can't even get it to launch. Ubisoft's Uplay thing keeps crashing.
  • MATATAT said:

    Sounds like its your machine. Never have I had video card crashes in any game and on top of that Far Cry 3 ran perfectly the entire time I played it. Maybe you just need to update firmware or drivers?

    I updated everything, cleaned everything out with the Driver Fusion (new verison of Driver Sweeper) after running AMD's full uninstall of all the drivers and reinstalled all new drivers clean.

    No disk errors, virtually no drive fragmentation (I still haven't bought an SSD).

    Every other game is running fine from Source engine, Unreal engine and Cryengine games.

    On top of that I can't try running it directly from Uplay because it wants to check DRM with Steam first.
  • Greg said:

    I bought it for five, but I can't even get it to launch. Ubisoft's Uplay thing keeps crashing.

    I've heard that you can sort that out by doing a manual uninstall, and then re-installing from the downloaded version from the Ubisoft site.
  • edited January 2014
    sK0pe said:

    MATATAT said:

    Sounds like its your machine. Never have I had video card crashes in any game and on top of that Far Cry 3 ran perfectly the entire time I played it. Maybe you just need to update firmware or drivers?

    I updated everything, cleaned everything out with the Driver Fusion (new verison of Driver Sweeper) after running AMD's full uninstall of all the drivers and reinstalled all new drivers clean.

    No disk errors, virtually no drive fragmentation (I still haven't bought an SSD).

    Every other game is running fine from Source engine, Unreal engine and Cryengine games.

    On top of that I can't try running it directly from Uplay because it wants to check DRM with Steam first.
    Hmm, might be AMD cards being funky. Nvidia works well but most developers develop for Nvidia and then try and make it work for AMD. Although it could just be Uplay, it could be some software conflicting with Uplay. Hard to tell.
    Post edited by MATATAT on
  • This is why I only buy ubisoft titles on consoles.
  • I have three Ubisoft games.

    Ass Creed - I don't know which one. Got it for free, I think with some Newegg purchse.

    Heroes of Might & Magic VI - Got it for free.

    The Settlers 7 - Gifted to me on Steam.

    When I know there's UPlay involved, my wallet shuts.
  • Well like I said I've never had an issue with any Ubisoft game on Uplay so I'm fine with buying PC. They still push their Uplay bullshit on you with consoles too. Pops up every time I start up Splinter Cell.
  • They do force the uplay on consoles but I have never had a console ubisoft game refuse to work at all because of no internet.
  • MATATAT said:

    Well like I said I've never had an issue with any Ubisoft game on Uplay so I'm fine with buying PC. They still push their Uplay bullshit on you with consoles too. Pops up every time I start up Splinter Cell.

    Ditto that for singleplayer, though Omnutia is having some problems with them right now.

    Trials HD, however, has multiplayer through uplay rather than steamworks, and it's fucking garbage. Grey and I spent about an hour trying to get that shit working, never managed it.
  • Understandable, none of the games I own that use Uplay would I ever play multi on. More accurately I don't think there are any games Ubisoft makes that I would be interested in playing multi on. Maybe Splinter Cell but I haven't cared enough to figure out what my login info is to sign on for the game.
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