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  • While having a Uplay requirement has never been the sole reason that kept me from buying a Ubisoft game, as far as I'm concerned their "service" can EABOD and DIAF on the PC. It's a complete and utter crock that the Ubi games that I've purchased through Steam have to launch the Uplay launcher, which then in turn is used to launch the game. It's also a crock that if I go to start up the single Uplay game I own that's non-Steam, none of the games I've purchased through Steam show up as being able to be launched in that stand-alone launcher. The whole point of having a service like Uplay should be to unify the gaming experience, not fragment it if the games were purchased from different vendors.

    Speaking of Ubisoft, I'm fiddling around with AC4 on the 360 in my meager amounts of free time. I would've bought it on the PC, but my gaming rig is in dire need of being replaced since it is uber-outdated at this point. I'm still loving the ship-to-ship combat that we first saw in 3, despite the main combat being MOTSS.
  • MATATAT said:

    Understandable, none of the games I own that use Uplay would I ever play multi on. More accurately I don't think there are any games Ubisoft makes that I would be interested in playing multi on. Maybe Splinter Cell but I haven't cared enough to figure out what my login info is to sign on for the game.

    Nah, the Assassin's creed series has some pretty enjoyable multiplayer, Trials is a fucking blast in multiplayer, and Splinter cell has a few games in the series with pretty good co-op and vs multiplayer. Far Cry 3 apparently has a fun enough co-op.

  • I was dumb I forgot to reduce "Post FX" to low, I can run everything on highest quality now but running at native 2560x1600 still cuts the FPS in half and turns the room into a hot box.
    Scaled down to 1920x1200 it runs like every other game.

    The errors were occurring when blur would start up and this often happened with quick time events.

    The other time is if someone else in the house starts torrenting or using heavy internet, if a Uplay action is triggered and the client can't reach the server within a set amount of time the game crashes.

    Who writes a program like this?
  • sK0pe said:

    Who writes a program like this?

    Over-zealous publishers that think the way to end all piracy is to implement overly-draconian DRM schemes that impact the actual customers more than the pirates, just so they can say to their shareholders, "LOOK! LOOK! We're doing all these bullet points to prevent piracy and those evil people are still taking money out of your pockets!"
  • Also likely is that they don't want their games to require the installation of a competing market so they can have full control over what gets advertised to their customers.
    There were game shops trying to stop the stocking of PC games that came with Steamworks as they saw it taking away customers. Not that many game shops stock many PC games any more.
  • Omnutia said:

    Also likely is that they don't want their games to require the installation of a competing market so they can have full control over what gets advertised to their customers.
    There were game shops trying to stop the stocking of PC games that came with Steamworks as they saw it taking away customers. Not that many game shops stock many PC games any more.

    I've found there's a rule of thumb that works here - if it's on PC, and full Australia tax is in effect, then it will be available in stores. If not, then chances are much lower. The exception being older games, in which case your chances are usually always low anyway.
  • edited January 2014
    Due to Kethane generation, this small island was the only place with a deposit in easy reach. Took until Dumbo Mk VI to even get to the ground.. it then flipped over forwards and only the cockpit survived.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • edited January 2014
    Second attempt..
    I was laughing so hard.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • Bioshock 1 is extremely boring. The first fifteen minutes I loved, but two hours later I couldn't find a reason to keep playing.
  • So a little late to the party, I just started playing Heroes of Might and Magic. I got it with Xbox’s free with gold deal a little while back and had not got to it tell last night. I am now very addicted.
  • Greg said:

    Bioshock 1 is extremely boring. The first fifteen minutes I loved, but two hours later I couldn't find a reason to keep playing.

    Sounds like a Bioshock game. I've finished the first and Infinite, and payed full price for Infinite, but I know those feels.
  • I played through and enjoyed all of Infinite, but I agree that BS1 was hard to finish for lack of interest. BS2 is slightly better.

    I started the first episode of the Burial at Sea DLC (I bought the Season Pass and this is the first thing I've given a crap about) and got bored about 20 minutes in and now can't care less about finishing it. :(
  • I loved that opening bit where you get to see Rapture populated, but once you got sent to the department store I just stopped giving a damn. I hear you play as Elizabeth if you stick with it, but the Elizabeth in that universe is so drastically different from the Elizabeth in the main game that she might as well be a different character (one which I don't like as much), so that's not a huge selling point to me.
  • Hearthstone. Very good.
    League of Legends.
    Card Hunter.

    I should play some more Steam games.
  • edited January 2014
    Greg said:

    I loved that opening bit where you get to see Rapture populated, but once you got sent to the department store I just stopped giving a damn. I hear you play as Elizabeth if you stick with it, but the Elizabeth in that universe is so drastically different from the Elizabeth in the main game that she might as well be a different character (one which I don't like as much), so that's not a huge selling point to me.

    Considering how that game turns out, aren't they all Elizabeth in the main universe? Or rather, that all Elizabeths are in the main universe? IIRC, we do see this Elizabeth in regular infinite.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Played Saints Row 4. It was basically Saints Row fanservice the game. Basically 80% of the game was callbacks and references to the older games in the series and I was totally fine with that as I've played 2 and 3 and know enough about the first one to get the references.

    I just wish that the game would have a little more polish. Lots of unintentional bugs and some of the side missions could have deserved a second thought. There were already a decent running side missions so why did they have to make second shitty running side mission type?
  • Greg said:

    Bioshock 1 is extremely boring. The first fifteen minutes I loved, but two hours later I couldn't find a reason to keep playing.

    It picks up a bit after you get over a hump but I agree. Took me a second try to actually play through it. The key is to just say fuck it and run past most of the shit to make it go faster.
  • Wyatt said:

    League of Legends.

    Wait, are you that Wyatt21 on my friends list?
  • Played a few hours of Hearthstone. It's a cool game but fuck losing every match because at the last minute my opponent pulls out some insane card that I don't have. Granted I'm not the best at the game, but when victory is in sight and they pull out some card that does 10 direct damage that I don't have and I lose then it is just stupid.
  • Trying to clean up the last of the Robolution collecting achievements in Borderlands. Let the MINAC battle run while I slept for eight hours and I still didn't find enough oil cans, pizza or bobbleheads. These were the most annoying chievos the first time through on 360 and they are not behaving any better on Steam.
  • Bit the bullet and got Xcom on my PS3 so that I can play it at some point rather than a hypothetical time when I have a good computer. I love this game, and that is in its most vanilla of vanilla states.
  • edited January 2014
    MATATAT said:

    Played a few hours of Hearthstone. It's a cool game but fuck losing every match because at the last minute my opponent pulls out some insane card that I don't have. Granted I'm not the best at the game, but when victory is in sight and they pull out some card that does 10 direct damage that I don't have and I lose then it is just stupid.

    It works, like with any CCG, if you have all the cards and know what a specific class can do, I think you must have played against a Mage?

    Usually I would assume they have that card in the backpocket and hold on to counter spells or other secrets for defence.

    Playing in Arena is much more fair due to the drafting mechanic. Sue you can have bad draws or really good draws but on average it's pretty skill worthy.

    I've only played a few hours though too.
    Post edited by sK0pe on
  • Well there's some common fireball that does 10 damage that I don't have and usually is the finishing kill. Also there was a match where I should have easily finished this person off. But then surprise they had some card that if you kill them that round they actually don't take any damage and can't be hurt any more during that turn, that same person had a minion whose battlecry was reduce your health to 15 which was bullshit considering I had like 28 health before.

    I dunno I might play some more but it seems like a lot of time needs to be invested to get a healthy set of cards to make a good deck from. Maybe its just that I'm not willing to deal with the CCG bullshit.
  • MATATAT said:

    Well there's some common fireball that does 10 damage that I don't have and usually is the finishing kill. Also there was a match where I should have easily finished this person off. But then surprise they had some card that if you kill them that round they actually don't take any damage and can't be hurt any more during that turn, that same person had a minion whose battlecry was reduce your health to 15 which was bullshit considering I had like 28 health before.

    I dunno I might play some more but it seems like a lot of time needs to be invested to get a healthy set of cards to make a good deck from. Maybe its just that I'm not willing to deal with the CCG bullshit.

    Yeah same, you literally need the majority of cards.

    How did you end up playing against someone with a Legendary card (the one that drops your health to 15) if you had only been playing a few hours?

    Kind of stupid matchmaking system.

    I played a bit but as with any CCG I got bored when I knew I could be playing better games.
  • Lots of people I know love the fuck out of HearthStone, even people that are better than me at Netrunner. You would think these people would recognize it for what it is. I experienced similar bullshit to what MATATAT saw when I played, and haven't gone back to it since.
  • edited January 2014
    Skill + bad cards < skill + good cards

    Skill + bad cards > no skill + good cards

    (Skill + good cards) + (skill + good cards) = match up dependent

    I've played enough pro level magic and enough hearthstone to know this is true.

    All good cards are is a skill magnifier. Skill being relatively equal, it a coin toss due to matchup.

    The above is all way oversimplified but it's the essence of the thing.

    There have been games I've played where broken cards are literally bombs you can't do anything about but Hearthstone isn't one of them. Sorry to break up the party but it's true.
    Post edited by Dromaro on
  • Nailed the last of the Borderlands chievos last night. Just needed a few more collectibles and now that I am at 100% I have deleted the game and kept the save files.

    I managed to find a thumb drive with my old 360 New Vegas saves but have had no luck converting them over to PC. I have followed the instructions for extracting but no luck. That and my game is stuck in the forever loading from a save file problem.
  • There's this little DSi game called Starship Defense. I got it for free with Club Nintendo points. Really good tower defense!
  • Finally was able to get the 360 New Vegas files to work. Ended up being a weird Windows quirk.

    A while back I changedy.main account to user level and only use the admin account when needed. In the process of extracting the save data I have to run a program as administrator. See where this is going?

    Because Steam is active and uses my account for all accounts on my computer the program was extracting the data into the completely identical save game directory of my admin account. Yeah, thanks windows 7. In case you are wondering why I didn't realize this sooner it is because the path reads identical as a subdirectory of my documents.

    Didn't matter because the save data was only level 10 and I am at level 20. Guess I didn't preserve my 'did everything' character after all.
  • Apreche said:

    There's this little DSi game called Starship Defense. I got it for free with Club Nintendo points. Really good tower defense!

    I'll have to make a note of that.

    I'm playing the extra new areas in orginal Kingdom Rush on iOS and will continue my tower defense binge on KR: Frontiers.

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