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  • edited January 2014
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • Mother of god that's hilarious.
  • Made it to 83k.
  • I got to 99K. SO CLOSE!
  • 109,250. I am king of being asshole cat.
  • 140k. All about dem books + DVD combos.
  • Churba said:

    109,250. I am king of being asshole cat.

    That's just some redundancy right there.

  • Roommate got 180k on his second go. Not sure if it's useful, but you can punch forward (middle click) forever.
  • edited January 2014

    Wyatt said:

    League of Legends.

    Wait, are you that Wyatt21 on my friends list?

    Hearthstone also lets you craft cards. You don't need to buy tons of packs looking for a random drop.

    I still want to be able to trade cards.
    Post edited by Wyatt on
  • I might play Heartstone if there was some way to pay a flat fee and have infinity copies of every card ever.

    Someone should make a digital customizable card game where everyone has access to every card ever.
  • Apreche said:

    I might play Heartstone if there was some way to pay a flat fee and have infinity copies of every card ever.

    Someone should make a digital customizable card game where everyone has access to every card ever.

    That would not generate infinite amount of money. Unless you figure out a way to sell hats in a card game, then Valve could probably do it.

  • Apsup said:

    Apreche said:

    I might play Heartstone if there was some way to pay a flat fee and have infinity copies of every card ever.

    Someone should make a digital customizable card game where everyone has access to every card ever.

    That would not generate infinite amount of money. Unless you figure out a way to sell hats in a card game, then Valve could probably do it.

    Netrunner already has hats. If you participate and/or do well in tournaments you can get alternate art cards. Same as the card you already have, but different art. In a digital game, you can sell that.
  • The way I could see would be doing it like most deckbuilding games. Flat fee for the base game with every card, and then you release cheap expansions with more cards. ($1-5). People wouldn't buy into it, though. Sheeple want their f2p.
  • edited January 2014
    Man, I have played most of the Pokemon games but X and Y are the first generation to hold my attention all the way through to the end since the Red/Blue. I got pretty far in Gold/Silver but mostly out of enthusiasm not so much out of actual enjoyment.
    Post edited by kravenoff42 on
  • I beat every Pokemon generation (Except Black/White). I started playing Black/White, but then I started Y. Y is so much better. I'll go back to beat Black when the Bank comes out.
  • I think what helped me get more into this Gen is that they more fully integrated the original 150 so it felt more like those old school games
  • I think what helped me get more into this Gen is that they more fully integrated the original 150 so it felt more like those old school games

    That helped a little bit. But you know what helps a lot? I went into the first patch of tall grass in the game. I could like 6 or 7 different Pokemons in there! In other games each tall grass patch would have maybe three types in it, tops. Even better, the types you do find are not crappy. I found the sword guy just hanging out.
  • It's amazing that companies are going to keep making this mistake.

    Until you're actually making games that require the internet (Games with no single-player component), don't tell us it's required. We see through it. We know why you're doing it. Just don't do it or tell the truth. But don't lie. Because it will bite you.
  • Did you hear about the Sega fuck-up on iOS? They released a port of the 3DS game Rhythm Thief (which was a middle-of-the-road game at best), but an always-online feature put it into an infinite loop of updates and had to be pulled from the app store, yet I haven't seen anybody asking: why the fuck did a mediocre Parappa 2.0 need to be constantly connected in order to run?
  • Apreche said:

    That helped a little bit. But you know what helps a lot? I went into the first patch of tall grass in the game. I could like 6 or 7 different Pokemons in there! In other games each tall grass patch would have maybe three types in it, tops. Even better, the types you do find are not crappy. I found the sword guy just hanging out.

    Yeah Honedge is definitely where its at, and I have definitely taken advantage of the Wonder Trade. I got a scyther before the fifth gym and so every Team Flare Guy I encounter was like "Boom! X-Scissor! Your outta here!" And now that I am Post-Game I am gonna go grab the mega stone for Scizor and really go to town on the Battle Chateau (another great Idea).
  • Fifth Gym? I'm not even at the second gym yet. There is so much stuff between Gym 1 and 2.
  • I historically never enjoyed "driving sim" games but it seems that was likely due to me having never driven a car, because now I am a Car Driver and I have Gran Turismo 5 and this shit is so much fun aha hell yeah. vroom vroom
  • johndis said:

    I historically never enjoyed "driving sim" games but it seems that was likely due to me having never driven a car, because now I am a Car Driver and I have Gran Turismo 5 and this shit is so much fun aha hell yeah. vroom vroom

    Once they started making the racing games too realistic, I was never able to control the cars without wheel/pedals. Since I'm not going to buy wheel/pedals, I stick to arcade racing games. Initial D, Virtual Racing, and Pole Position are my jams.
  • The default controls used the buttons instead of the triggers for brake/accelerate for whatever reason, changing that aorund and having pressure sensitive brake/gas definitely helped. But not being able to feel the power steering does make it weird, especially when you lose traction.
  • Apreche said:

    johndis said:

    I historically never enjoyed "driving sim" games but it seems that was likely due to me having never driven a car, because now I am a Car Driver and I have Gran Turismo 5 and this shit is so much fun aha hell yeah. vroom vroom

    Once they started making the racing games too realistic, I was never able to control the cars without wheel/pedals. Since I'm not going to buy wheel/pedals, I stick to arcade racing games. Initial D, Virtual Racing, and Pole Position are my jams.
    Have you ever tried a Forza game? They're pretty well tuned for a controller.
  • Apreche said:

    johndis said:

    I historically never enjoyed "driving sim" games but it seems that was likely due to me having never driven a car, because now I am a Car Driver and I have Gran Turismo 5 and this shit is so much fun aha hell yeah. vroom vroom

    Once they started making the racing games too realistic, I was never able to control the cars without wheel/pedals. Since I'm not going to buy wheel/pedals, I stick to arcade racing games. Initial D, Virtual Racing, and Pole Position are my jams.
    Have you ever tried a Forza game? They're pretty well tuned for a controller.
    Yes, I own one. I just end up driving off the road.
  • edited January 2014
    Managed to get my rover to the mun. Sky crane worked perfectly. Deploy rover perfectly.

    Tried to go round the side of a crater to get where I was going.

    Rolled it over and exploded.

    Second attempt, I hit shift too many times and windows sticky keys minimized the game to talk to me.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • Success! The two part system makes the rocket much lighter. Less weight means less fuel.
  • Continued playing Hotline Miami and still loving it. If you are late to the game like me, go get it now! $2.50 on it's own Steam sale.

    Pushed to the finish of the 4th Layton game and realizing I'm getting very bored with the franchise. Going to wait a while before I start the first 3DS one (and the second one is out in a month). I went into the stack of shame and pulled out Elite Beat Agents to keep my DS warm. Wow, that game is showing its age with some of the song picks! It's actually a rather well done rhythm game, so I'd recommend it if those are your jam, but be warned it's a bit light with <20 tracks.
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