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  • My little brother just started playing DOTA 2. The first thing he does is right click on an enemy, then folds his arms and says "Wow, I love the combat in this game." After killing a few enemies in this manner, he turns to me and says "This game is just Warcraft 3, but with one dude and bad controls". I cracked up when he said that and told him that the entire genre of MOBA's came from Warcraft 3.

    Personally, I like the brinksmanship aspect of the game where it's all like "who will stay the longest to get the other guy/how far are you willing to go into the enemy's territory to get him?" What I really dislike about LoL (the only MOBA I've really played) is that the controls become who clicks the fastest. If I could move separate from my attacks, that is, WASD move with right click attack, it would make the game so much easier to play then with it's current control scheme.

    Apparently, my little brother was mislead by the trailer to thinking that it was some sort of combat focused Skyrim/Orcs Must Die. That would explain his reaction.
  • I'm finally back to my gaming PC after the Steam Sale, so I think it's time for some PAYDAY 2. Anybody willing to baby me for a few games?
  • I'm finally back to my gaming PC after the Steam Sale, so I think it's time for some PAYDAY 2. Anybody willing to baby me for a few games?

    I can't at this moment, but yeah, I can in the near future.

  • Fallout: New Vegas is so incredibly buggy.

    Not only have I been dealing with the autosave bug but every 45 minutes or so the game just hangs on a loading screen.

    Tonight I also encountered a strange bug where my Stimpacks stopped working. That and the wonderful terrain bug where invisible walls are scattered around terrain that is clearly passable.
  • Really? Fully updated New Vegas was mostly up to Bethesda standard for me, until I added mods.
  • In my continued plow through old unplayed DS games, I popped in N+, and got about 20% through before saying "screw this, it's just like Meat Boy but slightly less polished in every aspect." Considering I went crazy on Meat Boy, almost getting all of the bandages even, I don't need to settle for less.
  • Matt said:

    In my continued plow through old unplayed DS games, I popped in N+, and got about 20% through before saying "screw this, it's just like Meat Boy but slightly less polished in every aspect." Considering I went crazy on Meat Boy, almost getting all of the bandages even, I don't need to settle for less.

    OMG. I want to play Meat Boy on 3DS.
  • edited January 2014
    N+ on XBLA was pretty great, doesn't handle as tightly as meat boy but its based on you having smooth runs and not fucking stuff up. It's a bit harder to go back to now but when I played it several years ago I was really obsessed with it. Then Meat Boy became my new obsession.
    Post edited by MATATAT on
  • I do think that if I had played N+ before Meat Boy, I would have dug it a bit more, and probably pushed through to completion. It's a neat little game that unfortunately has been outclassed now. And yeah Scott, Meat Boy would be a great fit on 3DS. I know VVVVVVV was ported over, but given one of the Meat Boy creator's struggles with Nintendo (refusal to sell Binding of Isaac in the eshop) they're probably not in a rush to work with Nintendo. I'd do it if I were him though. $$$.

    So I started up Super Mario 3D World and the game is pretty great so far. It's nothing revolutionary but even playing through World 1 slowly to make sure I find all the secrets and such, I'm constantly finding small tweaks and improvements to the Mario formula that make me smile. I was worried since Nintendo has gone on a bit of Mario overload lately. The Wii launch title was fantastic, and I even had fun w/ the re-imagined Luigi levels expansion, but New Super Mario Bros 2 for 3DS was definitely mailed in.
  • Playing Payday 2, had a lvl 100 help me pull off a full-stealth Framing Frame on Overkill. Was very pleased, and also gained five levels at once.
  • Bought Payday 2 when it was on sale. Should get some real people to play it with. Tried it once with bots and it seemed to be exactly the same experience as with the first game. Sit next to a drill for seven hours shooting cops with braindead bots. Although it might have just been the mission I chose.
  • The multiday heists tend to be more exciting. Also trying to do the missions stealthily, which is possible now.
  • I got around the autosave glitch by turning off all autosaves. Of course now when the game crashes it is always after I forget to save.
  • HMTKSteve said:

    I got around the autosave glitch by turning off all autosaves. Of course now when the game crashes it is always after I forget to save.

    Autosaves are the bain of PC ports. Yet they seem to work fine for games that are developed for the PC.

  • I tried War Blade: Tyrant after pondering through some Kongregate games, and while it is addicting, it absolutely sucks and is infuriating.

    It's too much of a case of the best cards win and there's too much random insanity that can screw you over. Everything hits, unless a card has an ability (or 3) that has a 50/50 chance to activate, and if it does, you are likely to win. So irritable and the game even glitches to where you'll have to wait an extra turn before your card gets to attack/fight.

    And then there are cards that summon...and jesus christ.
  • Sanctum 2, possibly the first time I've had to look up how I died.
  • Nidhogg is just a good as everyone has said. Bought it when it came out but didn't have people over until yesterday.

    Then we decided to dive back into Monaco. After having played the intro levels so many times to teach new players, it was finally a group of veterans. We got through levels 8-12 on the Locksmith's tale, so we're finally progressing towards the end. We did play with the new streamlined "enhanced mode" turned on and didn't realize much of a difference. The levels were still long and challenging, and the game is still awesome.

    After everyone left,the wife and I cracked open Game & Wario. Everything you've read is also true here, and it's a bitter disappointment. There are 12 single-player mini games, and 4 multiplayer. For the most part they are all trash, and flat-out worse versions of existing games. You're better off playing Super Monkeyball 2, Spy Party, Rock Band, etc.

    The only fun game is the classic WarioWare mode where you are controlling the character playing WarioWare on the TV, and have to make sure he hides when his mom pokes his head into the room (while still juggling the frantic minigames on the gamepad). It's a nice little challenge that you get maybe 60-90 minutes of fun from.
  • edited January 2014
    The Castle Doctrine is fucking insane but cool.
    Post edited by MATATAT on
  • MATATAT said:

    The Castle Doctrine is fucking insane but cool.

    I've been trying to play it since I bought the alpha way back. I just can't make a house that works.
  • Apreche said:

    MATATAT said:

    The Castle Doctrine is fucking insane but cool.

    I've been trying to play it since I bought the alpha way back. I just can't make a house that works.
    From what I've seen of the game wouldn't Shadowgate approach work? Lots of doors and death behind most of them.

  • I've been too busy to give it a try yet but from watching the quick look on it my first strategy is going to be two dogs near the door so people will head straight for where my safe should be. Then they're going to be met with a wall that has a series of on off switches they have to cross over in just the right combo and also not get killed by the dogs to turn off the electricity.

    It may not work but it seems like people expect an easy approach if the house looks empty.
  • I played a few times early in the Alpha as well, and it was a complete failure every time.
  • MATATAT said:

    I've been too busy to give it a try yet but from watching the quick look on it my first strategy is going to be two dogs near the door so people will head straight for where my safe should be. Then they're going to be met with a wall that has a series of on off switches they have to cross over in just the right combo and also not get killed by the dogs to turn off the electricity.

    It may not work but it seems like people expect an easy approach if the house looks empty.

    The problem is that it is very hard to test your house. I think you have two tries to make it through your own house with no tools to validate it. I think you have to just plan it out on paper beforehand, which is not fun.
  • edited January 2014
    Cremlian said:
    This was awesome, it was still listed as $50.00 on Steam and the cheapest I could find a key for was $20, I didn't think of using the Mac version.

    I celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Mac by buying games at a steep discount to play on my Windows PC, further keeping me from buying a Mac.

    I wonder if this method will work for all other Mac and PC DLC e.g. the Bioshock Infinite series....

    What would you guys recommend I get in addition to the base Civ 5 + Brave New World?
    Is it worth getting Gods and Kings or any of the map packs or just wait and grab them on sale?
    Post edited by sK0pe on
  • Gods and Kings as well as the bonus Civ packs (Korea, Polynesia, etc) are definitely worth it. The map packs are kinda meh, though. I'd wait until they go back on sale.
  • Bought Strike Vector and the game is pretty good. Takes a bit of time to get a hang of it though.
  • Is Strike Vector F2P or legit?
  • edited January 2014
    I think you have to buy the game. I was looking at it yesterday or so.

    Post edited by MATATAT on
  • edited January 2014
    It costs 22,99€ on Steam (20% off for the weekend so it's 18,39€ right now). I think it's $20 in 'merica.
    Post edited by chaosof99 on
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