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What Have You Been Listening To? (Don't make this thread a wall of embedded youtubes)



  • This song speaks to me so many ways.
  • New Kendrick Lamar is pretty dope.

  • Unlike most, I greatly enjoyed Panic's foray into being the Beatles.
  • Oh my god, Angolan dancehall is dope:

  • Ah BL2 Love. I listen to that almost weekly.
  • This song is one of my least favorite on the CD, but it' still good. One of their other songs is used in the HP commercials which is better IMO.

    My song of the day is

  • For today:
  • Since I'm writing an article for the school paper about them:

  • edited November 2012
    Post edited by Jack Draigo on
  • My song for any day is generally one that my band is working on. I just rotate through them. As such, I can't really post any of them here for others to listen to.
  • Been recording a punk rock cover of this for one my classes, so it's been stuck in my head:

  • Does anyone else think this thread looks mighty familiar?
  • edited November 2012
    I've been listening to Nujabes for most the day too. It enhances my calm.

    Also HOUR LONG ARUARIAN DANCE!? Must download now.
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • Yeah, it really helps me get into a working rhythm.
  • WUB and I are jamming this right now.

  • I'm usually critical of folksy type music but every time I hear this song it gets stuck in my head

  • edited November 2012
    Because this is where the cool kids post these days.

    Get with the times old man.

    Post edited by MATATAT on
  • Because we need more "of your day" threads.

    (Yes, I am also guilty of creating those threads.)
  • No good reasons. Teh merge.
  • edited November 2012
    The subtle difference is that this thread is for songs that you are just listening to whereas the other thread was for the song of your day. They must be separated!
    Post edited by MATATAT on
  • edited November 2012
    Yeah, there's a difference, or at least there is the way I understand it.

    "Today's Song" is a song that, for whatever reason, is descriptive of the day you had. For example, if I had just started reading 1Q84, that song would be Sinfionetta by Leoš Janáček.

    On the other hand, "What Have You Been Listening To?" is more about what music you're especially into at any given time.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • Meh, you guys just want an excuse to drop YouTube embeds with no explanation. It'd be like the ToYD thread, posting frequent but actual readership low ^_~
  • Meh, you guys just want an excuse to drop YouTube embeds with no explanation. It'd be like the ToYD thread, posting frequent but actual readership low ^_~
    I should try to collect some stats on that sort of thing.

  • This is like 95% of the board for me. I skip over a lot of stuff. Usually when a handful of people have written a thesis paper's worth of argument over a couple pages.
  • edited November 2012
    Blast from high school past lately. Back when I thought underoath was pretty metal. HOW NAIVE!

    Post edited by MATATAT on
  • Feel like an idiot for not listening to Channel Orange for seven months.

  • Yeah you should. It's been adequately posted about.
  • edited November 2012
    Yeah you should. It's been adequately posted about.
    This sort of "Fuck you for not having listened to this" attitude is one I personally find pretty irritating. But thanks!

    EDIT: Also, on the day of and in the month following Channel Orange's release, I was travelling all over Europe on a Eurail trip. I think I get a pass on this.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
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