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What Have You Been Listening To? (Don't make this thread a wall of embedded youtubes)



  • I was talking more about the visuals in the music video than the music, since they're so much more of a am fisted homage/rip-off (take your pick, I choose homage).
  • I was talking more about the visuals in the music video than the music, since they're so much more of a am fisted homage/rip-off (take your pick, I choose homage).
    yeah the first time I saw the video was when i posted it. Also, they're european, and this was from a few years ago, when ripping off Warhol/Velvet Underground was a little more fresh
  • Holy shit, that song takes me back to the radio days, broadcasting it both over the air and across campus on big speakers, dancing and singing on the balcony with a bunch of people hanging out below dancing along.
    it is so fun
  • -with a tinge of self discovery/disgust

  • what is my life
  • "The thing about your music is that it's pretty good until people start singing." -- My friend Anthony
    Fuck you Anthony, if they hit the right notes nothing else matters.
  • New Queens of the Stone Age is killer.
  • I'm practicing the song Hell On Heels on my guitar. It is my jam.
  • edited June 2013

    Bikini Kill is a perfect example of the power of pure enthusiasm.
    Post edited by open_sketchbook on
  • New Lonely Island is on Spotify now.
  • Lots of Tom Petty while I'm in my room (only have him on vinyl, don't really want to torrent hist stuff yet), Notice a common denominator?

  • edited June 2013

    Found these guys today though TND, they're fucking awesome.

    ^ The album streaming, Come To Life is a great track.
    Post edited by MATATAT on
  • edited June 2013
    I've been listening to a crap ton of Hyadain recently.

    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • WARNING: Earworm Levels at maximum.
  • edited June 2013
    Listened to Yeezus twice with my friends this weekend during our road trip. The production is very very good but the lyrics had us straight-up laughing. There are also moments where Kanye is clearly just spinning his wheels, like the end of Blood on the Leaves. Also, the closing track is probably the only bad song and ends the whole album really awkwardly. It's still a good album though!
    Post edited by Sail on
  • Was watching the new episodes for the Newsroom, and absolutely hated the opening music. Stopped watching, and spent the next hour listening to this non-stop.

  • dat tummy
  • Saw the thumbnail and noped out on that one.
  • Don't hate on Yo Gabba Gabba.

  • Got JC Brooks and the Uptown Sound for my birthday. This album makes me feel like a sexy motherfucker.
  • Came here hoping someone would post Tchaikovsky, i was not disappointed. It's good to see people post his works on the internet!

  • .....Euphoric Clubland 2013
  • The Fratelli's new track is pretty good.

  • edited September 2013
    Holy shit. So, I discovered Amanda Palmer from her "Dear Daily Mail" video on Youtube, looked at a few other videos of hers and downloaded all her music. She kind of reminded me of this chick from a popular music video I'd seen years ago. Well, I've been marathoning her music today and it turns out it was actually her.
    Post edited by Pegu on
  • muthafuckin' Desert Sessions.

    It's B. Dolan remixed with psychedelic rock and sludge metal.
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