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Fail of your Boo-Yah (and vica-versa)



  • edited January 2012
    Fail: I missed my first two college classes of this semester, and am now typing an email to my professors for how I can obtain the syllabus.
    You might get it from one of your classmates. Pull a Scot Pilgrim, but don't get punch in the face :P
    Post edited by Erwin on
  • edited January 2012

    Both of my violins have the type to the left, mi first one has them on all the strings, my second one only on the E-string. If the violins are of good quality, the pegs should suffice to tune and keep tuned your violin, on the beginners ones, the wood is not as smooth and are not as well fitted, so tuning via the pegs, is a pain in the ass.

    It's not a sin to use the tuners on all strings, or use geared tuning pegs, as long as you enjoy your instrument.

    These are cheap and pretty decent but the boot is not wide enough for the G string and some D strings so you may need to file them a bit.
    Post edited by MrRoboto on
  • Both of my violins have the type to the left, mi first one has them on all the strings, my second one only on the E-string. If the violins are of good quality, the pegs should suffice to tune and keep tuned your violin, on the beginners ones, the wood is not as smooth and are not as well fitted, so tuning via the pegs, is a pain in the ass.

    It's not a sin to use the tuners on all strings, or use geared tuning pegs, as long as you enjoy your instrument.

    These are cheap and pretty decent but the boot is not wide enough for the G string and some D strings so you may need to file them a bit.
    It's not as much quality as age; the violins I have are both a century or more old and have unfortunately fallen into some pretty bad disrepair. Both would probably be rotting in their cases in basements still if it weren't for the fact I was in a rather prestigious orchestra program in high school. I'd get geared pegs, but after reading about the installation, I think I'd prefer to just have clunky old fine tuners.

    I appreciate the advice a lot, though. I sincerely just want these instruments in good playing quality that I can work with. My family gave them to me because they want them played, not because they want them to be ~professional quality instruments~.
  • Fail: My favorite teacher and spiritual guru was out today.
    Boo-Yah: I got a pass to the special ed room where I can use my DS and iPod.
  • Boo-yah: I got offered a job TAing intro to comp-sci.
    Fail: This is forcing me to reconsider my plans for the next several semesters of classes.
  • Booh yah: Back in my dorm room.
    Fail: None of the food at RIT is open.
    Booh yah: I'll drive to Wegmans!
  • G9x + Razer Sphex = 5700DPI megamouse.
    Games today that support Direct Input = Essentially just Source.
  • Boo-yah: Hanna Gabriels defends her WBO title
    Fail: The fight was stopped prematurely, even though she had won 6 out of the 7 rounds fought, I feel the ref didn't give the other boxer a fair shot at a recovery.
  • Booyah - 4G is so fucking fast. I love it.

    Fail: 3G now feels painfully slow.

    /first world problem
  • Boo-yah: Got my Saab back. Turbo powered is fucking glorious.

    Fail: I have to put new tires on the car immediately as the current tires are dangerously low of tread.
  • Booyah - 4G is so fucking fast. I love it.

    Fail: 3G now feels painfully slow.

    /first world problem
    Meanwhile I just got my first 3G phone, and it feels crazy fast compared to Edge.
  • Booh yah: Wegmans!
    FTFY ^_^
  • Fail: I really need to sell my miata, the loan is just too expensive.

    Boo-yah: once I do I'll have an extra $500 a month.
  • Boo-yah: Fixed my phone's cracked and unresponsive screen.

    Fail: Lost the power button as I was putting it back together.
  • Boo-yah: Got my Saab back. Turbo powered is fucking glorious.
    Turbo is pretty much the greatest accomplishment of mankind. I learned to drive on my dad's '98 Saab 900, and that car is still TOTALLY AWESOME to drive 14 years later.
  • My fail was that I couldn't find the receipt I was looking for.

    Booyah: I called the healthcare payment service and asked if they had any registers that confirmed the payment I made. Not only do they have it, but they sent it in PDF form to my e-mail, which I immediately forwarded to my mother. I'm currently sighing in the greatest relief of all. And I learned alesson: once I make that bank deposit, I'm immediately SCANNING it.
  • Fail: Got pulled over for doing 60 in a 50mph zone by an undercover Statie. Did not recognize the new undercover SUV. Will definitely make a note of that car when I'm driving.

    Boo-Yah: I told the guy I wasn't paying attention and he got me. Let me off with a warning. Haven't gotten a speeding ticket for over a decade now.

    Fail: The undercover Statie was going along the same route as I was on the way home. This Volkswagen was trying to cut through traffic, changing lanes, speeding up, cutting people off. I was watching him closely as he was following the Statie, probably unaware.

    Then in a sudden move, he switches lanes and passes the Statie and cuts him off. Then the lights go on, while the whole time I'm thinking that's going to happen and saying to myself, "Don't do it Volkswagen."

    Unfortunate for that guy.
  • Fail: I hit a deer on my way to work early in the morning.
    Boo-Yah: The deer flipped in the air twice when I hit him. I saw his white belly and it looked very cute. But then I remember.
    Fail: I just bought this car on October.
    Boo-Yah: As soon as the deer felt on the road I thought. Oh no! the deer is dead but alas, it stood up and kept running so I assume that it is alive :D
    Fail: Oh noes my car might be pretty messed up now.
    Boo-Yah: Almost no damage, the grill just chipped a little on the side and it can only be seen if I point at it, and I can replace that part easily :D
  • He might have been hurt, though. I hope that he was not injured or in shock. I will hope for the best.
    I am glad you are okay, and even your car is mostly okay.
  • I hope he/she is not hurt, it was pretty early in the morning and I push the breaks as hard as I could. It didn't help that the night before was raining pretty crazy too. He was one from a pack of four, the other three were fine. I am just glad that there were no other cars on the road otherwise it would have being a disaster :O
  • GeoGeo
    edited January 2012
    Fail: Pete broke the couch.
    Peter urs Skiotha, Breaker of Couches and Men. He bears your Chesterfields and Divans upon his arms. Which one among you will offer him a seat?

    The one who has a couch that can be classified as a "fucker".
    Post edited by Geo on
  • Aahaha! Excellent!

  • Boo-Yah: I told the guy I wasn't paying attention and he got me. Let me off with a warning. Haven't gotten a speeding ticket for over a decade now.
    It is amazing how often this seems to work. I think maybe they get so many rude and argumentative people that when someone is polite and just owns up to their actions, the cops are inclined to be generous. Of course, YMMV.

  • Boo-Yah: I told the guy I wasn't paying attention and he got me. Let me off with a warning. Haven't gotten a speeding ticket for over a decade now.
    It is amazing how often this seems to work. I think maybe they get so many rude and argumentative people that when someone is polite and just owns up to their actions, the cops are inclined to be generous. Of course, YMMV.
    I didn't get off (my infraction was much more serious), I did get my infraction reduced to the point where it wasn't a reckless by being polite and honest to the officer.
  • I got off with a warning the day after Thanksgiving going 12 over in rural VA. That cop was waynicer than I would have been if I'd been working the day after Thanksgiving.
  • You should have winked at him, George. Or showed him some cleavage.

    Yeah, the last time I got off with a warning, I was doing 50ish in a 35mph construction zone. I couldn't believe that cop didn't give me a ticket. I was like, "PRAISE JEEBUS! BLESS YOU, OCCIFER!"
  • I've gotten out with no more than a warning the vast majority of the times I've been pulled over. Without fail, the formula for success was:

    1. Admit I was speeding.
    2. Apologize and accept full fault for not paying attention.

    There was one time an undercover pulled me over. He really wanted to give me a ticket and yelled at me for a good five minutes. Undercovers, however, can't give you a moving violation in New York, so he couldn't actually do anything and had to let me go. I just smiled at him the whole time.
  • I once gave a teacher a fake name (a wrongful thing to do, but it made sense in the heat of the moment) blew her off after school and got away with a detention through the power of kindness.
  • Booyah: I start my training for my possible job on Monday.
    Fail: I'll have to find a way to do the heckload of errands I had programmed for next week.
    Fail 2: I won't be on the Net as much as I used to. No great loss.
  • Boo-Yah: I told the guy I wasn't paying attention and he got me. Let me off with a warning. Haven't gotten a speeding ticket for over a decade now.
    It is amazing how often this seems to work. I think maybe they get so many rude and argumentative people that when someone is polite and just owns up to their actions, the cops are inclined to be generous. Of course, YMMV.
    I didn't get off (my infraction was much more serious), I did get my infraction reduced to the point where it wasn't a reckless by being polite and honest to the officer.
    My dad was doing 120 on the freeway and got pulled over by an unmarked. He handed over his license, registration, and then showed his prescription pad and said, "I've to be in the ER, like, five minutes ago." The cop practically threw the stuff back at him and let him go. This happened another time and the cop didn't buy that he was going into surgery, so my dad called the nurses, who kindly informed the officer that someone would bleed out if he didn't get into the OR soon. The officer thanked the shouting nurses profusely and dad sped off.

    Doesn't work when you're far from your practicing hospital, alas.

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