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Fail of your Boo-Yah (and vica-versa)



  • Boo Yah: My drawing class looks awesome, and it's just me and a lot of really hot artsy girls. Our first homework assignment is to draw our eyes, which could definitely lead to some friendly conversations...

    Fail: Teacher alluded to 86 year old nude male model coming in.
  • Boo Yah: My drawing class looks awesome, and it's just me and a lot of really hot artsy girls. Our first homework assignment is to draw our eyes, which could definitely lead to some friendly conversations...

    Fail: Teacher alluded to 86 year old nude male model coming in.
    Oh, you young welp, you do not understand figure drawing. Old people are awesome models. You don't go in to look at just hot naked people, it's all types. Ancient people are really interesting to draw.

  • Fail: Got into my first car accident today.

    Booyah: I was the receiving end of a fender-bender, so it's not my fault.

    Fail: Apparently, my mother does not keep her/mine/my father's insurance information in the car.

    Booyah: I got hit by a high school student, so I can get the satisfaction that his insurance rate is going to sky rocket.

    Fail: Another car got hit once we got off the road.

    Booyah?: The President was on the highway, so people were not being let onto the highway or underneath the bridge, which made the road unusually crowded.
  • Fail: I'm posting from a mental hospital.
    Boo-Yah: The shrinks don't think I'm a danger to myself and are discharging me tomorrow.
    Double Boo-Yah: I now have 3 ideas for short stories.
  • Fail: I'm posting from a mental hospital.
    Boo-Yah: The shrinks don't think I'm a danger to myself and are discharging me tomorrow.
    So is the booyah for fooling the shrinks, or for fooling yourself? I'm just kidding please don't hurt me.
  • edited January 2012
    Fail - My computer's PSU died.
    Double Fail - I had to miss FNPL, and I spent most of the day running about trying to get a replacement PSU.

    Boo-yah - Finally managed to get the right one, the place I usually buy parts had an order cancellation, so they gave me that one. And since my old one was still under warranty, I got the new one free.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • image
    How many ribs do you think this guy broke?
  • My money is on at least two, but he didn't really land on his chest, rather, on his stomach.
  • What the fuck was he trying to do?
  • What the fuck was he trying to do?
    I think a reddit comment summed it up properly: I think we're seeing a very slow, painful suicide.
  • edited January 2012
    How many ribs do you think this guy broke?
    The first time I watched that, I thought he was going to jump off again at the end, and the whole thing would make an infinite loop...
    Post edited by Ikatono on
  • From where he landed I would say none were broken, although he may have some other internal damage. I am surprised the rail did not break somewhere from the impact though.
  • Boo - Yah - I applied for a load of jobs I would like to do. As they would get me get exeperience for future work

    Fail - They are all Volunteer work. Which means I will have to work for a Supermarket for at least another year .

    Advice - When you are young, try and decide what you want to do with your life, it will really help.
  • Fail: I'm posting from a mental hospital.
    Boo-Yah: The shrinks don't think I'm a danger to myself and are discharging me tomorrow.
    So is the booyah for fooling the shrinks, or for fooling yourself? I'm just kidding please don't hurt me.
    Neither. Everyone agrees that my admission was a mistake in the first place. The staff said that what they read in my bio didn't match up with how I act. I found out that this was because they inferred a bunch of stuff that wasn't true -- not a leap in logic, but nonetheless untrue. Anyway, great to be back on the outside.
  • Booh-yah: Played airsoft all morning at an honest to god field, using good equipment and a decent gun. Got a few kills and got hit a few times, feel like I did well.

    Fail: I need to completely rework my equipment. My pistol holster was falling off my vest, my red dot sight ran out of battery power, I ran out of ammo halfway through the second game, and the inside of my goggles condensed so bad I couldn't aim down the barrel of the gun anymore.
  • Protip from a SCUBA Diver: Goggle fog getting you down? Use a 1/10th solution of Johnson's No More Tears baby shampoo as an excellent antifog; spray it on the inside of your mask. Alternately, saliva works quite well in a pinch.
  • I'll give that a shot. I actually have some real no-fog stuff from my days diving, but it wasn't normal fog. It was like sweat was condensing on the inside of the goggles.
  • Protip from a SCUBA Diver: Goggle fog getting you down? Use a 1/10th solution of Johnson's No More Tears baby shampoo as an excellent antifog; spray it on the inside of your mask. Alternately, saliva works quite well in a pinch.
    When I snorkel, I pretty much exclusively use spit, even though the rental guys don't like you doing it.
  • Hah. Coincidentally, I also spent the day airsoft-ing, for the first time. I now understand why everyone keeps talking about anti-fog stuff. We did a few skirmishes inside, and I don't know if I actually hit anybody.

    Also, I think I should wear something around my neck next time. It seems that's the only place anybody was aiming, at least in my case. All in all, pretty fun. (and thanks for the antifog tip, I'll have to try that)
  • No, they were aiming for your head and didn't compensate for drag and gravity.
  • Hah. Coincidentally, I also spent the day airsoft-ing, for the first time. I now understand why everyone keeps talking about anti-fog stuff. We did a few skirmishes inside, and I don't know if I actually hit anybody.

    Also, I think I should wear something around my neck next time. It seems that's the only place anybody was aiming, at least in my case. All in all, pretty fun. (and thanks for the antifog tip, I'll have to try that)
    Hilarious! Yeah, I didn't have anything for my neck but we were playing in a hilly woodsy area, so most of the time that I was getting shot at I was prone. Every time I got hit it was either in the shoulder or hat.

    I think I'm gonna try anti fog stuff, and if that doesn't work I'm going to pick up a set of mesh goggles.

    What gun were you running? Did you buy your own gun/equipment and such?

    I think I'm going to end up buying a tight bore barrel and better hop up for the M4 so I can actually compete next time around.
  • edited January 2012
    I was actually using you Thompson, and it worked pretty well. I need to figure out the hop-up on it, though. (P.S. I still need to find a box for the pistol, sorry I haven't sent it yet)

    I also bought a pistol too, since they were having a deal. Equipment-wise, I went down to the army surplus store and got some Marine cammies and tactical gloves. I have an old pair of paratrooper boots my friend broke-in in Afghanistan, and they're super comfortable.
    Post edited by YoshoKatana on
  • I was actually using you Thompson, and it worked pretty well. I need to figure out the hop-up on it, though. (P.S. I still need to find a box for the pistol, sorry I haven't sent it yet)

    I also bought a pistol too, since they were having a deal. Equipment-wise, I went down to the army surplus store and got some Marine cammies and tactical gloves. I have an old pair of paratrooper boots my friend broke-in in Afghanistan, and they're super comfortable.
    Nice! I'm glad it worked well and you got it. I'm not in a hurry for the pistol, so take your time. You may want to grab an extra battery as well, I'm not sure how good it is on batteries. Just out of curiosity, did you chrono it? If so, how fast was it shooting?

    I'm an equipment nerd, so in addition to woodland camo, boots, gloves and a hat I grabbed a cross-draw vest and hydration pack.
  • It's hard for me to get into Airsoft when I can buy a real gun for close to the same price.
  • It's hard for me to get into Airsoft when I can buy a real gun for close to the same price.
    It's kinda hard to get away with shooting at cardboard boxes in your apartment with a real gun, though...
  • It's hard for me to get into Airsoft when I can buy a real gun for close to the same price.
    It's kinda hard to get away with shooting at cardboard boxes in your apartment with a real gun, though...
    True, but I have heard that wax bullets are safe to shoot indoors and they're supposed to be relatively quiet (I hear).

  • It's hard for me to get into Airsoft when I can buy a real gun for close to the same price.
    It's kinda hard to get away with shooting at cardboard boxes in your apartment with a real gun, though...
    True, but I have heard that wax bullets are safe to shoot indoors and they're supposed to be relatively quiet (I hear).

    Relatively is a funny word, when you're talking about a 140 decibel "BANG." I don't think you'd get away with that one.

    Also, Safe to shoot indoors, sure. They're soft enough that they won't kill someone if they hit them. That doesn't mean they won't fuck up your furniture and walls, though.

  • I feel like we shouldn't have to say it's a bad idea to shoot guns in your apartment. >_>
  • edited January 2012
    After I got over the "I am playing with guns :-/" aspect, I learned that airsoft was basically FPS game + exercise + more exact controls. Also, you can't shoot real guns at people and have them come out pretty much uninjured.

    I'm not sure what chrono-ing is...

    EDIT: You mean check the speed? It shoots at 1 joule, so I imagine it would be around 300-340 FPS, but I didn't have anything to check that.
    Post edited by YoshoKatana on
  • Chrono-ing is, as you guessed, checking the speed of the projectile. You basically fire a few shots through this small thing that looks like two wire gates about a foot apart(called a chrony) and it checks your speed. Most Airsmiths will have one they might let you test on, and any good field for paintball or airsoft should have one to chrony your own guns before you play, to make sure they're not firing too fast.
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