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Fail of your Boo-Yah (and vica-versa)



  • edited January 2012
    I played the Tribes: Ascend closed beta today. Saying anything more is technically a violation of my beta agreement, but I don't care too much.

    Boo-Yah: It's pretty fun. Not quite as quick as previous Tribes, but fun, especially for an average FPS-er like me.

    Second Boo-Yah: I somehow managed to get an absurdly long-distance direct hit on the enemy flag carrier, with what was effectively a blind-fired spinfusor disc.

    Fail: The various loadouts are divided into classes with set equipment, rather than the traditional absurdly-customizable loadout creator. Also, you don't get beacons or satchel charges or portable inventory stations or targeting lasers.

    Double Fail: At the end of my play session, I found that I had earned XP for the class I was playing, and could use it to buy permanent health, ammo, and energy upgrades for that class.
    Post edited by Linkigi(Link-ee-jee) on
  • Ex...pee? I thought you were playing Tribes? :-/
  • edited January 2012
    Ex...pee? I thought you were playing Tribes? :-/
    Yes, Ex-pee. In Tribes: Ascend. I said that right.
    Also, when you log in initially, you only get two classes to choose from, and you have to buy the others with currency earned by playing the game. Or with real money, of course.
    Post edited by Linkigi(Link-ee-jee) on
  • Can I just buy a whole bunch of XP or whatever and pretend I'm actually buying the game and then not notice a difference?
  • I think so? But after release I think their business model is "content updates" like League of Legends or Heroes of Newerth. Which just doesn't work for me, personally.

    Also there was some confusing language at some point about player-hosted servers where you could just enable everything... but I can't imagine that's for real with that business model.
  • Can I just buy a whole bunch of XP or whatever and pretend I'm actually buying the game and then not notice a difference?
    You can buy all the classes, but you have to earn XP in games.
  • There's also a pre-order thing that gets you a bunch of XP (maybe?) and in game moneys as well as beta access. Last I saw the actually XP stuff was done mostly tastefully, but I haven't really been able to actually play since my computer sucks.
  • I just want to buy and play their game, but I won't because of the business model.

  • Yeah, I also don't know a whole lot of real guns that are in the range of $170. Especially a Thompson like the one Yosho was using, those things are super expensive. And an M4 like the one I was shooting is stupid expensive too.

    As well, you can't really run around in the woods shooting at other people with real guns. Well, you can but I don't want to join the Army or be brought up on charges.

    300-340 fps was what I was figuring it'd be. I know there's some aftermarket modifications that drop into the gun which can stabilize the power around 350 fps (which means accurate to about 100 feet or so) and make it a nice field gun.

    I just sunk a bit more money into my M4 to bring it up to snuff. Gonna rewire the insides with some higher quality wiring (14 or 16 gauge silver stuff), replace the connectors with stuff that can transmit power better (deans connectors) and get a tight bore barrel to increase compression, therefore increasing accuracy and power.

    I'm a nerd! D:
  • The Tribes business model makes me sad, but I still might play the game. Let's face it, it's a good recreation of Tribes 2.

    Also, that's a thing I really like about airsoft: a dedicated hardware mod community. Sometimes dudes just gotta solder some shit.

    Boo yah: Just had a 1.5 hour skype interview with an awesome startup, and I think they like me!
    Fail: It is now 10:45pm, and I am starving.
    Boo yah: I learned a lot of cool things about CouchDB!
  • Boo yah: Just had a 1.5 hour skype interview with an awesome startup, and I think they like me!
    Fail: It is now 10:45pm, and I am starving.
    Boo yah: I learned a lot of cool things about CouchDB!

  • Boo yah: Had a followup call with that company on Thursday, gave them some references to call.
    Meh: Their interview process takes a while. I'm a little paranoid that they won't give me an offer. I'll find out (hopefully) this week.
  • edited February 2012
    Boo-yah: Boyfriend is tired of WoW now and is playing it less.
    Fail: He is playing Skyrim now.
    Fail: I bought it for him.
    Boo-yah (for him): I bought it for him.

    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • edited February 2012
    Sneak-install mods that break the game! Or remove all the patches! Then he'll be stuck or his save corrupted within the hour!

    Alternatively, you could buy him Dark Souls; have him be super into that for maybe 100-120 hours, and then be done with games for a while. At least time consuming games. He might wanna play something quick and light still, but that's great. You can watch or coop those, usually. Not that I don't advocate cooping or watching Dark Souls.

    Edit: Wait wait. That entire thing is in green. So it's actually bad that he's not playing WoW as much? And.. you're glad he's playing Skyrim as much as he is? Is he actually playing WoW more than before? Is he not tired of WoW at all? I'm confused!
    Post edited by Aria on
  • Harming the save game of another is an unspeakable sin.
  • Not the same gave! The game does that for you. Just harm the game.
  • Oops. Fixed. I have no problem with him playing the game. I just won't be able to have the HDTV as much.
  • I say remove all but the first patch. Then he will have dragons flying backwards, shitting fire, and make them unkillable. Should at least be fun for a bit. Also, if you do decide to take our horrible advice, please backup his save. It is only fair.
  • If he doesn't like teh ponies, install the "Dragons are now Ponies" mod.
  • edited February 2012
    Booh-yah: Misfits melted my fucking face last night. They played for an hour an a half with a total of four minutes of break time (spread over two breaks) during which Jerry Only would insult, joke with, or condescend to the audience, and announced songs in the form of, "[Shouted Song Name], 3, 2, 1!!!!" It wasn't so much a concert as a sustained sonic assault on everyone present. It was glorious.

    Fail: Tinnitus. Headbanger's Neckache.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Two this week:

    Booh-yah: Parents finally replaced their old burnt computer so that my brother could have his computer back.
    Fail 1: I had to set it up, get everything working, all while they were yapping in my ear that I didn't know what I was doing, when I was trying to set it up the way they liked it, and pretty much give up on my day to do this one favor for them.
    Fail 2: Insisted on no Spybot

    Minor Booh-yah: Looking for work tomorrow.
    Fail: It's been almost a year since I graduated college.
  • edited February 2012
    Booh-yah: Misfits melted my fucking face last night. They played for an hour an a half with a total of four minutes of break time (spread over two breaks) during which Jerry Only would insult, joke with, or condescend to the audience, and announced songs in the form of, "[Shouted Song Name], 3, 2, 1!!!!" It wasn't so much a concert as a sustained sonic assault on everyone present. It was glorious.

    Fail: Tinnitus. Headbanger's Neckache.
    Wear Musicians earplugs! Punk shows will fuck up your hearing otherwise. Also, that's cool you got to see the Misfits.

    Post edited by gomidog on
  • edited February 2012
    BooYah!: I made most of a wig in a weekend! (I'm actually sewing the hair on, not adapting a base wig.)

    Fail: I... had so many OTHER things I meant to do this weekend...
    Post edited by Anrild on
  • Wear Musicians earplugs! Punk shows will fuck up your hearing otherwise. Also, that's cool you got to see the Misfits.
    Yeah, I knew that going in, but I didn't have a set with me, so now I'm waiting for my hearing to normalize like an idiot. Oh well. It was a good time anyway.

  • Bought a ticket for the Arrogant Sons of Bitches reunion on May.

    Now I have to figure out how to get to New York =/
  • Bought a ticket for the Arrogant Sons of Bitches reunion on May.

    Now I have to figure out how to get to New York =/
    Take a plane.

    Next level option: sail around the US.

  • Now I have to figure out how to get to New York =/
    Subscribe to Jet Blue and other airlines to be notified of deals. They have some pretty decent ones every now and then. Also get a credit card. :P

  • One word; Road trip. Okay, that was two words, but you get my point.
  • I meant more financially. Since I am *committed* and *determined* to go to Otakon this year, I don't want to go unless I am positive that I can afford both. Luckily, my friend offered to let me stay at their house, so I only have to worry about paying for the plane ticket.

    And road trip is impossible if I want to get back to school for, y'know, class.
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