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Fail of your Boo-Yah (and vica-versa)



  • For Serious?
    You must! Bike is the best!
  • Seriously. 50% of male cyclists and 58% of female cyclists polled by Bicycling magazine recently said that if they had to give up either cycling or sex for a whole month, they'd give up sex.

    Make sure you get a grooved seat, though. No one wants ED.
  • On the whole scooter seems less emasculating than biking to begin with, but the same general skills apply regarding balance and such. Apparently its all in the butt, not in the shoulders.
  • Dude, how is biking even remotely emasculating? Seriously.
  • I would say scooters are MORE emasculating than riding a bike.
  • I would say scooters are MORE emasculating than riding a bike.
    I didn't want to say it, but if you buy into gender roles, that's definitely the case.
  • Dude, how is biking even remotely emasculating? Seriously.
    Christina H from Cracked summed it up better than I ever can, so I'll just pull a Rym.

    And plus those hippie chicks that hang out around where the comic shop is will appreciate my sensitivity to the issue of global warming (however much bullshit it is and I don't give a damn) so screw you.
  • edited February 2012
    As someone who likes riding and fixing bikes, has a wang, and cares about his body, I can say that all of those reasons are fucking retarded and Cracked (as per usual) is full of shit. Also, I'd usually never, ever say, "Don't send a woman to do a man's work," but when said woman is writing about guy junk and biking and is not a doctor, she can go fuck herself.

    Also, this is the bike and the jersey I'm getting on my return to the states. I highly doubt I either exceed the carbon footprint of a Vespa with the former or look stupid in/on either. Oh yeah, I cycle in cycling jeans with wicking underwear. That way my junk isn't just hanging eveywhere, I've got reflective tape to increase my visibility, and turning my cuffs down converts my jeans back to casualwear. Just pull on a t-shirt after I take off my jersey and wowee, I'm a regular dude.

    Also, with regards to global warming: Dude, "bullshit," and "you don't give a damn?" I wish I could through all the climatology journals in my university library at you through the fucking internet.

    Man, you're an alright guy, but fucking seriously. Way to wind me up before it's even 10AM here.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Christina H from Cracked summed it up better than I ever can, so I'll just pull a Rym.
    To address her points in order: Lean or lower the seat, clip pedals are far from compulsory, number 3 solves number two and I doubt you're going to need the various creams and potions if you're riding enough that you can replace it with a scooter, and don't wear the clothes, for fuck's sake, wear something else.

    Oh, and bonus, you'll only get a cock full of crossbar if a)you're short as hell, and b)you didn't buy an appropriately sized bike.

    What, do you think you have to be lance one-ball fuckin' armstrong just because you're going to pedal around a little? That's just mad. And plus, you'll never be that fast, his one ball is more aerodynamic. Just rests it on crossbar while he rides, so it doesn't flop about.

  • edited February 2012
    I would say scooters are MORE emasculating than riding a bike.
    Totally. I see biking as a very gender neutral thing, and hardcore biking as bad ass and athletic. Scooters (although I love the aesthetic of a Vespa) strike up images in my mind of fashion ladies and metrosexuals who don't want to break a sweat on the way to work.

    I am biased though, because in the warmer months Scott, Rym, and I do our fair share of commuting by bicycle. My ride to and from the studio is about 15 miles per day all told and it takes me 45 minutes, which is only 10 minutes slower than the subway.
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • edited February 2012
    Proof that biking is one of the manliest most awesome things ever:

    [Edited for gender neutrality :3 ]
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Well my implication initially was that having not learned the skills to ride a bike I don't have the skills to ride a scooter yet as they are both two-wheeled modes of transportation.

    Fail: That just kinda blew up in my face.

    Global Warming is a separate issue for another thread but I'll summarize my stance:
    Yes, the world is warming. No, I don't think man-made pollution is a significant contributing factor to said warming. The issue is further complicated when the "authorities" on GW keep changing their story every few years. (notwithstanding, it was Woman today)
  • Global Warming is a separate issue for another thread
    You must be new here.
  • The issue is further complicated when the "authorities" on GW keep changing their story every few years.
    You see, there is this thing called science. It tells you to change your opinion of a phenomenon based on evidence gathered through experiments.

  • The issue is further complicated when the "authorities" on GW keep changing their story every few years.
    You see, there is this thing called science. It tells you to change your opinion of a phenomenon based on evidence gathered through experiments.

    That's not so much my problem but they keep being alarmist and that gets annoying fast. If they'd just come out and say "Yeah the data doesn't correlate and we were wrong," calmly, I'd be okay.

    And again, we were in a little ice age in the 1600's-1800's, and now data is showing we might be going into another in a decade or so. A far cry from "IN FIFTY YEARS HALF THE US WILL BE UNDERWATER!" from a decade ago.

    Actually my problem isn't the scientists. They're just doing their jobs. MY problem is the politicians.
  • Remember you can't trust Rebublicans because they are greedy and bow down only to money. Also you can't trust Democrats because those are all just evil liberal socialist kommies. And third parties aren't trustworthy or they would be real parties.

    So you can't trust Americans. But in no case you should trust non-Americans, because those guys aren't even Americans.
  • Actually my problem isn't the scientists. They're just doing their jobs. MY problem is the politicians.
    If your problem isn't the scientists, you should believe in global warming. Everyone save the crackpots are pretty much convinced on this one. Politicians shouldn't dictate your scientific opinions to you any more than your plumber should give you medical advice. They are not qualified to appraise that data.

  • I just stated I believe the earth is warming, but not in a significant way and not, as a lot of people would have us believe, as a direct result of human pollution.
  • Right. Your position is diametrically opposed to that of the majority of climatologists, meteorologists, oceanographers, and other earth scientists. The current scientific consensus is succinctly stated as, "The earth and its oceans are significantly warming, humans are contributing in a statistically significant fashion, and we are already observing global effects that can be attributed to this."
  • I just stated I believe the earth is warming, but not in a significant way and not [...] as a direct result of human pollution.
  • Right. Your position is diametrically opposed to that of the majority of climatologists, meteorologists, oceanographers, and other earth scientists. The current scientific consensus is succinctly stated as, "The earth and its oceans are significantly warming, humans are contributing in a statistically significant fashion, and we are already observing global effects that can be attributed to this."
    1% is statistically significant, but that's not my point, and it all may be moot as scientists are now saying we're heading for another Little Ice Age within our lives.

    The Earth goes through periods of warming and cooling, this I understand and I accept it has been on an upswing, but on a cosmic scale the 200+ years humans have been industrialized just seems so trivial compared to the over four-and-a-half billion years the Earth has been around, correct me if I'm wrong.
    I just stated I believe the earth is warming, but not in a significant way and not [...] as a direct result of human pollution.
    I have none.

    If I may backtrack a little, I don't buy into the hype generated. The main thing that gets me, like I said, is the fearmongering claiming we need to switch to renewable resources NOW or your children will have to wear MOPP 4 to go to school! No doubt we need to focus on developing post-scarcity technology, and I'm all for it, but Al Gore can come over and kiss my white pimply ass for all I care.
  • edited February 2012
    I just stated I believe the earth is warming, but not in a significant way and not [...] as a direct result of human pollution.
    I have none.
    Thanks for playing.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • edited February 2012
    You have one article from The Register, based on one projection from NASA which we don't entirely understand. Solar activity's relation to the climate is poorly understood to begin with, and "large changes in solar irradiance are not required" for a LIA in the opinion of some.

    All that article is is an example of sensationalist journalism based on poor data interpretation. Meanwhile, over the past couple of decades, the corrected climate trend graphs, which subtract natural climate changes assessed from geologic and Antarctic records and mean annual temps to generate a normal line that shows average temperature increase or decrease, have show that annual temperature increases show a strong correlation with CO2 levels. Results have been published in many peer reviewed journals to show that this is the case. Read more on why we should be worried about this here.

    Also, the concern isn't that pollution will make your children need MOPP 4, but rather that temperature change will foster an environment in which our present modes of transport and agriculture are unsustainable, leading to an collapse scenario we will be helpless to correct. Additionally, the data indicates that we are fucking up an impossibly complex system by doing something we could easily correct, and almost any scientist would tell you that isn't something you should do if you can avoid it.

    I just stated I believe the earth is warming, but not in a significant way and not [...] as a direct result of human pollution.
    I have none.
    Thanks for playing.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Fail: I know I'm ill-informed and still try anyway. Also that second link isn't working WUB
  • Forgot my close quotes in the tag. Thanks for being cool about this; I know I can come off like a douche a lot but really I'm just passionate about this stuff.
  • edited February 2012
    Fail: I know I'm ill-informed and still try anyway. Also that second link isn't working WUB
    Don't worry, you can be like me: believe in global warming, but not do anything about it anyway.
    Post edited by Greg on
  • Fail: I know I'm ill-informed and still try anyway. Also that second link isn't working WUB
    Don't worry, you can be like me: believe in global warming, but not do anything about it anyway.
    y u do dis

  • Fail: I know I'm ill-informed and still try anyway. Also that second link isn't working WUB
    Don't worry, you can be like me: believe in global warming, but not do anything about it anyway.
    y u do dis

    Well besides the steps I've already taken (scooter, energy efficient bulbs, not turning on the lights during the day) what else can I (or shadow for that matter) individually do? "Green credits" are a joke, I'm not in any position to affect policy, and I can't fart less times a day.
  • edited February 2012
    Cut meat, specifically red meat, out of your diet one day a week.
    Post edited by Andrew on
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