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Fail of your Boo-Yah (and vica-versa)



  • What would be awesome would be hanging your paintings from a rail and then hanging that from hooks on the ceiling so you can hoist them out of the way.
  • What would be awesome would be hanging your paintings from a rail and then hanging that from hooks on the ceiling so you can hoist them out of the way.
    The Maker in me wants to take this idea, add monofilament pulleys and tracks lights on actuators and just fucking run with it.
  • What would be awesome would be hanging your paintings from a rail and then hanging that from hooks on the ceiling so you can hoist them out of the way.
    Photos != paintings.
  • edited October 2010
    Framed images then. It's 1 in the morning and I can't sleep. Or you could mount them on a board.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • The framed images aren't a problem. I take them down easily enough when putting on a movie. It's the ones stuck to the wall with blue tac are the problem ones.
  • edited October 2010
    Well using a second rail at the bottom and running a pair of fishing reel wires down to that to stick them to could work. As would the board idea.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • Or, like I said, I could just hang them on the other wall!
  • Don't dream so small.
  • edited October 2010
    If you chained them up, used silent high-torque motors to change the height, and wired it all to an Arduino, you could make the entire thing kinetic and have each column of 1-5 photos moving almost imperceptibly slowly up and down along with all the others. It would be so awesome.

    Plug an iPod into the 'duino with an output to your stereo, and you could make the photos form a new waveform every five minutes that matches a capture of the audio you're listening to from that time!
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Solution: Anti-gravity.

    Just throwing it out there.
  • Simple, become the master of gravity through juggling.
  • edited October 2010
    Code and I recorded a podcast. Boo-yah? I am not entirely sure.
    Post edited by Walker on
  • Boo-Yah: Had more social life last weekend than on any weekend since I moved here. Got to see Scott Pilgrim, play Rock Band and eat.

    Fail: Didn't do my school work as planned, so I tonight will be hell. Trying to do all the tasks on one night has never worked for me.
  • Boo-Yah: Had more social life last weekend than on any weekend since I moved here. Got to see Scott Pilgrim, play Rock Band and eat.

    Fail: Didn't do my school work as planned, so I tonight will be hell. Trying to do all the tasks on one night has never worked for me.
    Samesies. Luckily tomorrow's exam is Psych 100, which is all old-hat for me for a huge list of reasons. I'll probably be up till 3 studying and writing tomorrow night, though.
  • I'm looking through some old hard drives to find some lyrics to a song I wanted to play last night, but haven't tried to remember the words for probably 5 years.

    Fail: I couldn't find the lyrics, because I think I only ever wrote them on the back of an A4 envelope, which I now know is in a box in my parents' shed.

    Boo-Yah: Found the lyrics to a song I'd completely forgotten about. Of course, as soon as I started playing, it all came back to me.

    Boo-Yah: I found loads of other stuff too. Photos from 2002, cartoons I drew in 2003, every chat I had on yahoo messenger in 2000, all the juggling videos I made between 2003 and 2005 that I'd thought I'd lost completely! this is so awesome.
  • Fail: My father's girlfriend is an unbelievably stupid, self-righteous dumbass. I would blame it on her upbringing, but the rest of her family, including her siblings, are actually quite intelligent and well-adjusted! Even THEY think she's an idiot.

    Boo-yah: I just verbally smacked her down after a rather snippy email she sent me about "forgetting" my Dad's birthday, and I have resolved to drop my pretenses of civility from this point forward. I will let her know exactly what I think of her whenever she says anything to me from now on. I'm done trying to hold up this bridge without any help from them. If Dad wants that bridge to stay up, he can put some goddamn effort into it too. And he can get rid of the girlfriend who thinks that the President's religion can be dictated by her opinion. Otherwise, that bridge can die in a fire.
  • Boo-yah: I just verbally smacked her down after a rather snippy email she sent me about "forgetting" my Dad's birthday, and I have resolved to drop my pretenses of civility from this point forward. I will let her know exactly what I think of her whenever she says anything to me from now on. I'm done trying to hold up this bridge without any help from them. If Dad wants that bridge to stay up, he can put some goddamn effort into it too. And he can get rid of the girlfriend who thinks that the President's religion can be dictated by her opinion. Otherwise, that bridge can die in a fire.
    The Courage Wolf is is strong with this one.
  • Fail: Between Thursday when I moved my stuff in and Friday night when we actually moved into our new house the washer filled up and soaked the hall leaving water stains and stinky shoe smell.
    Boo-yah: The carpet cleaners have come and done their thing and left a blower by a lifter up corner of carpet that makes carpet waves!
  • The Courage Wolf is is strong with this one.
    Er, yeah... so... she responded to my email, and I may have just called my father and told him his girlfriend is a idiotic, self-righteous bitch, and that I love him, but I refuse to communicate with or be subjected to her anymore. He laughed and said he loved me too. She is now officially blocked from the Social Network of my life. I feel strangely giddy.
  • The Courage Wolf is is strong with this one.
    Er, yeah... so... she responded to my email, and I may have just called my father and told him his girlfriend is a idiotic, self-righteous bitch, and that I love him, but I refuse to communicate with or be subjected to her anymore. He laughed and said he loved me too. She is now officially blocked from the Social Network of my life. I feel strangely giddy.
    That is the feeling of an epic win.
  • FAIL: Rym introduced me to expensive gin and the awesome gin and tonic that can be made with it.

    BOO-YAH: This gin and tonic fucking rocks!
  • Fail: Yesterday, I was pushed off the bed and hit my head on the nightstand with much force. I've had a dull ache for the last 2 days.

    Fail: Acetaminophen and Ibuprofen have done jack and shit for the pain

    Fail: For the past 3 nights, I've been interrupted in the middle of the night either due to cat hi-jinx, the police sirens a few buildings down in the apartment complex, or loud fucking neighbors blasting their music. This has caused me to wake up and not be able to fall asleep for another hour or two. I go into work this morning very tired and with a bad headache.

    Boo-yah: I took Naproxen and that actually helps.

    Boo-yah: I am at home and can finally rest and take more Naproxen. (Along with a glass of wine. ^___^)
  • What manner of gin is this, sir?

    Though, no earthly tonic can match the luxury and palatability of a vermouth, drier than Mercurial stones!
  • What manner of gin is this, sir?
    I'm betting Hendrick's, which kicks ass.
  • What manner of gin is this, sir?
    I'm betting Hendrick's, which kicks ass.
    That one.
  • edited October 2010
    Yeah, that's like the best gin. No, really. It's the best. Well, OK, Magellan is quite good too, but it's also very different than most other gins.
    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • I think we're all in accord on this. For the more frugally minded, though, I highly recommend Boodle's.
  • Boo-Yah: A good friend of mine is starting up one of his infamous Legend of the Five Rings campaigns, with a crew whom have proven to be awesome to roleplay with. This will be the first time I've roleplayed with a competent group in a long while

    Fail: They live 2 hours away in Rhode Island. This is going to suck for gas
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