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Fail of your Boo-Yah (and vica-versa)



  • Don't be an idiot and be late when it doesn't matter. Be late when it matters.

    And don't ask for advice when you're already in the shit.
  • Don't be an idiot and be late when it doesn't matter. Be late when it matters.

    And don't ask for advice when you're already in the shit.
    Courage Burrage strikes again!
  • Fail: After playing a game of Kingsburg, Jeremy wanted to pick up the expansion and decided he wanted it to git it right then and there. So as we are getting ready to head out, we figure might as well take Rorschach along for a car ride since he loves them. We couldn't find him. As we were playing the board game, we weren't paying attentions to the cats on the balcony. We looked everywhere in the apartment for him. Shook a bag of kitty treats. Nothing. We figured he probably fell off the balcony. Again.

    We then go outside in the dark calling his name for a good 20 minutes. We started to worry.

    Boo-Yah: We found him after I started calling out his name loudly. At first I didn't want to be rude and yell when it was dark out, but it was only 8PM, so I figured if he heard me he'll come. Poor thing was a bit scared. However, we still took him for a car ride and got the game right before the store was about to close.
  • If it's not a once a week class and the professor doesn't take attendance, I'd say go see whatever bit of Run DMC's putting on a show.
    ...she does take is a twice a week class.
    What is the impact of the attendance on the actual grades?
  • edited September 2010
    If it's not a once a week class and the professor doesn't take attendance, I'd say go see whatever bit of Run DMC's putting on a show.
    ...she does take is a twice a week class.
    What is the impact of the attendance on the actual grades?
    I've never been called out by a professor solely based on my attendance. Geo has, which means it's probably pretty fucking important that he's in that chair at the bell.
    We figured he probably fell off the balcony. Again.
    Cats are miraculous little escapists. Our cat once slipped through a window and took a stroll on the roof before the wind freaked her out and she darted inside.

    Still, you might want to consider zip-tying some sort of tasteful mesh to your balcony. Save that kitty some airtime.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • I've never been called out by a professor solely based on my attendance. Geo has, which means it's probably pretty fucking important that he's in that chair at the bell.
    I have a small class this semester where I've been called out, but it was in a friendly, humorous fashion; I walked into the lecture (a little late) and the lecturer said something like "We're not meeting on Friday morning, though it's not like Dimitri was going to show up at 9 in the morning anyway."
  • Fail: Discovered she has a boyfriend.
    I don't actually approve of this sort of thing, but there's a saying: If she's single, you have to be better than every other guy. If she's taken, you only have to be better than one.
    This is a good saying.
    Don't pursue a girl that would leave her boyfriend for you. Don't think she won't do it to you after you have her.
    This too! None of my "advice" is for starting a long term serious relationship. It's more about having fun. Fun can lead to long term relationships, if you start off on the right foot. Starting off by stealing a girl is not a good basis for a relationship!
    To be fair, I did not pursue a girl I liked because she was totally with another guy. Then she totally broke up with him. Then I totally married her.
  • Fail: Streets are flooding around my campus due to the horrible, torrential rain we've had this week.
    Boo-Yah: my two classes were cancelled today.
  • To be fair, I did not pursue a girl I liked because she was totally with another guy. Then she totally broke up with him. Then I totally married her.
    Yes, good for you. >_> So tired of hearing about people falling into awesome relationships.
  • Boo-yah: Though most people would probably think otherwise, I had a lot of fun helping a few friends move apartments yesterday. Best part is that there weren't any injuries during the process. And then the day got even better with an awesome karaoke night to finish it off.

    Fail: Body is sore as hell today. Throat is really raspy. Woke up with a bit of a hangover. Didn't get any work done at all.

    Double fail: Which means my current streak of working on Saturdays continues tomorrow. It's up to six or more in a row now.
  • edited October 2010
    Boo-yah: Met an astounding girl at a party tonight. Asked her out by virtue of 7 beers and sheer testicular fortitude I didn't think I had. We had a ton in common.

    Fail: She said she was only "sort of single" (whatever the fuck that means; I work in binary terms on that front: you are single or involved somehow) and wasn't looking for a relationship. Just "doing the single thing."

    Double fail: Some fucking douchebag started chatting her up about Stradivarius violins and putting his arm around her.

    Semi-booh yah: I think he repulsed her.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • "sort of single"
    Probably "Transitioning." or "Not ready to move on.", could also be "Not looking.".
  • "Not looking."
    Probably this. And a bitch of a possibility, to boot.
  • Tough as it may be to hear, there's a good chance it means "not interested in you".
  • Almost undoubtedly. Whatever; just more coal firing the furance of fathomless self-loathing that fuels my incredible ambition.
  • Boo yah: Civ V came out!

    Fail: My desktop is non-functioning, and my laptop is a Mac.

    Boo yah: But Macs are intel, right?

    Fail: Boot camp is being a whiny little bitch and not resizing my partitions. Oh, and Civ V is currently Windows-only (hey! Civ IV was Mac/Win).

    Resolve: I am determined to get Civ V running on something in my house, even if I have to rewire another CARDBOARD COMPUTER.
  • Whatever; just more coal firing the furance of fathomless self-loathing that fuels my incredible ambition.
    Sounds familiar.
  • Whatever; just more coal firing the furance of fathomless self-loathing that fuels my incredible ambition.
    Sounds familiar.
    Enlighten me. Unless you're referring to what could be construed as a Minecraft reference.
  • Enlighten me.
    I've been there, yo. Keep working at it and building your confidence, and you'll get there. Eventually you'll find that your ambition is fueled by positivity instead of negativity.
  • Fail: The rate of posting in the "Say something mean about the poster above you" is significantly higher than that of its "nice" counterpart.
    Boo-yah: The "mean" thread is HILARIOUS.
  • Fail: The rate of posting in the "Say something mean about the poster above you" is significantly higher than that of its "nice" counterpart.
    Not to get too serious about it here, but I noticed that myself, and I'm pretty sure it's just because it's easier to post in the mean thread. You just have to make up some horrible thing and say it to the last poster. In the nice thread, you actually have to know something about them.
  • Probably because it's easy to pick up on something someone likes and say it's bad.
  • Fail: Every cell of my body is in excruciating pain after running 19.33 km
    Boo-Yah: I just ran 19.33 km ;P
    Fail: Oh the pain, the impossible pain :O
    Boo-Yah: I am alive :D
  • How the fuck did you manage to run 19.3km!? I nearly die after 2=P 5 if I jog.
  • Boo-Yah!: I stole/picked up the piece of wood in my front yard. I'm not sure if it was truly abandoned, or if it was just too big to fit into someone's cellar, or too heavy for them to lift up to their apartment. Anyway, it's now an awesome table/desk in my winter living room. It's 2.5 meters long, and plenty wide enough for me to fit everything I want on it.

    Fail: It's 2.5 meters long, and that's a tiny bit too long. I can't fully open the door! And if I want to move it down the wall a bit, I need to move a massive cupboard full of plates and glasses, and I really can't be bothered.

    Boo-Yah!: I got most of these first two rooms sorted.

    Fail: I'll have to take down the photos I put on my walls when I turn on the projector to watch a movie. How could I have not thought of that when putting them up?

    Fail: My juggling studio is full of furniture. How can I have collected so much?
  • How the fuck did you manage to run 19.3km!? I nearly die after 2=P 5 if I jog.
    I had to stop half way there to rest, also next time I will carry a bottle of water ;P
  • edited October 2010
    Fail: I'll have to take down the photos I put on my walls when I turn on the projector to watch a movie. How could I have not thought of that when putting them up?
    Can you install a drop screen and wire it to a wall switch? That's what my uncle did in his art studio.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Fail: Dad's still cooking at 21:00, so I'm probably not going to sleep tonight.
    Consolation: Mass Effect 2 tomorrow!
  • Fail: I'll have to take down the photos I put on my walls when I turn on the projector to watch a movie. How could I have not thought of that when putting them up?
    Can you install a drop screen and wire it to a wall switch? That's what my uncle did in his art studio.
    The wall is much bigger than any screen. Or bigger than any screen I'm going to buy. I don't mind having to move the photos because I was going to adjust them all slightly. Now I can adjust them onto another wall.
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