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Fail of your Boo-Yah (and vica-versa)



  • Boo-yah: the cruise ship I'm joining is delayed so from tomorrow I have a a day and a night in Barcelona to do whatever I want.

    Fail: I have to get up at 5am in the morning to catch my flight.
    Fail: Flying me out a day later, so no overnight stay in Barcelona.

    Boo-yah!: Extra day at home with no plans, a chance to hang out with a juggler friend who is performing in Berlin, going to Tuesday night juggling to play more combat, a two day work trip instead of a three day work trip for no less money, and a 9:15am flight instead of a 6:40 flight. Me likey.
  • edited October 2010
    Fail: For defending himself, he is now suspended for a day
    This alone is perhaps the greatest social problem in American schools today. Policy and order are more important than justice, and victims are punished for finally snapping and standing up for themselves.
    I know that part of the reasoning is so that an attacker does not have the instigator's friends facilitate vengeance attacks. Because you know that the bully/attacker would blame the victim for the suspension for fighting even if they didn't fight back. The suspension is supposed to be looked at as a 'protect victim from third party escalation', but sadly is rarely handled that way.
    Post edited by GreatTeacherMacRoss on
  • Fail: For defending himself, he is now suspended for a day
    This alone is perhaps the greatest social problem in American schools today. Policy and order are more important than justice, and victims are punished for finally snapping and standing up for themselves.
    I know that part of the reasoning is so that an attacker does not have the instigator's friends facilitate vengeance attacks. Because you know that the bully/attacker would blame the victim for the suspension for fighting even if they didn't fight back. The suspension is supposed to be looked at as a 'protect victim from third party escalation', but sadly is rarely handled that way.
    That is the biggest pile of bullshit I've ever heard. All that does is teach the instigator that they can get away with that shit.

    You wanna know how I stopped being a target in school? I decided one day that I would show him that I could be meaner and more vicious than he ever could. The next time he tried to start something, I kicked the bastard in the balls, brought him down on my knee, and slammed him to the ground. Then I helped him back up and said the following, "Are you alright? Good, because you need to listen up. I've put up with your shit for a long time now, but I'm done. It's over. Do you understand? *he looks at me like how you'd look at a big bear while trying to look not afraid* Good. Now, remember what happened here today and keep it in mind the next time you decide try and push me around. And that goes for my friends too. I'm a nice guy but I'm not beyond revenge. Now go clean yourself up; You're a mess."

    I remember that moment so clearly, probably because it's the most badass I had ever been up to that point. Equally so because it took all the courage I could muster to pull that off.

    I was suspended for three days afterward, but it sent a message to him and anyone else who looked down on me.
  • Fail: Sick and didn't go to work. Stuffy/runny nose since Saturday night.
    Boo-yah: Working from home has it's perks, mostly having your refrigerator right there. I'm eating a much more balanced diet than I do if left to the cafeteria.
  • Fail: Sick as a dog. Missed two lectures.
    Boo-yah: Zithromax. I've been sick eight days, so I'm nuking this from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.
  • Win: My friend from my previous post gathered everyone from the game and drove 2 hours to my house just so I could participate. So awesome.

    Fail: I'm sick to the point were I can barley breath, probably going to miss class tomorrow.
  • Fail: I'm sick to the point were I can barley breath, probably going to miss class tomorrow.
    It's midterms and adaptation syndrome. The stress is fucking everybody's immunity up.
  • It's more a combination of that and my allergys are starting to kick in, a combination from hell.
  • Boo-Yah: Bathroom sink drained out.
    Fail: There is still a nasty clog at the bottom, which means this gross neckbeard is going to have to hang around another day. Also, my whole bathroom smells like lye.
  • edited October 2010
    Booyah: My parents gave me a 3G kindle as an early birthday present.

    Fail: I just ordered 61 free books, I still have my econ homework to do, and I completely forgot to finish Emily's birthday present. >.< Doh! I'll finish it this weekend...
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • Fail: Sonic 4 apparently isn't very good.

    Boo-yah: I'm probably going to buy it anyway.

    Fail: It probably really will end up being not very good ;_;
  • Fail: Sonic 4 apparently isn't very good.

    Boo-yah: I'm probably going to buy it anyway.

    Fail: It probably really will end up being not very good ;_;
    I played it at PAX. It was good. Buy it. Play it. No More Questions.
  • edited October 2010
    Sonic games were never very good. The character quickly accelerated to a speed where it was simply beyond human reaction time to avoid spikes.
    Post edited by George Patches on
  • Sonic games were never very good.
    I agree, actually. Large sprite coupled with limited viewing distance and high speed made Sonic games very heavy on memorization. I never particularly enjoyed them over other platformers.
  • Sonic games were never very good. The character quickly accelerated to a speed where it was simply beyond human reaction time to avoid spikes.
    I agree, actually. Large sprite coupled with limited viewing distance and high speed made Sonic games very heavy on memorization. I never particularly enjoyed them over other platformers.
    Being and adult more aware of my gaming experiences now, I do agree with you. But as a kid, I fucking loved those games and I was pretty good at it. I play them with my little brother these days, and I realize I'm not as good now as I was then, but i still love them.

    It's probably just nostalgia.
  • Some are better than others. Sonic Advance is a masterpiece. Probably my favorite 2D Sonic game besides Sonic 3. Sonic Rush was great too. The earlier games definitely relied on memorization, but part of the satisfaction was eventually getting good enough to be able to dash elegantly through the level from start to finish without hitting any enemies.
  • Fail: A bottle of contaminated hot sauce exploded all over the bench this morning.
    Boo-Yah: A bottle of contaminated hot sauce exploded all over the bench this morning, and we got pictures.

    /once more, with feeling
  • and we got pictures.
    Can you share said pictures?
  • Fail: A bottle of contaminated hot sauce exploded all over the bench this morning.
    I didn't think anything was capable of growing in hot sauce.
  • edited October 2010
    Can you share said pictures?
    Probably not. Perhaps after I complete analysis.
    I didn't think anything was capable of growing in hot sauce.
    Yeah, neither did I. Its pH is hovering around 3.5, which is sufficiently acidic to inhibit nearly all bacterial growth. The only things left that I can think may survive in that are various sorts of yeasts and mold, and possibly Acetobacter; Acetobacter is a strict aerobe, though, IIRC, so I don't think that's so likely.

    It did have a very fecal smell as well; it could possibly be a coliform or other enteric organism, though I can't imagine what would be likely. Salmonella springs to mind, but I don't think the hot sauce has sufficient nutrients to support its growth, and certainly not enough to create such a vigorous fermentation. Aside from that, the minimum pH for the growth of almost all enterics is 4.5, so the sauce shouldn't have any of those.

    I am officially puzzled.

    EDIT: A simple Gram stain reveals a confluence of gram positive bacilli (some large enough to make a Bacillus feasible) and smaller gram negative rods. No evidence of yeast was found. No mold hyphae were observed. The product appears to have some appreciable dairy content; it mimics congealed buffalo wing sauce, and exhibits a pronounced floating layer when mixed with water.

    MacConkey agar and BHI agar will be of use tomorrow.

    But what really gets me here is that very few bacteria can grow at such a low pH value, and none of them appear to be foodborne.
    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • I can't buy Giga Pudding anywhere. SO, I'm going to make my own Giga Pudding!
  • edited October 2010
    Fail: So, this startup that I just started consulting for doesn't really know what they're doing with the project they wanted me to work on.

    Double fail: Management wants me to give a big presentation tomorrow about how we're going to do this project.

    Boo yah: Today I had a meeting with the designers, coders, and other web people (who also had no idea what management wanted to do), and we brainstormed for two hours. We came up with a really cool concept, and organized a joint presentation for tomorrow.

    Kelhus would be proud: In two weeks, I went from a relative nobody to the guy leading a major, VC-backed web project. I got all of the departments in the company to communicate and work together towards a common vision, after they had been languishing for months with no clear picture of what to do. We have a really cool, novel concept, that actually might make money. Oh, and the CEO gave me permission to implement AGILE/SCRUM project management, which I had really wanted to do. I feel pretty happy with my work so far.
    Post edited by YoshoKatana on
  • I didn't think anything was capable of growing in hot sauce.
    As long as it has a carbon source stuff will grow in it. I've heard of people ruining whole experiments because their sterilization alcohol had stuff growing in it.
  • But what really gets me here is that very few bacteria can grow at such a low pH value, and none of them appear to be foodborne.
    Extremophiles all up in your hot sauce.
  • Extremophiles all up in your hot sauce.
    Yeah, it has to be some sort of acidophile. That still doesn't answer how the fuck it got into this hot sauce, though.
    I've heard of people ruining whole experiments because their sterilization alcohol had stuff growing in it.
    I don't know what they're doing, but I flame stuff if I'm using alcohol. Otherwise, the autoclave is really the only way to be sure.
  • Posted By: zibbelcootI've heard of people ruining whole experiments because their sterilization alcohol had stuff growing in it.
    I don't know what they're doing, but I flame stuff if I'm using alcohol. Otherwise, the autoclave is really the only way to be sure.
    And people wonder why I autoclave 1N NaOH. Bacterial are tough mofo's some can even survive space travel. Not a great articale, but it's referenced very well.

    Sterile filtration is an option when you can't autoclave.
  • edited October 2010
    Fail: I've still been with my parents for 2 Weeks. I've just been so tired, because my apartment had so many more freedoms. I've been feeling like a total zombie going 45 minutes back and forth from the college. (Which is not bad, but done every weekday...)

    Boo-yah: I'm STILL finding apartments back in my old place. Thankfully, I'm not going to be 100% stuck there, but there's still a slim chance I might not live at my apartment complex if some people are assholes AND dodge calls.
    Post edited by Nukerjsr on
  • Fail: Some poor bastard's car caught fire in the parking lot at work. Like, 10 minutes ago.

    Boo-Yah: I was nowhere near it at the time.

    Guilty Pleasure: Car fires are really fucking cool to watch.
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