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Fail of your Boo-Yah (and vica-versa)



  • BooYah: My recovery from my surgery has been going really well.
    Fail: Until yesterday when walking the dogs when I appearantly did something by back couldn't handle or didn't like. Now my back hurts like it did last week. Damnit.
  • Boo-Yah: I've created a badass bo-staff demo set to this song:

    Fail: At the end of the night a poorly timed turning back side kick caused me to spin my staff at full speed right into a nerve on the side of my ankle. Ow.
  • edited September 2010
    Massive, Impossible-to-avoid, fail: I've easily put 36 hours total into studying for my organic chem test tonight. Doesn't matter; half of this material doesn't make any sense, and the historical average on this first exam is a 30%. Oh, and the exam is from 8:30p-11:30p.

    Sort-of-Boo Yah: There's a "late bloomer" policy for this class, meaning that as long as I try every exam and quiz, I can't get less that my grade on the final exam (as determined on a ten point grading scale) as my grade in the class.

    True Booh Yah: There's a good rum at home for after the exam, I don't have class until 3pm tomorrow, and next week is all about learning fun new things and relaxing (no exams).
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Today I went to my best friend's mother's funeral service. She was like a second mother to me and always made me feel so welcomed in her home. The services were held in a Catholic church that I used to go to as a child. The church was exactly as I remembered it. I was impressed that I still remembered a lot of the prayers said aloud. I did forget how much sitting and standing you do in Catholic services. It can be considered a really low impact workout.

    Before I went, I kept telling myself that I didn't want to cry at the services. I wanted to keep upbeat and not mourn the death of a beloved person, but celebrate the life she had and the impact she had on me. Then, when her daughters started reading letters they wrote to her, the tears started.

    Throughout the services, one of her daughter's significant other played "Ave Maria" on the soprano saxophone and ended with "What A Wonderful World". More tears came out. Especially that last song. That song always gets me.

    I did see a lot of old high school friends and acquaintances. It was very nice to see them again and reconnect, even though the circumstances were not the best.

    It's times like this where I realize I'm not longer that little girl. My parents are getting older. One day, I will be going through the same thing, especially with my father. I called him later and told him I loved him very much.
  • edited September 2010
    It's times like this where I realize I'm not longer that little girl. My parents are getting older. One day, I will be going through the same thing, especially with my father. I called him later and told him I loved him very much.
    Time takes it's toll in more ways than we often realize. It's only in these moments of brief and tumultuos emotional clarity that we can truely grasp how short our lives are against the unending flow of time.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • edited September 2010
    Boo-Yah 1: Due to the repeated advice of this forum, I took an active role in pursuing a cute girl (i.e. met her at a coffee shop).
    Boo-Yah 2: We really hit it off. If I'm not mistaken, she showed a some interest in me.
    Fail: Discovered she has a boyfriend.

    Post edited by progSHELL on
  • Boo-Yah 1: Due to the repeated advice of this forum, I took an active role in pursuing a cute girl (i.e. met her at a coffee shop).
    Boo-Yah 2: We really hit it off. If I'm not mistaken, she showed a some interest in me.
    Fail: Discovered she has a boyfriend.

    Impending future win - She might be more interested in you than her boyfriend?
  • Impending future win - She might be more interested in you than her boyfriend?
    I may not be comfortable having that kind of blood on my hands. I'll still continue "persuit", but with extreme caution.
  • I may not be comfortable having that kind of blood on my hands. I'll still continue "persuit", but with extreme caution.
    Meh, shit happens. Relationships start and end all the time. Just don't be a total wanker about it all. Be a friend and see where it goes. Then when she has "boy" problems, she'll come crying to you, and you will hug her, embrace her and give her the kiss of a lifetime. Then you will get married and have many fat babies and live happily ever after. :P
  • Just don't be a total wanker about it all.
    Good life advice, that.
  • edited September 2010
    Meh, shit happens. Relationships start and end all the time. Just don't be a total wanker about it all. Be a friend and see where it goes. Then when she has "boy" problems, she'll come crying to you, and you will hug her, embrace her and give her the kiss of a lifetime. Then you will get married and have many fat babies and live happily ever after. :P
    This sounds dangerously close to the standard unassertive nerd move of "be a really nice guy and she will come to you" that has been decryed many a time on this very forum.
    Post edited by progSHELL on
  • Meh, shit happens. Relationships start and end all the time. Just don't be a total wanker about it all. Be a friend and see where it goes. Then when she has "boy" problems, she'll come crying to you, and you will hug her, embrace her and give her the kiss of a lifetime. Then you will get married and have many fat babies and live happily ever after. :P
    This sounds dangerously close to the standard unassertive nerd move of "be a really nice guy and she will come to you" that has been decryed many a time on this very forum.
    That just means you're learning.
  • This sounds dangerously close to the standard unassertive nerd move of "be a really nice guy and she will come to you" that has been decryed many a time on this very forum.
    Yes, this is true. However, I always followed the relationship karma or not being with a person that is already taken. If you think there is something there, pursue it and tell her you like her. Shit, tell her you like her and are interested, but you don't want to disrespect her current relationship. Unless, you want to go that route.
  • That just means you're learning.
    Alright, but for all this learning, I still don't know what to do.
  • That just means you're learning.
    Alright, but for all this learning, I still don't know what to do.
    Like most things in life, all the learning in the world can't replace experience. You aren't alone.
  • Alright, but for all this learning, I still don't know what to do.
    Yes, this is true. However, I always followed the relationship karma or not being with a person that is already taken. If you think there is something there, pursue it and tell her you like her. Shit, tell her you like her and are interested, but you don't want to disrespect her current relationship. Unless, you want to go that route.
  • edited September 2010
    That was posted while I was editing the post directly below it, so I didn't see it until just now.

    Yes, this is true. However, I always followed the relationship karma or not being with a person that is already taken. If you think there is something there, pursue it and tell her you like her. Shit, tell her you like her and are interested, but you don't want to disrespect her current relationship. Unless, you want to go that route.
    I foresee two different outcomes for this action: a) She is impressed by my assertiveness and appreciates it, continuing to be friendly and keeping the possibility in the back of her mind or b) My assertiveness freaks her out and impedes even friendships from blossoming.
    Post edited by progSHELL on
  • That was posted while I was editing the post directly below it, so I didn't see it until just now.
    Hehe. It's all good. If you take the risk, be prepared for the consequences of having her reject you and possibly no longer wanting to be in contact with you. But, you did say she seemed interested.

    Also, you guys are young. It's very intriguing to know a guy likes you. It might possibly spark more interest in you.
  • It's very intriguing to know a guy likes you. It might possibly spark more interest in you.
    I never really thought about it like that.
  • edited September 2010
    It's very intriguing to know a guy likes you. It might possibly spark more interest in you.
    Fact. I told a girl I found her interesting at a party the other night, and as she was leaving she went out of her way to find me at a party of 50-70 people and tell me that she hoped she would see me again, "hopefully very soon." I told her the same. Too drunk to hook it in (Churbs seems to infiltrate my vocab a bit more daily), but I'll probably see her tomorrow or this weekend, and the seed is sown.
    This sounds dangerously close to the standard unassertive nerd move of "be a really nice guy and she will come to you" that has been decryed many a time on this very forum.
    Also known as "The Luke Signal." When it appears in the sky, he'll appear and bitch slap you. And then maybe juggle some crazy multiplexing patterns as he unicycles away.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Too drunk to hook it in (Churbs seems to infiltrate my vocab a bit more daily)
    You just wait till you meet me in person, You'll be talking like me for weeks. My manner of speech is infectious.
  • edited September 2010
    We've got to make that happen, even if I can't study abroad in Australia. Maybe I'll come round and just vagabond there. I'm sure a traveler willing to work for less than minimum wage can find some form of work in this shitty globalized economy.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • edited September 2010
    Maybe I'll come round and just vagabond there.
    You're quite welcome, I've usually got a comfy couch to crash on, at the very least, if we can't sort you out with something better - likely I'd sleep on the couch, though. Also, Mana Bar, Fuck yeah.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Fail: Discovered she has a boyfriend.
    I don't actually approve of this sort of thing, but there's a saying: If she's single, you have to be better than every other guy. If she's taken, you only have to be better than one.
  • Also known as "The Luke Signal." When it appears in the sky, he'll appear and bitch slap you. And then maybe juggle some crazy multiplexing patterns as he unicycles away.
    Thing of my day.
  • If she's single, you have to be better than every other guy. If she's taken, you only have to be better than one.
    Just because there's a goalie...

    Also, I believe it was Luke himself who once advised me on these boards to, "Never cheat, only cuckold." So yeah. I'm generally a gentleman, but there are cases.
    Also known as "The Luke Signal." When it appears in the sky, he'll appear and bitch slap you. And then maybe juggle some crazy multiplexing patterns as he unicycles away.
    Thing of my day.
    Thank you, I'm here for the foreseeable future.
    Maybe I'll come round and just vagabond there.
    You're quite welcome, I've usually got a comfy couch to crash on, at the very least, if we can't sort you out with something better - likely I'd sleep on the couch, though. Also, Mana Bar, Fuck yeah.
    Awesome. This sounds pretty killer.
  • That just means you're learning.
    Alright, but for all this learning, I still don't know what to do.
  • I foresee two different outcomes for this action: a) She is impressed by my assertiveness and appreciates it, continuing to be friendly and keeping the possibility in the back of her mind or b) My assertiveness freaks her out and impedes even friendships from blossoming.
    Risk is part of the game.
  • Just flirt. If you flirt with girls you like, you can be friends and/or lovers. If the latter isn't prudent, the former is just as good: simply different.
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