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Fail of your Boo-Yah (and vica-versa)



  • It's very intriguing to know a guy likes you. It might possibly spark more interest in you.
    I never really thought about it like that.
    Girls constantly think about the "what ifs" a lot. Especially when it comes to attraction. However, it works both ways. If a girl you never really thought about or really saw in that manner told her she liked you, how would you feel? There would be some curiosity I suspect.
    Also known as "The Luke Signal." When it appears in the sky, he'll appear and bitch slap you. And then maybe juggle some crazy multiplexing patterns as he unicycles away.
    Haha. What's hilarious is I can totally imagine that happening. That would make an awesome comic.
    I don't actually approve of this sort of thing, but there's a saying: If she's single, you have to be better than every other guy. If she's taken, you only have to be better than one.
    That's a great saying.
  • Fail: Discovered she has a boyfriend.
    Everyone on here seems to be rooting for you to go for it, but seriously... Don't pursue a girl that would leave her boyfriend for you. Don't think she won't do it to you after you have her. Personally I hate people that don't respect other people's relationships and try to steal girlfriends/boyfriends. I hate/disrespect the girl that stole the boyfriend as much as I hate/disrespect the boyfriend for falling for the bait and cheating, etc. I'm sure you guys will come up with exceptions for why its ok to try to steal bfs/gfs, but I still think its wrong.

    And yes I'm bitter, I've been cheated on way too many times in the past. ;-;
  • I agree with Lyddi, I think it's a pretty lousy thing to do. I'm kind of surprised with how many of you don't seem to have many qualms about it.
  • Everyone on here seems to be rooting for you to go for it, but seriously... Don't pursue a girl that would leave her boyfriend for you. Don't think she won't do it to you after you have her. Personally I hate people that don't respect other people's relationships and try to steal girlfriends/boyfriends. I hate/disrespect the girl that stole the boyfriend as much as I hate/disrespect the boyfriend for falling for the bait and cheating, etc. I'm sure you guys will come up with exceptions for why its ok to try to steal bfs/gfs, but I still think its wrong.

    And yes I'm bitter, I've been cheated on way too many times in the past. ;-;
    I agree with you. I didn't want to imply to progShell to try to cheat.

    I'm sorry you've been cheated on and understand your bitterness. At the same time, I really don't blame too much fault on people who do cheat and actually end up in a more meaningful relationship than the original. Yes, what they did was dishonest and should have been upfront about their feelings before making matters worse, but the heart wants what the heart wants. Sometimes the people that do cheat, aren't fully thinking with their heads, but denying one's feelings isn't fair either.

    After my last ex-boyfriend, I found out from his new ex-gf that he apparently cheated on me A LOT during our relationship. I guess I was too naive and too trusting to realize it, but when I thought about it more it made sense. I really wasn't hurt when I found out. I was over him. I wasn't going to let him affect me or my emotions anymore.

    As I told progShell before, just let her know his feelings, and perhaps she might reciprocate. If she chooses to, make sure she breaks it off with her current guy.

    To quote a phrase from a movie about a guy leaving his fiance for another girl, "I did no steal anything that didn't want to be stolen."

    If a person isn't happy in a relationship and sees something better and doesn't think their current relationshp can be salvaged, then go for what they think is better.

    Sure it may sound crappy, but that's how it goes.

    I don't believe in one true soulmate. I think there are a lot of people out there that I can relate to, that can understand parts of me but not all of me. I know that Jeremy will never fully understand me nor I him, but we understand eachother for most part and want to be together.

    If something were to happen to where he is no longer happy and doesn't want to work at it, then I have to let him go. Yes, it will probably hurt but I'm not going to keep something going on where both parties aren't happy. If he were to find someone else and break up with me because of it, I know it will hurt a lot, but I will also have to look at myself and see what happened with us to see why it didn't work out.

    Ok, I've gone long enough.

    tl;dr : Don't cheat, but be honest with your feelings. If you think you may have found someone else to be more compatible with, break up first.
  • As I told progShell before, just let her know his feelings, and perhaps she might reciprocate. If she chooses to, make sure she breaks it off with her current guy.

    To quote a phrase from a movie about a guy leaving his fiance for another girl, "I did no steal anything that didn't want to be stolen."
    This is mostly what my words of warning were referring to. Once someone shows that they are indeed steal-able, don't think they won't do it to you. Then again, if all you want is a fling, I guess you've found the perfect person. :-P
    If a person isn't happy in a relationship and sees something better and doesn't think their current relationshp can be salvaged, then go for what they think is better.
    I agree with this, and I think there is a right and wrong way of handling it. The wrong way is to stay in the "relationship" and eventually get lured in by someone else, causing you to either cheat, "get stolen," straight up dump current gf/bf for new one, etc. The right way is to end it when you know the relationship or the gf/bf is not right for you. I think I must be extremely old-fashioned and what I'm about to say only applies to people like me, but I feel that if you really love someone and have a great relationship, you won't be able to be stolen, or fall for someone else. If you do, there must be something wrong with your current relationship that is causing you to subconsciously open your mind to other people.
  • Fail: Discovered she has a boyfriend.
    I don't actually approve of this sort of thing, but there's a saying: If she's single, you have to be better than every other guy. If she's taken, you only have to be better than one.
    This is a good saying.
    Don't pursue a girl that would leave her boyfriend for you. Don't think she won't do it to you after you have her.
    This too! None of my "advice" is for starting a long term serious relationship. It's more about having fun. Fun can lead to long term relationships, if you start off on the right foot. Starting off by stealing a girl is not a good basis for a relationship!
  • It's not cheating if you are up front about what you did to all concerned. Until you hide the fact that you just made out with someone, you've committed at best an indiscretion. Perhaps a mistake. But the moment you hide it from the person you're ostensibly with, you're cheating.
  • edited September 2010
    Boo-yah: I've been invited out by several different people this weekend and people keep wanting my company, which makes me feel pretty awesome.

    Fail: One of the invites is to a party I feel sort of weird about (because it's far away, we're staying the night at a stranger's house, and I won't know 95% of the people there and will likely never see them again), and while there's one person I'd like to go to be supportive of (the whole, girls go places in packs thing)... I'm feeling more and more distant from most of the people going. The entire group's dynamic is rather off-putting to me right now. My particularly close friend seems to do nothing but change in a way that eliminates all the things I loved about them and emphasizes all the things I dislike about them. I'm starting to get to the point I'm just not happy around them because they're so unreliable, as individuals and as a group.

    The other fail/boo-yah is that another one of my invitations for this weekend is to go see a movie with a guy friend of mine who is really awesome, but I'm not sure if it's supposed to be a date or not and the guy is a recent ex (and still has feelings for) one of my good friends.

    ...I also got invited to go clubbing with my very fabulous friend at a club in my hometown that several of my old friends frequent. I still haven't decided what I'm going to do with my weekend.
    Post edited by Anrild on
  • Not that my opinion really matters a ton, but if I were you, I would probably go clubbing. Not for the booze, but for the dancing.
  • Someone should make a thread called "I'm in an awkward social situation... help!" or "Share your I-just-met-an-awesome-girl/boy-and-I'm-not-sure-what-to-do-next stories here!"
  • Someone should make a thread called "I'm in an awkward social situation... help!" or "Share your I-just-met-an-awesome-girl/boy-and-I'm-not-sure-what-to-do-next stories here!"
  • There is an existing "Dating" thread that could be used for the second one.
  • Booh-Yah: New York Comicon/New York Anime Festival PanelsOnline

    Fail: It's not a pdf and is terrible to look at.
  • Someone should make a thread called "I'm in an awkward social situation... help!" or "Share your I-just-met-an-awesome-girl/boy-and-I'm-not-sure-what-to-do-next stories here!"
    Yeah, but then there's no reason to post on this thread.
  • There is an existing "Dating" thread that could be used for the second one.
    I'm not sure what people are discussing here is anything like "dating". They haven't even reached "flirting" yet!
  • Fail: Every year my school has an in-house tournament, and every year the Demo Team Trophy is up for grabs. Each of the four school locations puts together a demo team and creates a 10-minute routine, and the winner gets the seven-foot trophy displayed in their school for the rest of the year. I worked my ass off making a bo-staff routine, we organized 20 kids into a cohesive, well choreographed group, and I was up until 1:00 AM last night with our head instructor working out the final details. Alas, we came in last place because our demo went over the time limit.

    Boo-Yah: We kicked everybody's ass anyway. Several crowd members and one judge said that we were the best of them all, and that my staff form in particular was very well done.
  • edited September 2010
    Fail: I got what I think is foodborne illness. There is now a pretty good record of me eating at a certain Jimmy Johns only to get really sick later in the day. I was supposed to go to a friend's party, but then I got off the bus, felt like I was going to collapse, and thought I just needed some food and drink. That exacerbated the problem; I ended up walking down a college street in front of crowds of people projectile vomiting. I'm home now; despite feeling a bit better, my plans are now to watch BSG and Big Bang Theory and get a ton of sleep.

    Boo-yah: Nothing makes you feel better and more arrogant about the way you puke than the morbid fascination of onlookers as you swagger down a sidewalk, occasionally turning your head to casually shoot a 6 foot geyser of vomit onto the grass, never pausing. That's how a man pukes. You can't give a fuck.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Related to my Fail/WTF about punk lil kids listening to Black eyed peas and what not:

    Fail: Because of the 104 degree temperature outside, my mixer started to fail. I lost the left channel and had to set the amp on parallel mono to compensate. It fixed itself once it cooled down, though

    Booyah: other than that, things were great. Everyone loved the music selection!

    Fail:When I played Axel Foley, a kid comes up to me and asks, "How come I can't hear the frog?"
    "What Frog?"
    "The crazy frog."
  • I imagined you slapping him round the face with the DVD case for Beverly Hills Cop.
  • I imagined you slapping him round the face with the DVD case for Beverly Hills Cop.
    I wanted to, but she was, like, 5. Not quite old enough to have seen that movie, but, still...
  • Fail:When I played Axel Foley, a kid comes up to me and asks, "How come I can't hear the frog?"
    "What Frog?"
    "The crazy frog."
    "Because you're going deaf from listening to terrible, terrible music, sweetheart. My condolences."
  • Boo-yah: Got my totally awesome new scope for my .22LR.

    Fail: I need a different set of rings to mount it.
  • Fail: Laptop wouldn't post
    Boo-yah: All I had to do was reset the CMOS battery
    Fail: It required tearing apart my whole laptop
    Further Fail: I realized that my laptop is now five years old and should probably be replaced, -$$$$$$$$$
  • Further Fail: I realized that my laptop is now five years old and should probably be replaced, -$$$$$$$$$
    Just get a netbook and upgrade your tower.
  • Fail: Laptop wouldn't post
    Boo-yah: All I had to do was reset the CMOS battery
    Fail: It required tearing apart my whole laptop
    Further Fail: I realized that my laptop is now five years old and should probably be replaced, -$$$$$$$$$
    :( I still remember the days of playing the Sims 2 on that thing... *sigh*
  • Further Fail: I realized that my laptop is now five years old and should probably be replaced, -$$$$$$$$$
    Just get a netbook and upgrade your tower.
    My tower is fine, however I use my laptop for non-trivial computing for work. A netbook wouldn't really cut it.
  • My tower is fine, however I use my laptop for non-trivial computing for work. A netbook wouldn't really cut it.
    Oh right, robotics. That will be mad moneys, then.
  • I'm facing something of a dilemma here that will make itself known through this tree of fails and booh-yahs

    Fail: The city bus I was riding on broke down and the clock was ticking down before it was time for my class.

    Booh-yah: The bus company miraculously got a replacement bus over where I was to take me and the rest of the college kids to college, and I miraculously made it to college with 15 mins. left to spare. I was getting a little hungry before class and I decided to go get a snack (this is standard procedure btw) which usually takes about 5 minutes or so.

    Fail: It was a mob scene in the cafeteria and there was no way to get out of line without getting stuck in a sea of people. I stayed in line and ended up being 25 minutes late to class. Understandably, I was scolded by my teacher to not be late again (I was late once before due to missing a few buses in which I was not nearby enough to the bus stops for them to stop).

    Booh-Yah: I have found a very easy way to get to where Run DMC is having that concert I mentioned before at the North Haven Campus (there are two separate campuses for Gateway Community College).

    Fail: It is happening during the same class my teacher told me not to miss again.

    On the one hand, I am totally dedicated to college, getting good grades, and having an iron and resolute level of focus; no debate. On the other hand, when else am I ever going to see a Run DMC concert that is only $2.45 at the door. Can you guys give me some help on deciding?
  • If it's not a once a week class and the professor doesn't take attendance, I'd say go see whatever bit of Run DMC's putting on a show.
  • If it's not a once a week class and the professor doesn't take attendance, I'd say go see whatever bit of Run DMC's putting on a show.
    ...she does take is a twice a week class.
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