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Fail of your Boo-Yah (and vica-versa)



  • Boo-yah: The new Macbook Air is really nice looking. Much thinner than the previous model, and much smaller overall. It's basically a high powered mac netbook.
    Fail: I want an Apple product.
  • Keep some focus on the price tag, and you won't go wrong.
  • Keep some focus on the price tag, and you won't go wrong.
    Man makes a good point.
  • Keep some focus on the price tag, and you won't go wrong.
    The thing is that I think the price is reasonable for what it is. It's expensive for sure, but it's so small and light and well built with that gorgeous apple display. I mean a smart phone is a $600 price of hardware, and this is a full power computer for (not a limp wristed Intel Atom) for $1000. It's not a bad deal.

    That said I don't have $1000 to drop on an mac right now, and I wouldn't want to buy rev. 1 anyway.
  • The hardware is around equal to a $600 ~1.5kg thin and light. Up past the $1000 mark, you can get significantly more powerful hardware in a similar form factor.

    Granted, the Air is lighter than the alternatives, but is that enough to justify the price difference?

    As for the display, I don't currently know how good it is. Just keep in mind that not all Apple displays are at the same level of quality.
  • edited October 2010
    The hardware is around equal to a $600 ~1.5kg thin and light.
    Where are these tiny $600 laptops you speak of.
    Up past the $1000 mark, you can get significantly more powerful hardware in a similar form factor.
    What computers where?
    Granted, the Air is lighter than the alternatives, but is that enough to justify the price difference?
    Small and light is a significant priority for me in a mobile computer. This is smaller than my netbook and significantly more powerful, with longer battery life.
    Post edited by George Patches on
  • edited October 2010
    Something like the Acer TimelineX 1830T is probably the closest to the MBA at around $600.

    Past the $1000 mark, you get laptops like Scott's recent purchase, which has a much faster CPU than the MacBook Air.

    Of course, it depends on what your exact priorities are, but for most people there are better options than Apple's offerings.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • Something like the Acer TimelineX 1830T is probably the closest to the MBA at around $600.
    I will have to investigate this, it seems to have potential.
  • Related to my Fail of the Day, with the relation.

    Boo-yah: All of my important stuff are out of the bad apartment. The guys car was at the apartment, but I was wondering if the guy completely ignored us or was passed out. Both wouldn't be surprising. So I have all my electronics and clothes back at my parents apartment.

    Fail: We left almost all of the kitchenware, as well as many of the food that could still be good. It was about 150 dollars I'd say, in terms of spices and stuff that was either broken or left there. I think the roommate tried to cook crack in my cast-iron pan. >_> But all of my good stuff is here, and I never will have to go there again. I was able to safe a nice saucepan from the wreckage.
  • edited October 2010
    Fail: One of my female friends gave me what many men dread, and has deemed me with her "best male friend" status.

    Booh Yah: I already knew she wouldn't go out with me, and wasn't expecting that from her at any point in the future, so this means absolutely nothing to me, except like, I'm just going to keep being the guy she bounces her problems off of and stuff. You know, typical situation, except I don't expect her to fall for me or some shit.
    Post edited by Axel on
  • Booh-Yah: I got a hair cut (finally)!
    Fail: It wasn't quite long enough to donate to Locks of Love (10 inch minimum).
  • edited October 2010
    Fail: One of my female friends gave me what many men dread, and has deemed me with her "best male friend" status.
    1. Friendship with cute girl is better than no friendship with cute girl. Also, cute girls bring other cute girls into their radius. This is important.
    2. Also, did she turn you down, or did she just say that you were her best pal? Because there's a difference. The former means that she doesn't want a physical relationship/deep emotional stuff with you, the later means "hey, you're cool and I like to talk to you. I may or may not make out with you at some point in the future."
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • No, long before this situation, she turned me down. And yes, I was being facetious, because most guys really hate just being "friends" with a girl.

    I'm okay with this, because before this, I knew she wouldn't go out with me already. Now she's just applying a label to what I was already doing (listening to her problems), so I really don't care.

    Also, all the cute girls she's brought into her radius aren't single. So, it's not as important as you'd think. Also, RIT...So girls are tough to find as it is.
  • edited October 2010
    because most lame guys really hate just being "friends" with a girl.
    FTFY. However...
    Now she's just applying a label to what I was already doing (listening to her problems), so I really don't care.
    If that's all this "friendship" is, then you need to bail.
    Post edited by Funfetus on
  • because mostlameguys really hate just being "friends" with a girl.
    What I mean is a lot of guys are nice to girls because they want to get laid, and then the term of "best guy friend" is a death sentence to any guy who wants to get with the girl who says that about them. My overall point was, I'm fine just being friends with her already, but the whole best friend thing is "sorta" a fail just because it continues to prove that (to at the very least this girl) I'm completely undateable.
  • edited October 2010
    It's worth pointing out that my longest and closest real world friend is a girl and majority of my close friends are women. Nothing wrong with having girls that feel safe and secure in confiding with you. The big advantage is that you two can bounce questions about the opposite sex off each other.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • No, I agree. It's certainly true, I'm mostly the same way honestly.
  • Fail: Orgo class seems to be averaging 7-9/19 questions right on the exam I just took, with only the residual credit (read: rough 50-70% of the available credit for those questions) actually counting.
    Double fail: Myself included.

    Boo-yah: I came home to Tom Waits, Minecraft, and a Gin and Tonic strong enough to make a grown man cry. Tonight is OK.
  • edited October 2010
    Fail - I've got a few minor fractures in my hand playing Jungle speed, testing out my new custom-milled totem that I whipped up on the lathe.

    Booh-yah - Be fucked if I didn't win like a bastard, though.

    Bonus fail - It hurts to type, but I have to write quite a bit tonight, while I still have the net before I move. Fuck.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • most guys really hate just being "friends" with a girl.
    No, only desperate or insecure guys hate that.

    Frankly, I'd rather be friends with most every girl if I could help it.
  • Yeah, it's a pretty simple rule: More friends = better (with the exception of shitty people).
  • the whole best friend thing is "sorta" a fail just because it continues to prove that (to at the very least this girl) I'm completely undateable.
    Ah, welcome to the circle of disinterest.

    Boo-yah: I'm not the only one in the circle of disinterest!
    Fail: This has reminded me I'm in the circle of disinterest, the prison with no walls.
    Boo-yah: Seeing friends tonight and will likely be too drunk to care anymore. Also I get to drive my car, which always brightens my day.
  • Drink until you can't feel feelings any more.
  • Fail: Axel probably has more female friends than I do. I have friendly female acquaintances, but none that I really can be a geek or share similar interests as much.

    Boo-Yah: It doesn't bother me too much. Male friends are easier for me to have vs. females.
  • I have friendly female acquaintances, but none that I really can be a geek or share similar interests as much.
    Many of the geeky girls I know are in the same boat.
  • Many of the geeky girls I know are in the same boat.
    Thus my problem, my female friends are defective and don't bring in single females to meet.
  • I have no good excuse. RIT has the ratio that I could blame, but a roughly 30/70 girl to guy ratio is still not completely ridiculous when there's 50,000 undergrads or so on campus...All the girls I wind up befriending are in relationships or have no interest in me...Whatever. I bring sadness and whining wherever I go, apparently.
  • You are a young pup. You have many years ahead of you. Just go to class, have fun at RIT, and let shit happens as it happens. Lingering about all that not having a girl stuff only makes it worse.
  • You are a young pup. You have many years ahead of you. Just don't go to class, have fun at RIT, and let shit happens as it happens. Lingering about all that not having a girl stuff only makes it worse.
  • I have no good excuse. RIT has the ratio that I could blame, but a roughly 30/70 girl to guy ratio is still not completely ridiculous when there's 50,000 undergrads or so on campus...All the girls I wind up befriending are in relationships or have no interest in me...Whatever. I bring sadness and whining wherever I go, apparently.
    Learn to juggle. Get laid.
    In all seriousness, during my time at RIT I only met and actively pursued/dated two girls in my entire time there, and only dated one of them. I didn't meet Kate until after I'd graduated.
    Many of the girls I had contact with that I became friendly with, I found out were not great girlfriend material. Of course, I'm also picky and I couldn't be the guy who just tried to get laid, much to the chagrin of my genitalia.
    Don't panic, don't think about it too much, and just let things roll naturally. It's much easier that way.
    Alternatively, keep your eyes opened for any of her cute friends who have an asshole boyfriend and to horn in on their territory.
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