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Fail of your Boo-Yah (and vica-versa)



  • The RIT registration system can't fucking handle all the freshmen trying to get their courses at once.
    It never could.
  • The RIT registration system can't fucking handle all the freshmen trying to get their courses at once.
    It never could.
    I wonder if they're still using that telnet bullshit. It was still there my senior year.
  • The RIT registration system can't fucking handle all the freshmen trying to get their courses at once.
    It never could.
    My roommate still hasn't been able to register for a single course, I got lucky and registered for 3 out of 4 important courses before it crash and burned for an hour.
  • I wonder if they're still using that telnet bullshit. It was still there my senior year.
    Ahhhh Memories.
  • I wonder if they're still using that telnet bullshit. It was still there my senior year.
    It's online-only right now. They eliminated telnet when non-CS guys started complaining about CS guys "cheating" by writing scripts to register their classes.
  • I wonder if they're still using that telnet bullshit. It was still there my senior year.
    It's online-only right now. They eliminated telnet when non-CS guys started complaining about CS guys "cheating" by writing scripts to register their classes.
    Damn right that's cheating. I intentionally did not sleep one night, and stayed up until the wee AM hours when reg opened. Anyone lacking the dedication to do that shit the hard way didn't deserve it. Coding is for pussies.
  • Fail: The RIT registration system can't fucking handle all the freshmen trying to get their courses at once. Registration started at 6:00AM, hour and a half later, people are still getting 503, 'far as the eye can see.
    Due to happy circumstances, I never had to deal with that. I was technically a sophomore when I arrived at RIT, and after the first quarter's classes, I was technically a junior. I always got to register ahead of everyone else taking the same classes until my senior year when it didn't matter anymore.

    I also scammed the "concentration" system and was able to weasel my way into the entire PTC program. By the time they noticed and kicked me out, I'd taken almost the entire major's class set.
  • I am in the same boat, though I won't be a Junior until the end of this year, not after next quarter. I only started with 40 credits. It was fun on Monday though, because even though I had to wait for the servers, all of my classes were still open with no signs of getting filled up.
  • I am in the same boat, though I won't be a Junior until the end of this year, not after next quarter. I only started with 40 credits. It was fun on Monday though, because even though I had to wait for the servers, all of my classes were still open with no signs of getting filled up.
    So, here's the other secret. You, by not technically being a freshman, can switch not to the famed "all-debit" meal plan. I did it and never looked back. ;^)
  • I am in the same boat, though I won't be a Junior until the end of this year, not after next quarter. I only started with 40 credits. It was fun on Monday though, because even though I had to wait for the servers, all of my classes were still open with no signs of getting filled up.
    So, here's the other secret. You, by not technically being a freshman, can switch not to the famed "all-debit" meal plan. I did it and never looked back. ;^)
    I have every intention to. I haven't been using very many of my Gracie's meals, and the all-debit will finally stop wasting my money.
  • I have every intention to. I haven't been using very many of my Gracie's meals, and the all-debit will finally stop wasting my money.
    Though, bear in mind that Gracies costs a ton of money if you pay to eat there with all-debit. The FRC met every night at Gracies for dinner when we were freshman, plus the Sunday brunch (which is awesome). Just don't bother with breakfast or lunch and you'll be good. ;^)
  • plus the Sunday brunch (which is awesome)
    It must have changed. Last year, it was super-half-assed lunch with a little bit of breakfast food. I could rarely find anything to eat.
  • plus the Sunday brunch (which is awesome)
    It must have changed. Last year, it was super-half-assed lunch with a little bit of breakfast food. I could rarely find anything to eat.
    No omelette bar? No eggs-to-order? No waffle machine?
  • No omelette bar? No eggs-to-order? No waffle machine?
    That sounds like average breakfast buffet, not really awesome.
  • That sounds like average breakfast buffet, not really awesome.
    On-campus, next to the dorms, "free." I would have them make me fried eggs to eat while I waited for my omelette.
  • I would have them make me fried eggs to eat while I waited for my omelette.
    I see you, on the other hand, haven't changed much.
  • edited October 2010
    That sounds like average breakfast buffet, not really awesome.
    On-campus, next to the dorms, "free." I would have them make me fried eggs to eat while I waited for my omelette.
    Two fried eggs, over easy, on two pieces of toast. Staple breakfast for most days for me. You'd be surprised how often student chefs would screw it up.
    Alternatively, fresh waffle from the machine topped with strawberries and whipped cream. But you had to cook it for twice the time, so the outside would be crispy and the inside soft.
    Post edited by GreatTeacherMacRoss on
  • Fail: I was being all broody on the way home from school.
    Boo-Yah: Radar Love came on the radio and fixed that.
    Fail: Almost the entire song was spent at a red light.
  • Fail: No time for groceries.
    Fail: I want a delicious Potbelly sandwich, but the inscrutable girl who never contacted me again is playing live music there, and I don't want to appear creepy.
    Booh Yah: Delicious mexican food it is.
  • MIXED BAG: Firesheep is both awesome and terrifying.

    Booyah: Unrelatedly, I just started using Git, and it is the business.
  • MIXED BAG:Firesheepis both awesome and terrifying.
    I look forward to a renaissance of script-kiddie-fueled Internet chaos. These are trivial attacks that anyone could have done on their own at any point. Firesheep just makes it easy.
  • MIXED BAG:Firesheepis both awesome and terrifying.
    Firesheep sounds like a New Zealander's worst nightmare.
  • Boo-yah: My professor put our entire exam online. That test just got nailed.
    Fail: Half the class was sick and sounded like they were dying.
  • Firesheep just makes it easy.
    And man is it easy!
  • edited October 2010
    Firesheep doesn't work on the campus network here, to my knowledge, but I'm getting a backend error, so for all I know it's possible to skim something like 5000 sessions at any given time.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Firesheep doesn't work on the campus network here, to my knowledge, but I'm getting a backend error, so for all I know it's possible to skim something like 5000 sessions at any given time.
    I'm having the same backend error. Are you running windows 7?
  • Yeah. 64-bit.
  • Yeah. 64-bit.
    Hm... So am I. Did you remember to install WinPCap?
  • Firesheep just makes it easy.
    And man is it easy!
    Apparently I logged into facebook somehow while opening up some engadget links. What the fuck.
  • Boo-Yah: White Fire.

    Fail: White Fire.
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