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Fail of your Boo-Yah (and vica-versa)



  • edited November 2010
    I couldn't either, but then:
    Fail: I wasn't sober enough to leave before the drama llama reared its ugly head.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • edited November 2010
    Win - I finally got around to discussing my problems with the way things have been with my mother, with her, without emotion, just calmly and rationally. I also tried to discuss my problems with my sister with her.

    Fail - Her response was simply to get angry and argue the toss, and to passive aggressively insult me. She didn't want to listen to a thing I said.

    Win - I finally had the balls to unambiguously and absolutely stop her questioning my sexuality, and told her in no uncertain terms that I'm bisexual.

    Fail - Her response was, in order, incredulity, indignation, probing questions into things which are not her business(as in, demanding the names and details about all of my male sexual partners), calling it "Just a phase", rounding on me with "I don't understand why anyone would want to put their dick in someone else's bum!" and finally, Repeatedly calling me Gay until I finally snapped at her that just because she comes from Marybough, does not mean she has a excuse to act like an ignorant hillbilly, and further, for the eighth time, I'm not gay, and that she WILL stop saying that I'm gay, especially in such a derogatory tone.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Sounds like it isn't worth the bother.
  • Sounds like it isn't worth the bother.
    I prefer being honest, but really, I agree - not my smartest move ever, but ah well, what's done is done - it doesn't matter in the long run, really, because she was pretty much the only person who didn't know about the latter, and the earlier stuff was just pretty much what I expected, even if I hoped to be wrong.
  • Sounds like it isn't worth the bother.
    I prefer being honest, but really, I agree - not my smartest move ever, but ah well, what's done is done - it doesn't matter in the long run, really, because she was pretty much the only person who didn't know about the latter, and the earlier stuff was just pretty much what I expected, even if I hoped to be wrong.
    Step 1: Learn to juggle.
    Step 2: Bang a wicked hot chick in front of your mom.
    Step 3: ???
    Step 4 : Profit.
  • I can't reconcile these two statements.
    It wasn't a perfect 45 degree cut, I turned it up a bit at the end, kind of like a Swoosh.
    I couldn't either, but then:
    Fail:I wasn't sober enoughto leave before the drama llama reared its ugly head.
    Wasn't anything near sober enough to drive, so I went to watch Zoolander.
  • FAIL: I have to go to court today.
    BOOH-YAH: It's for a project, not for me actually doing anything wrong.
  • Boo-yah: Cute girl started a conversation with me at AnimeUSA.
    Huh?: She was weird. She started the conversation by asking me, "are you social?" and starting a sentence that was critical of society with, "in America..."
    Fail: She also seemed to be very anti-capitalism, ie she seemed too crazy.
  • Boo-yah: Cute girl started a conversation with me at AnimeUSA.
    Huh?: She was weird. She started the conversation by asking me, "are you social?" and starting a sentence that was critical of society with, "in America..."
    Fail: She also seemed to be very anti-capitalism, ie she seemed too crazy
    Focus on the positive here. Don't be too judgemental. She was most likely a bit nervious and unsure on how to start a conversation.
  • Focus on the positive here. Don't be too judgemental. She was most likely a bit nervious and unsure on how to start a conversation.
  • Focus on the positive here. Don't be too judgemental. She was most likely a bit nervious and unsure on how to start a conversation.
    She was probably too enamored by his shojo looks that she couldn't think of anything proper to say. She should have just not said anything and just went up to George and kissed him. ^____~
  • Tsk tsk, Rym.
  • Focus on the positive here. Don't be too judgemental. She was most likely a bit nervious and unsure on how to start a conversation.
    I wasn't dismissing her because she was awkward. I was dismissing her because of her scary economic views.
    That comic about sums it up.
  • Here is a not hotlinked version:

  • That comic made me laugh the first time I read it. That was BEFORE I went to any major anime conventions. Now that I have been to a few, I realize that the likelihood of a crazy girl like that really existing (and that there are guy who would go along with it) is all too real.
  • Wow, ANN is making a mistake here. There's a reason popular webcomics allow hotlinking. ;^)
  • Wow, ANN is making a mistake here. There's a reason popular webcomics allow hotlinking. ;^)
    Like Anime Con like Anime New Website?
  • It wasn't a perfect 45 degree cut, I turned it up a bit at the end, kind of like a Swoosh.
    I was actually trying to figure out what making fire from a dead tree had to do with cutting a wet tatami mat, but I guess those were just two separate things. Anyway...congratulations?
  • I was actually trying to figure out what making fire from a dead tree had to do with cutting a wet tatami mat, but I guess those were just two separate things. Anyway...congratulations?
    Oh. The fire was the impetus for the rest of the evening. There just happened to be a sword and mats for cutting.
  • There just happened to be a sword and mats for cutting.
    A sword? How can you not even mention it was with a sword? Here I am imagining a circular saw or something, and wondering why this seemed so significant to you.
  • There just happened to be a sword and mats for cutting.
    Asword? How can you not even mention it was with asword? Here I am imagining a circular saw or something, and wondering why this seemed so significant to you.
    When talking about cutting tatami mats, a sword is implied.
  • The mats look really cool when you burn them, kind of alive and wriggly-looking.
  • I was actually trying to figure out what making fire from a dead tree had to do with cutting a wet tatami mat, but I guess those were just two separate things. Anyway...congratulations?
    Oh. The fire was the impetus for the rest of the evening. There just happened to be a sword and mats for cutting.
    A bonfire and a sword seem like simultaneously the best and worst things to have around when you're drunk.
  • A bonfire and a sword seem like simultaneously the best and worst things to have around when you're drunk.
    The sword got put away pretty early, we were just killing time until everyone else got there.
  • When talking about cutting tatami mats, a sword is implied.
    This must just be something that I don't know about. My only point of reference for tatami mats is from judo and bjj.
  • A bonfire and a sword seem like simultaneously the best and worst things to have around when you're drunk.
    The sword got put away pretty early, we were just killing time until everyone else got there.
    That's good.

    Fail: Anonymous constructive criticism exercises that end up excoriating you, get a tad personal, cause you to question your friendships, and make you feel like a talentless hack.
    Booh-yah: The post-sadness realization of, "Fuck whoever wrote that shit. I am fucking fantastic."
  • This must just be something that I don't know about. My only point of reference for tatami mats is from judo and bjj.
    That's understandable. Tatami's used for cutting because when you wet it and roll it up tight it's roughly analogous to cutting human flesh. One mat's an arm and three's an average torso.
  • Fail: Somehow willingly showed my girlfriend the forum, specifically the dating thread.
    Fail 2: She showed me mean things she also wrote about me once upon a time.
    Booh yah: Neither of us care, and kisses ensued anyways.
  • Booh yah: Neither of us care, and kisses ensued anyways.
    Golgo 13 is disappoint.
  • Booh yah:Neither of us care, and kisses ensued anyways.
    Golgo 13 is disappoint.
    Why? Did you expect me to be angry about what she wrote about me? That would be hypocritical.

    I know you're kidding, BTW.
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