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Fail of your Boo-Yah (and vica-versa)



  • I practiced tight rope walking. I got better. It was fun.

    About ten minutes after practicing, I noticed something wrong with my foot. Something quite painful when I walk. I thought "Who the hell have I hurt my foot like this?" and then I remembered I'd been jumping off a tightrope ten minutes before.

    I am an idiot.
  • Also, don't post about it on a public forum.
    I generally suggest not violating US Federal wiretapping laws, as well as more local wiretapping statutes.

    The sad part is that if he reported the problem to the school, they would likely seek disciplinary and legal action rather than accept the valid criticism and resolve the gaping security hole.

    An anonymous letter explaining the problem to the school is your best bet.
  • I generally suggest not violating US Federal wiretapping laws, as well as more local wiretapping statutes.
  • Fail: I keep trying to use VIM command keys in VS
    Booyah: I'm becoming pretty familiar with VIM!
  • Booyah: I'm becoming pretty familiar with VIM!
    That'll be really useful as time goes on.
  • Booyah: I'm becoming pretty familiar with VIM!
    That'll be really useful as time goes on.
  • I wonder if there are any nuclear cruise ships? There should be.
  • Gone Fission?
  • I wonder if there are any nuclear cruise ships? There should be.
    There is a company that leases Russian nuclear research vessels for cruises to the north pole. They do this four or five times every summer.

    Also, we in the cruise industry know about engine room fires. They are quite alarming when they happen mid-Atlantic. Thankfully on all the ships I've been on when they have happened, they have been brought under control very quickly.
  • Boo-yah: Met a cute girl yesterday in my biology of cancer class. She's into anime, manga, video games, science (she's a bio major), and she's an artist (she showed me her sketchbook, she's really good).
    Boo-yah 2: We just talked for a solid hour about computers and anime and other geeky stuff. She laughed at my jokes!
    Boo-yah the third: She gave me her phone number!
    Boo-yah the fourth: I got an invite from Nielson for a movie screening. It's a comedy called "Bridesmaids" and it's for thursday night (the only thursday this semester where I don't have my usual 7-10pm class).
    Boo-yah the fifth: I actually squirreled up the nerve to CALL her and ask her out instead of texting her. I had butterflies in my stomach!

    FAIL: She has an essay due friday. I believe her, but I'm still disappointed as fuck.
  • FAIL: She has an essay due friday. I believe her, but I'm still disappointed as fuck.
    Eh, Shit happens, man. Try again, brother, but do it soon! Maybe, try to catch her the next day, or within a few days of Friday, I'd think.
  • Good going, man! I think all that boo-yah outweighs the fail. Just be sure to make a new date soon.
  • Booyah: I'm becoming pretty familiar with VIM!
    That'll be really useful as time goes on.
    I have to agree. Having a VI plug-in for NetBeans makes my day so much easier and faster. Now I just wish everything had the same plugin, like OpenOffice.
  • Fail: work travel this week and next is far, but nowhere cool or far enough to fly. Will be spending a total of 25 hours in the car going up and down the eastern seaboard, with a stop at home for the weekend

    Boo-Yah: I am way behind on podcasts. For reference, I just listened to the Geeknight "Science Education" episode this morning, and there are 15 more recent episodes of other podcasts waiting.
  • Now I just wish everything had the same plugin, like OpenOffice.
    Start with Firefox. You'll love Vimperator! Unfortunately, if you're on Chrome, you're kind of screwed. There are a few crappy knockoffs, but nothing really quite as powerful as Vimperator.
  • Boo-Yah: Went to Video Games Live and had a fantastic time. Talking with Tommy Tallarico at the end was great, especially since I brought along one of my Mega64 DVDs for him to sign.

    Fail: When I got home I remembered I still have homework that I've been slacking on, and I'm quickly running out of time to get it all done, and one of them is due tomorrow. Oops!
  • edited November 2010
    Boo-Yah: Hawaii was a blast. The weather is perfect at this time of year. I had a great time at my cousin's wedding and seeing family I've never met.
    Fail: It was too short and I'm back at work.
    Fail: My apartment found out I have pets because Rorschach made a lot of noise apparently. So now, I finally have to put down a deposit. I know I should have made the deposit sooner, but I really hate pet deposits.
    Fail: It's a $700 deposit. Half of it is non-refundable.
    Fail: I have to pay an additional $15 of rent now because of the pets.
    Fail: I'll be working OT to help cover the costs. Less free time for things.
    Boo-Yah: I got my step increase at work, so I do make a tiny bit more money which is nice.

    Edit: Fail: Driving is Hawaii is ridiculous. Never again.
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • Boo-Yah: I managed to use my netbook to tap into the schools VOIP telephony system and record a test call I made from my desk phone.
    I have discovered a solution: Play "Don't Stop Believing" over the VOIP system on loop, all day.
  • Come on dude, it has to be a "rick roll."
  • My perception of the :3 emoticon has been changed forever.
  • Fail: Note to self. Cleaning the bunny cage AT LEAST once a week is ALWAYS a priority. I left it too long because I had tests and projects and so much to deal with, and that cage was rank as hell.

    Boo-yah: The bunny is now clean, and so am I. I also got the advantage of seeing my big tough manly man friend who has teased me for the rabbit incessantly cuddle Thumper while I cleaned the cage. The bunny is also surprisingly tolerant of people messing with him (said manly friend kept playing with Thumper's ears). Not to mention I'm getting much better at picking the bunny up without him freaking out. So now we're all much happier.
  • Boo-yah: Set up to major in Molecular and Cellular Bio, with a minor in Japanese Language and Culture. Fuck Yes. This will eventually lead to a trip to Moonland and a PhD in Microbio. And then the a job in the world of synthetic biology. Imma fix global warming and translate some manga, motherfuckers.

    Fail: My counselor likes to talk in a way that I am sabotaging all my dreams by getting anything less than an A-, or in the case of Illinois's notoriously difficult orgo course, a B-. Then, I took the hardest bio test of my life this evening, and I've been catastophizing even since (even though I crunched the numbers and it will be extremely difficult for me to not come away with anything less than a B in bio). He's a great counselor, but his speech mannerisms are really unnerving.
  • edited November 2010
    Boo-Yah: We're apparently getting a Brazilian steakhouse in my neck of the woods in the near future.

    Fail: There's going to be a Brazilian steakhouse in my neck of the woods in the near future.


    Fail and Boo-Yah: Dinosaur Bar-B-Que opened a location in Troy, about 10 minutes from my house. You can get a pitcher (60 oz) of Davidson Brothers Scotch Ale for $17. Their prices are amazingly reasonable. The food is fantastic.
    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • Boo-Yah: We're apparently getting a Brazilian steakhouse in my neck of the woods in the near future.

    Fail: There's going to be a Brazilian steakhouse in my neck of the woods in the near future.


    Fail and Boo-Yah: Dinosaur Bar-B-Que opened a location in Troy, about 10 minutes from my house. You can get a pitcher (60 oz) ofDavidson Brothers Scotch Alefor $17. Their prices are amazingly reasonable. The food is fantastic.
    I'll second that. Appetizers at Dinosaur are entirely unnecessary. Tasty, a little over priced, but you will not need them once you see that pile of food you get for your meal.
    Next time I say we skip the pitcher of Scotch Ale and get the Ape Hanger Ale. The Scotch Ale was smooth and creamy, but Ape Hanger is made for BBQ.
  • FAIL: the 2001 Porsche Boxster S has an extremely dubious looking Carfax report, including no less than 4 owners and a minor accident.
    BOO-YAH: Continued browsing has uncovered a one owner 2007 Porsche Cayman that looks much nicer.
  • edited November 2010
    Fail/Booyah: While at the Dinosaur BBQ, Pete, Wyatt, and myself first had a glass of Ape Hanger each on empty stomachs. Then when we were seated, we had a pitcher of the Scotch Ale along with a large plate of appetizers including deviled eggs, fried green tomatoes, shrimp, and chicken wings, followed most unwisely by the dinner for four which included massive portions of brisket, ribs, chicken, mashed sweet potatoes, macaroni and cheese, corn bread, and cole-slaw.
    We went in knowing it was a mistake.
    It was a glorious, beery, meaty mistake.
    Post edited by GreatTeacherMacRoss on
  • I'm still not hungry.
  • Fail/Booyah: While at the Dinosaur BBQ, Pete, Wyatt, and myself first had a glass of Ape Hanger each on empty stomachs. Then when we were seated, we had a pitcher of the Scotch Ale along with a large plate of appetizers including deviled eggs, fried green tomatoes, shrimp, and chicken wings, followed most unwisely by the dinner for four which included massive portions of brisket, ribs, chicken, mashed sweet potatoes, macaroni and cheese, corn bread, and cole-slaw.
    We went in knowing it was a mistake.
    It was a glorious, beery, meaty mistake.
    I wanna be you guys when I grow up. :3
  • We went in knowing it was a mistake.
    It was a glorious, beery, meaty mistake.
    That was restaurant week when I visited. A horrible/awesome mistake.
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