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Fail of your Boo-Yah (and vica-versa)



  • Booh-yah: Found a place that is hiring!
    Fail: I really need a job, but it's a head shop, so I don't know if working there would be all that wise. Guess I could try the movie place, or the libraries.
    Yeah, a library would probably be a good idea.
  • Yeah, a library would probably be a good idea.
    Mhm. It's just really difficult to get a job in Champaign.
  • Yeah, a library would probably be a good idea.
    Mhm. It's just really difficult to get a job in Champaign.
    Well, not drinking before an interview helps.
  • Well, not drinking before an interview helps.
    I never would.
  • Mhm. It's just really difficult to get a job in Champaign.
  • Boo-yah: Today is my last day of work for the week. Tomorrow I go to Hawaii.
    Fail: I have so much work I need to get done before I leave.
    Boo-yah: I didn't have to pay a dime for this trip. Jeremy is coming with me.
    Fail: I have to go to a wedding in Hawaii.
    Boo-yah: The weather forecast is 80's and clear skies.
    Boo-yah: I come back next Tuesday, work Wednesday, have Thursday off because of Veterans Day, and work Friday. Easy work week. Ahh..
  • Boo-yah: I saw The Rocky Horror Picture Show recently!
    Fail: All the songs are stuck in my head.
    Boo-Yah: I found a torrent with a whole bunch of different versions, and while I was at it I picked up the Glee versions.
    Fail: I think I may seriously want to go as Dr. Frank-N-Furter for Halloween.
  • edited November 2010
    Fail: Didn't study any orgo tonight...
    Booh-yah: ...Because I finished the orgo quiz early...
    Fail: I didn't do any orgo studying in general...
    Booh-yah: ...And I watched like 9 Episodes of Gundam 00 because the quiz isn't for another two weeks.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Fail: I ate two cupcakes.
    Win: I ate two cupcakes.
  • edited November 2010
    Fail: I ate two cupcakes.
    Win: I ate two cupcakes.
    Let no one ever tell you that cupcakes are a fail.

    Win: I'm simultaneously playing Minecraft and watching fansubs of Gundam 0079.
    Fail: Can't get much more otaku than this.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Fail: Can't get much more otaku than this.
    Don't be so sure about that.
  • Fail: Can't get much more otaku than this.
    Don't be so sure about that.
    You're right. It could be a dating sim and Urotsukidoji.
  • Fail: Can't get much more otaku than this.
    Naked. Minecraft skinned to be filled with moe-representations of everything. E.g., all the block types are different moe girls. Gundam 0079 isn't subbed (can't ruin the image with the words covering up the art), and you're reading from a translated script. Using body pillow as cushion. Minecraft house is better than real house.
  • Fail: Can't get much more otaku than this.
    Naked. Minecraft skinned to be filled with moe-representations of everything. E.g., all the block types are different moe girls. Gundam 0079 isn't subbed (can't ruin the image with the words covering up the art), and you're reading from a translated script. Using body pillow as cushion. Minecraft house is better than real house.
    You know, I don't know people like this, but I know people who in turn know people like this. And that frightens me.
  • edited November 2010
    You have talked to the opposite sex (Of roughly your own age.) in the last year, right?
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • Fail: I've realized I tend to get very negative and upset about certain undesirable circumstances in my life around the same time each week. Chalk it up to getting progressively more tired as the week goes on, I guess.

    Boo-yah: Now that I've recognized this, I can start to curb it and hopefully prevent myself from feeling like shit.

    Boo-yah 2: Tomorrow I have Galco's and hanging out with good friends to look forward to.
  • edited November 2010
    Boo-yah: McRib!
    Fail: What the fuck did I just eat and why was it so delicious?

    Unrelated pair:
    Fail: Partially deaf...
    Boo-yah: Because of a metal concert! Yes I know I should be wearing earplugs. Next time.
    Post edited by trogdor9 on
  • Boo-yah: McRib!
    Fail: What the fuck did I just eat and why was it so delicious?
    Boo-Yah: I have 16 Monopoly pieces!
    Fail: The food I had to eat in order to get that many in two meals... Big Mac, Large Fries, and a McCafe. I could have gotten a Fillet-O-Fish, but I've never had a good one.
  • Fail: Because I barely sleep during last two nights I'm so tired, so very very tired.
    Boo-Yah: I didn't sleep because I was on an amazing lan-/demoparty and it was totally worth it.
  • Boo Yah - Pilots here are taking a stand against Security theatre, and in particular, the expensive body scanners.

    Fail - Not for those reasons, but because the Scanners might cause cancer.

    Boo-yah - They manage to tell the difference between ionising and non-ionising radiation

    Fail - They seem to miss the fundamental point, however, that flying the fucking plane is going to give you a dose of ionising radiation much higher than what the scanners will - roughly a 1000 millirads Vs 0.1 millirads, respectively.
  • Fail: Forgot what miso soup tastes like.
    Yeah!: Not no more I don't. Delicious.
  • edited November 2010
    Fail: Forgot what miso soup tastes like.
    Yeah!: Not no more I don't. Delicious.
    That's weird - I can think of descriptions of what some things taste like, but not most things, nor can I bring back any sense memory of any of them. Is this common, do you think?
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Fail: Forgot what miso soup tastes like.
    Yeah!: Not no more I don't. Delicious.
    That's weird - I can think of descriptions of what some things taste like, but not most things, nor can I bring back any sense memory of any of them. Is this common, do you think?
    I can easily bring back taste memories, and it's making me hungry for miso soup.
  • I have really good sense memory all around. The idea of miso soup jogged my memory on all of the dimensions of the flavor, as well as the mouthfeel of the wakame and tofu that the restaurants I like to order it at tend to add.
  • Fail: Took a load of portrait photos to upload to threadless. It needed to be landscape, d'oh.

    Boo-yah: Forced me to download gimp, cut myself out and put me on a landscape background. Always wanted to know how to do it, never had a reason to though.

    Note: It would have been quicker to take the pictures again in landscape, but that is not the point :-)
  • Boo-Yah: I managed to use my netbook to tap into the schools VOIP telephony system and record a test call I made from my desk phone.
    FAIL: It's all there. All of it. Every call. Every Message. Everything. How can they let it be so open? So unsecure? I did this with a $400 netbook running ubuntu and wireshark. I could do it with a cheap $50 garage sale computer sitting in a closet. This isn't even funny.
  • Boo-Yah: I managed to use my netbook to tap into the schools VOIP telephony system and record a test call I made from my desk phone.
    FAIL: It's all there. All of it. Every call. Every Message. Everything. How can they let it be so open? So unsecure? I did this with a $400 netbook running ubuntu and wireshark. I could do it with a cheap $50 garage sale computer sitting in a closet. This isn't even funny.
    Keep it. Save it all, every single scrap. Information is currency, if you know how to spend it.
  • Keep it. Save it all, every single scrap. Information is currency, if you know how to spend it.
    This sounds like it would be highly illegal.
  • Keep it. Save it all, every single scrap. Information is currency, if you know how to spend it.
    Also, don't post about it on a public forum.
  • This sounds like it would be highly illegal.
    Never said it wasn't. But surely we're all smart enough that if sonic does decide, for whatever reason, to keep this data, then it doesn't need to be said that he should avoid being caught.
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