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Fail of your Boo-Yah (and vica-versa)



  • She showed me mean things she also wrote about me once upon a time.
  • Fail: Normal 25 minute commute back home took 75 minutes.
    Boo-yah?: Reason was that the suspension bridge (520 for those who know it) was getting rocked by wind and waves. Driving on a swaying bridge is actually kinda fun.
  • Kids, don't throw out your geeky bedsheets. I used Ninja Turtle bedsheets throughout college. It's not a perfect test, but for the most part the girls who thought it was funny turned out to be awesome, and the girls who scoffed at it turned out to be uppity bitches. Do not settle for someone who does not appreciate your geekiness!
  • Fail: Normal 25 minute commute back home took 75 minutes.
    Boo-yah?: Reason was that the suspension bridge (520 for those who know it) was getting rocked by wind and waves. Driving on a swaying bridge is actually kinda fun.
  • edited November 2010
    Kids, don't throw out your geeky bedsheets. I used Ninja Turtle bedsheets throughout college. It's not a perfect test, but for the most part the girls who thought it was funny turned out to be awesome, and the girls who scoffed at it turned out to be uppity bitches. Do not settle for someone who does not appreciate your geekiness!
    I want Golgo 13 bedsheets. Just so the ladies know what they've signed up for.


    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Fail: Despite my better judgement, I gave into my inner car geek and bought a new car.
    Boo-yah: I bought a motherfucking miata.
  • Boo-yah: I bought a motherfucking miata.
    Fuck yeah!
  • Fail: Despite my better judgement, I gave into my inner car geek and bought a new car.
    Boo-yah: I bought a motherfucking miata.
    Very nice. Any ideas on having a personalized license plate?
  • Fail: Despite my better judgement, I gave into my inner car geek and bought a new car.
    Boo-yah: I bought a motherfucking miata.
    It's taken you a while to switch avatars.
  • It's taken you a while to switch avatars.
    Well my saab was worth so little I didn't actually trade it in.
  • Fail: Despite my better judgement, I gave into my inner car geek and bought a new car.
    Boo-yah: I bought a motherfucking miata.
    Turbocharge it!
  • edited November 2010
    Fail: Had a restless night where my half asleep brain picked apart all the reasons buying a car is a bad idea.
    Boo-Yah: Drove car to get a bagel this morning, fuck logic.
    Post edited by George Patches on
  • edited November 2010
    Boo-Yah: I did not lose power last night!
    Fail: More than 100,000 homes/businesses in the Puget Sound did.
    Fail: My work did not lose power. Damn government agencies and their back up power.
    Boo-Yah: My waking up an hour early for OT was not in vein.
    Fail: On my commute on the interstate, the area surrounding it was so dark.
    Fail: The 24 hour Starbucks I planned on going to had no power.
    Boo-Yah: The one near my work did not.
    Fail: Lost my work ID that also lets me log into the computer, had to use backup passwords.
    Boo-Yah: Found it in my car.
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • This should be in the Boo-Yah thread only :P
  • Nice car, I assume it's stick and I will never be able to drive it :-p
  • Nice car, I assume it's stick and I will never be able to drive it :-p
    If it wasn't a stick, it would be an abomination.
  • George, you need to take girls for rides in that thing. If the Saab disintegrates panties in second gear, that thing will disintegrate them in a 10' radius.
  • Doubtful, it doesn't have anywhere near the sledgehammer punch of the SAAB. Also, there's only 2 seats so I can only disintegrate the panties of one girl as opposed to four.
  • Doubtful, it doesn't have anywhere near the sledgehammer punch of the SAAB. Also, there's only 2 seats so I can only disintegrate the panties of one girl as opposed to four.
    I think the main thing is to first get a girl in your car, then you can worry about multiple girls. :P Also single non-crazy, cute geeky girls at that.
  • I think the main thing is to first get a girl in your car, then you can worry about multiple girls. :P Also single non-crazy, cute geeky girls at that.
    Well yes, the one seat is plenty. But we're discussing panty disintegrating abilities here.
  • edited November 2010
    Well yes, the one seat is plenty. But we're discussing panty disintegrating abilities here.
    Possibilities are nice, but never implementation of it is better.

    It is a sexy looking car. I normally don't give a damn about a car, however I do enjoy cars that can drive well and turn on a dime. Also stick shifts! I loath SUVs. They are no fun.
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • That is indeed a nice car.
  • edited November 2010
    That is indeed a nice car.
    Indeed it is.

    George, You gotta tell me how it performs with that 4-banger.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • George, You gotta tell me how it performs with that 4-banger.
    I've only taken it to 5000 revs cause it's new, which means I've only had about 75% of the total power it has to give. I mean, it's not the rocket sled of acceleration I'm used to, but it's pretty quick. Because it's only a 2600 lb car the 2.0L engine seems to have plenty of grunt for normal driving, but if you want to go fast you're really going to have to stir the gearbox a lot. But what a gearbox to stir, probably half the reason I bought the car. It's a complete 180 on driving styles for me, you just flat the throttle and keep it there.
  • edited November 2010
    George, You gotta tell me how it performs with that 4-banger.
    I've only taken it to 5000 revs cause it's new, which means I've only had about 75% of the total power it has to give. I mean, it's not the rocket sled of acceleration I'm used to, but it's pretty quick. Because it's only a 2600 lb car the 2.0L engine seems to have plenty of grunt for normal driving, but if you want to go fast you're really going to have to stir the gearbox a lot. But what a gearbox to stir, probably half the reason I bought the car. It's a complete 180 on driving styles for me, you just flat the throttle and keep it there.
    The Miata is a nice car to begin with, let alone when you consider the type of car it could be. Put an aftermarket twin turbo on that motherfucker and raise hell.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • The Miata is a nice car to begin with, let alone when you consider the type of car it could be. Put an aftermarket twin turbo on that motherfucker and raise hell.
    I would go for the Cosworth supercharger if I was gonna do anything. But I still think once I have access to the upper RPM ranges it'll have plenty of go.
  • Boo-Yah: Powers TPB vol 13 comes out this week.
    Fail: Too busy and budgeting to buy it. Perhaps next week.
    Fail: The TPBs come out so far apart from eachother, that I feel I need to reread them to know wtf is going on.
  • The Miata is a nice car to begin with, let alone when you consider the type of car it could be. Put an aftermarket twin turbo on that motherfucker and raise hell.
    Nice as the Miata is, I'm still even more in love with the old MR2s. I'm about equally in love with the new MR2s and the Miata.
  • The Miata is a nice car to begin with, let alone when you consider the type of car it could be. Put an aftermarket twin turbo on that motherfucker and raise hell.
    I would go for the Cosworth supercharger if I was gonna do anything. But I still think once I have access to the upper RPM ranges it'll have plenty of go.
    Thankfully, there are plenty of aftermarket parts for that lil fucker.
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