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Fail of your Boo-Yah (and vica-versa)



  • I think the statute of limitations has faaarrr surpassed Citizen Kane.
    Yeah, but I'm still really pissed that I was spoiled before I saw the movie.
  • I think the statute of limitations has faaarrr surpassed Citizen Kane.
    Yeah, but I'm still really pissed that I was spoiled before I saw the movie.
    LOL. Pretty sure Citizen Kane was "spoiled" for me by Animaniacs when I was six.
  • I think the statute of limitations has faaarrr surpassed Citizen Kane.
    Yeah, but I'm still really pissed that I was spoiled before I saw the movie.
    If you're pissed about that then you missed the point of that movie.
  • I think the statute of limitations has faaarrr surpassed Citizen Kane.
    Yeah, but I'm still really pissed that I was spoiled before I saw the movie.
    If you're pissed about that then you missed the point of that movie.
    I got it, and the ending was still cool and meaningful, but later I got mad because it would have been so much cooler if it had been a surprise.
  • Fail: My girlfriend and I flirted over Facebook chat using silly Java code.
    Booh Yah: My girlfriend and I flirted over Facebook chat using silly Java code.
  • Fail: My girlfriend and I flirted over Facebook chat using silly Java code.
    Life lesson: flirting with your girlfriend, no matter the circumstances, is never a fail.
  • Fail: My girlfriend and I flirted over Facebook chat using silly Java code.
    Booh Yah: My girlfriend and I flirted over Facebook chat using silly Java code.
    What was the code?
  • Fail: My girlfriend and I flirted over Facebook chat using silly Java code.
    Booh Yah: My girlfriend and I flirted over Facebook chat using silly Java code.
    What was the code?
    I would expect something like:

    String girlfriend = "name of girlfriend";

    for (int i = 0; i >= 0; i++) {
  • A part of it was...
    public boolean cuddling()
    return true;

    System.out.println("Man, this sucks.");
    return false;
  • Fail: It's been snowing everywhere except here for most of the day.
    Boo-Yah: It's been snowing everywhere except here for most of the day.
    Fail: It's finally snowing here.
    Boo-yah: it's finally snowing here.
    Fail: It's barely snowing.
    Boo-yah: It's barely snowing so I can still run errands.

    I really hope I get snowed in so I don't have to work.
    You're from the Seattle area, right? I heard people lost their collective shit yesterday over the little snowstorm they had there.
  • Fail: It's been snowing everywhere except here for most of the day.
    Boo-Yah: It's been snowing everywhere except here for most of the day.
    Fail: It's finally snowing here.
    Boo-yah: it's finally snowing here.
    Fail: It's barely snowing.
    Boo-yah: It's barely snowing so I can still run errands.

    I really hope I get snowed in so I don't have to work.
    You're from the Seattle area, right? I heard people lost their collective shit yesterday over the little snowstorm they had there.
    Yesterday? Today was WAYYYYY worse than yesterday.
  • edited November 2010
    You're from the Seattle area, right? I heard people lost their collective shit yesterday over the little snowstorm they had there.
    Yesterday? Today was WAYYYYY worse than yesterday.
    Yes, people forget how to drive in snow. They either continue to drive bat shit crazy fast or really really really slow.

    It is pretty bad out there. It stopped snowing, but the ground is still covered with snow & ice. The weather is windy and cold as woman. Pretty much ALL the schools are closed especially the districts surrounding my work. I'm debating on whether or not calling into work.
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • Boo-Yah: I'm buying a Xbox 360 from a friend as soon as I get some monies early next month and I already got it for a test drive, so now I'm (almost) in the current console generation.
    Fail: I don't have any games for it and only interesting game my friend had was Gears of War 2 so I have only that to play for now.
    Fail 2: I need to get router to get internet for the 360 and before that I can't set-up profile in Live, or get games, or demos over the internet. Also because of bullshit university network I can't just take the internet cable and stick it in the 360.
  • Also because of bullshit university network I can't just take the internet cable and stick it in the 360.
    It's not as simple as putting the MAC address on your account? What sort of hoops do you have to jump through?
  • It's snowing. This is both a Boo-Yah and a Fail.
  • Fail: Usually on visits to Maryland, my sister, Kate, and my mom will go get mani/pedis and leave me and my sister's fiance to our own devices. This typically results in a ludicrous amount of Xbox gaming and beer. Yesterday when he came over for Thanksgiving, he told me he hit a RROD and it would cost him $100 to fix.
    Boo-Yah: May have convinced him to just spend the additional $100 and get a whole new 360.
    Fail/Boo-Yah: Potentially hitting a store on Black Friday.
  • Fail/Boo-Yah: Potentially hitting astore on Black Friday.
    Godspeed sir.
  • edited November 2010
    Boo-Yah: Rain has melted the infernal snow away!
    Fail: I think I will attempt to shop today because our microwave is going out. :(
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • Fail: Usually on visits to Maryland, my sister, Kate, and my mom will go get mani/pedis and leave me and my sister's fiance to our own devices. This typically results in a ludicrous amount of Xbox gaming and beer. Yesterday when he came over for Thanksgiving, he told me he hit a RROD and it would cost him $100 to fix.
    Boo-Yah: May have convinced him to just spend the additional $100 and get a whole new 360.
    Fail/Boo-Yah: Potentially hitting a store on Black Friday.
    damn, I'm always out of town when you guys are in the area.
  • Booh-yah: My house is completely decorated for Christmas, just in time for my birthday party.
    Fail: The staff on my Maleficent ornament broke off while decorating the tree.
    Booh-yah: It's easily fixable.
    Fail: I don't have any glue.
  • Fail: Gone from sleeping too much to sleeping too little.
    Upside: I can now stay up late and still wake up in the morning.
    Downside: Eye has started twitching due to lack of sleep.
    Upside: May get myself a bitching eyepatch.
  • Boo-yah: Just submitted the last of my college transfer apps for now.

    Fail: Just found out that all the stuff for one of the schools' scholarships are due very soon, meaning I have ~1 day to write a shitload of suck-up essays about how much it would mean to me to go to their school so that my parents will be able to retire someday instead of working to pay off my tuition forever. Feeling the pressure: 3, 2, 1, now.
  • Fail: While I initially made negative progress on my homework today...
    Boo-yah: Done!
  • Boo-yah: Just submitted the last of my college transfer apps for now.

    Fail: Just found out that all the stuff for one of the schools' scholarships are due very soon, meaning I have ~1 day to write a shitload of suck-up essays about how much it would mean to me to go to their school so that my parents will be able to retire someday instead of working to pay off my tuition forever. Feeling the pressure: 3, 2, 1, now.
    To what schools are you applying? This is the sort of English up with which I will not put.
  • The public wants to know!
  • I purposefully left out that info on the off chance that some admissions person came across my post complaining about how I have to suck-up in order to get money from them.
  • Well, you can write it in code. Pig Latin, a simple substitution cipher, maybe in binary?
  • So you're saying pull a nine?
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