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Fail of your Boo-Yah (and vica-versa)



  • AmpAmp
    edited November 2010
    Fail; Just spent an hour in a lecture tell me what any A-level student could tell me about dating (that's historical). The theater was woman cold. I forgot thermals.
    Win; Have made awesome progress on my Classical Athens essay
    Fail; I now have to look at the topography of Athens.

    Edit; Because I'm a spack pants
    Post edited by Amp on
  • edited November 2010
    Boo-Yah: Got confirmation e-mail with tracking number from new egg.
    Fail: It's only the case.
    Boo-Yah: It'll be here today.
    Fail: I get to stare at an empty PC case until everything else arrives.
    Post edited by GreatTeacherMacRoss on
  • Fail: I accidentally uploaded a wav file of last night's show instead of an mp3
    Booh-Yah: FIOS is so fast, I didn't notice.
  • Fail: I accidentally uploaded a wav file of last night's show instead of an mp3
    Booh-Yah: FIOS is so fast, I didn't notice.
    I need me some of that shit.
  • FAIL: Was colder than I thought it would be yesterday and I only wore my lined windbreaker to work. Damn near froze my nuts off when I had to put gas in the car.
    BOO-YAH: Discovered that my car has yet another message that will display on its readout when it's damn cold outside: "Ice Possible"
    MANUFACTURER FAIL: File that under "No shit, Sherlock. It's below freezing out there."

    FAIL: Had to spend time at the storage unit yesterday evening digging my winter coat out the boxes.
    BOO-YAH: Found my set of lock picks that I thought I had lost in the inside pocket of said coat, as well as around a buck-fifty in change.
  • Boo-Yah: All my computer parts should be in my hot little hands on 12/3.
    Fail: I am now stuck hitting F5 forever watching the tracking.
    Fail: If it doesn't get to my house early in the day, I won't be home for delivery, which would be very bad indeed.
  • Boo-Yah: All my computer parts should be in my hot little hands on 12/3.
    Fail: I am now stuck hitting F5 forever watching the tracking.
    Fail: If it doesn't get to my house early in the day, I won't be home for delivery, which would be very bad indeed.
  • *f5* Still in Tennessee.
    *f5* Still in Tennessee.
    *f5* Still in Tennessee.
    *f5* Still in Tennessee.
    *f5* Still in Tennessee.
  • edited December 2010
    Booh-yah: Radiator valve was functional! Bedroom heated!
    Fail: Radiator valve was functional! PC tower heated! Room has that "Radiator Just Turned On" smell!
    Booh-yah: Thank Woz for Antec tower design; their heat dissipation is pretty great. I'm guessing that radiator has been hot for about five or six hours. Even heating the panel with the lexan window, the rest of the case stayed cool and the side of the case that got heated was probably only 80-90 degrees F. It's a good thing I got back in time to move my tower to the other side of the desk before it got "reflow all your fancy components" hot. After a few tense seconds of ASUS's diagnostic lights flashing red through the startup sequence (as usual), GreyArea booted just fine. I love that guy.

    Also, moving the PC, modem and router to the other side adds a lot of illusory space to my bedroom, and I can now safely heat it up and use the case window as a really cool nightlight. Yeah!
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Fail: two-year pay freeze for me
    Boo-yah: it only effects the annual raises, but we are still allowed to get promotions. I've been a bit overdue for one, so this may force the issue.
    Double-Boo-Yah: Wife got a raise
  • Fail: two-year pay freeze for me
    Boo-yah: it only effects the annual raises, but we are still allowed to get promotions. I've been a bit overdue for one, so this may force the issue.
    Double-Boo-Yah: Wife got a raise
    My coworker is really bitter about this. However is it set in stone yet? We still get our step increases regardless. I'm honestly not sweating this if it happens. My pay is pretty decent and I have a car note paid off. I also will be getting my performance appraisal bonus and more than likely a group award bonus for exceeding our collection goals.
  • I just pulled myself from near-suicidal depression to gleefulness by saying stupid shit in a CS:S server.

    "I will take all of you in single combat with a frozen baguette!"

    "Fuck all of you! My cock dwarfs skyscrapers!"

    "He put buckshot in my face! My face is not a buckshot receptacle."

    It kind of feels like I am losing my mind tonight.
  • "I will take all of you in single combat with a frozen baguette!"
    Best taunt ever.
  • Fail: two-year pay freeze for me
    Boo-yah: it only effects the annual raises, but we are still allowed to get promotions. I've been a bit overdue for one, so this may force the issue.
    Double-Boo-Yah: Wife got a raise
    My coworker is really bitter about this. However is it set in stone yet? We still get our step increases regardless. I'm honestly not sweating this if it happens. My pay is pretty decent and I have a car note paid off. I also will be getting my performance appraisal bonus and more than likely a group award bonus for exceeding our collection goals.
    It's not set in stone yet as it has to be approved by congress, but it's considered something of a slam dunk. I had some bitter co-workers but I had to explain to them that it's better to slap federal employees on the wrist now than to wait for republican congress to take over. Now they may let us be, but otherwise they may have gone for even more severe action like pay cuts, furloughs, reduction in force, etc.

    As for step increases, yeah they are allowed. You still traverse the government pay tables upwards based on your experience and performance, but it's those tables that are locked in place for the next two years. You miss out on the cost of living adjustment (COLA) that would bump those pay tables, usually in the ballpark of 2% annually (this years was supposed to be 1.4 or 1.6, I can't remember). I know for me this would have been over $100 per month in added pay which is nothing to sneeze at, plus another similar bump in 2012. I'm not worked up about it, I'm still well paid and love my job.

    The only action I took was to cancel my overpriced dental insurance, which should cancel out the big bump in health insurance premiums I was facing and depending on that 1.4% to cover. I'm more worried about the Bush tax cuts getting extended. That shit needs to be solved now. I did the math and my family would have something like $6,000 taken out of our paychecks. That is a big pay cut and one that would make life uncomfortable.
  • Boo-Yah: Finally got the granuloma on my left forearm surgically removed.

    Fail: The local has now worn off.

    Very Boo-Yah: I have gin.
  • Boo-yah: I have a warm puppy sleeping in my lap.
    Fail: My legs have gone numb, but she is just too damn cute to disturb.
  • edited December 2010
    Boo-Yah: Finally got the granuloma on my left forearm surgically removed.

    Fail: The local has now worn off.

    Very Boo-Yah: I have gin.
    Apply gin generously to wound. Great idea.
    Post edited by GreatTeacherMacRoss on
  • Booh-Yah: I got very drunk last night while playing a drinking game that my mom got me for my birthday.
    Fail: I got so drunk that I threw up and I have a bit of a hangover today. It's my first time having this happen to me.
    Booh-Yah: My friends took care of me and made sure I didn't choke on my own vomit.
  • Booh-Yah: My friends took care of me and made sure I didn't choke on my own vomit.
    While it does suck, it's a good lesson in one's own tolerances. Knowing exactly what your limits are is useful and can be lifesaving (generally applied).

    Obviously, there are exceptions. I don't care to know how much salt I can stand to stuff in my eyes, and I leave it an untested limit (as my father always said).
  • Boo-yah: Having put 250 miles on my engine I decided to really see what it can do and revved it all the way to 7000 rpms once the oil was hot. The sound a of the engine and the extra power was glorious.
    Fail: Despite the extra power of higher revs, having the top down proved difficult for the poor engine at highway speed. I really had to work to get it to 70 with any urgency.
  • Fail: Starbuck has decided that my bras are his new favorite toys. He either climbs in the dresser and pulls one out, or gets them out of the laundry. 2 of them now have holes everywhere.

    Booyah: I have an excuse to go to Victorias Secret and get more bras! :D
  • Fail: Starbuck has decided that my bras are his new favorite toys. He either climbs in the dresser and pulls one out, or gets them out of the laundry. 2 of them now have holes everywhere.
    This is why I keep my dresser drawers closed at all times. Rorschach is constantly curious and intrigued about the possible treasures that are in here.
    Booyah: I have an excuse to go to Victorias Secret and get more bras! :D
    As much as I don't like bra shopping, it is nice to get new cute ones.
  • This is why I keep my dresser drawers closed at all times. Rorschach is constantly curious and intrigued about the possible treasures that are in here.
    I'm not sure, but I'm pretty sure he's figured out how to open our drawers as they have a lip.
  • This is why I keep my dresser drawers closed at all times. Rorschach is constantly curious and intrigued about the possible treasures that are in here.
    I'm not sure, but I'm pretty sure he's figured out how to open our drawers as they have a lip.
    Mine seem to have some sort of way to keep firmly closed. This is probably due to me overstuffing them.

    Does Starbuck like catnip/rattling toys? Just curious. (Devious ploy to find out more for future purposes...)
  • Clyde seems to prefer my sister's clothes hamper. Must be something about womens clothing *shrug*
  • Malcolm has a thing for lady's undergarments. Once he actually managed to get a pair of some pink ones on his head, then scramble outside and run around the yard and driveway playing 'I'm going to stay two inches out of reach' with Kate.
  • Does Starbuck like catnip/rattling toys? Just curious. (Devious ploy to find out more for future purposes...)
    Oh yes, he loves them.
  • Does Starbuck like catnip/rattling toys? Just curious. (Devious ploy to find out more for future purposes...)
    Oh yes, he loves them.
    He pretty much loves anything that moves when he pokes it. If it is on a table, he will push it off just to see it fall. Including my water glasses. x_x
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