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Fail of your Boo-Yah (and vica-versa)



  • He pretty much loves anything that moves when he pokes it. If it is on a table, he will push it off just to see it fall. Including my water glasses. x_x
    Yeah, we don't use open glasses anymore. We bought several Thermos spill proof water bottles to prevent anymore spills.
  • Rorschach and Starbuck would make the bestest buddies.

    Oh mans, that pictures is priceless.
  • My cat is pretty good about not knocking over my water glasses, but she will drink out of it constantly if I don't stop her. Basically replace above picture with cat that is more white and has black spots.
  • Given that the warm fire is downstairs in the living room, I will probably not have the cat on my lap until spring comes again.

    Also, Sleeping much more, eating much less.
  • Given that the warm fire is downstairs in the living room, I will probably not have the cat on my lap until spring comes again.
    I started turning on the heater and the same thing is happening for Cole and Digit, however The Shach (Rorschach) still prefers his mommy's lap, especially when she's about to knit.

  • edited December 2010
    There is a cat named Rufus at the shelter that I really want to adopt, but Adam is unwilling to get an allergy shot twice a year. Seriously, it is only twice a year.
    Poor Rufus, I love thee, but another has come between us.
    In all seriousness, my heart is breaking for the lil' guy. He has been there for weeks without being adopted.
    Post edited by Kate Monster on
  • Adam, now is the time of year to MaN ThE FucK Up!
  • Adam, now is the time of year to MaN ThE FucK Up!
  • Sounds like he just doesn't want a cat and this excuse is as good as any.
  • Adam, now is the time of year to MaN ThE FucK Up!
  • Boo-Yah: COMMUNITY. W00T!!
    Fail: Community, why you gotta remind me that finals are coming up?
  • Boo-Yah: COMMUNITY. W00T!!
    Fail: Community, why you gotta remind me that finals are coming up?
    That is exactly what happened to me. I felt bad for skipping out on my Algebra 2 review, and it only had 10 more questions to go.
  • There is a cat named Rufus at the shelter that I really want to adopt, but Adam is unwilling to get an allergy shot twice a year. Seriously, it is only twice a year.
    Poor Rufus, I love thee, but another has come between us.
    In all seriousness, my heart is breaking for the lil' guy. He has been there for weeks without being adopted.
    Adam, save Rufus! He needs love too!
  • Algebra 2
    High school? You know nothing of the crunch.
  • You have been on a day trip to the crunch, ooh look at the crunch pah you'd run away if you had to deal with the crunch. Got to love the Boosh

    Fail; General anesthetic and ibuprofen have worn off, knee know hurting like a bitch.
    Boo-Yah; Get well muffin and worry hat are defiantly improving upon it.
  • Algebra 2
    High school? You know nothing of the crunch.
    Yups, high schooler. I mean, I've crunched or Bio before, and did alright, I just worry after I crunch.
    Also, when doing my Bio studying, I got distracted by prions. They are so cool!
  • Honestly? From personal experience, unless you get the long-term allergy shots, they're usually not very effective. I had to get four shots twice weekly for a year, and a shot every other week for the next seven years, to mitigate my allergies.
  • Boo yah: [MAJOR SECRET WORK PROJECT] hit alpha!
    Fail: indigestion!
    Boo yah: at least I got over my cold!
    Fail: just in time for it to get cold outside. yah: Minecraft.
  • There is a cat named Rufus at the shelter that I really want to adopt, but Adam is unwilling to get an allergy shot twice a year. Seriously, it is only twice a year.
    Poor Rufus, I love thee, but another has come between us.
    In all seriousness, my heart is breaking for the lil' guy. He has been there for weeks without being adopted.
    I know the feeling. I get it with specific kitties and bunnies from time to time at the shelter. (Hee Won, the regal yet licky ex-lab rabbit was the one I obsessed over a few years ago.)

    However, allergies aside. are you sure bringing another animal home would be the best situation with your two little butterflies? They are two busy little dogs. Any cat you get would have to be a really laid back cat that likes physical contact and being bumbled around.
  • Boo-yah: First violin recital today in about 2 hours
    Fail: I'm nervous as fuck.
  • Boo-yah: First violin recital today in about 2 hours
    Fail: I'm nervous as fuck.
    Wow, I didn't know you played. That's awesome. Good luck! I'm sure you'll be fine.
  • There is a cat named Rufus at the shelter that I really want to adopt, but Adam is unwilling to get an allergy shot twice a year. Seriously, it is only twice a year.
    Poor Rufus, I love thee, but another has come between us.
    In all seriousness, my heart is breaking for the lil' guy. He has been there for weeks without being adopted.
    Adam, save Rufus! He needs love too!
    Adam, save the cat. Otherwise, you are a heartless bastard. Kenshiro would save the cat.
  • Adam, save the cat. Otherwise, you are a heartless bastard. Kenshiro would save the cat.
    Golgo 13 wouldn't save the cat, as there is no place in his life for a furry bundle of joy, but he would shoot you for not saving the cat.
  • edited December 2010
    Golgo 13 wouldn't save the cat, as there is no place in his life for a furry bundle of jo
    Well, he wouldn't take the cat in, but he wouldn't harm it, which is as good as it gets for Golgo 13. Even when a cat almost got him arrested, he still didn't kill the cat. He even eye-smiled at it, at the end.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Adam, now is the time of year to MaN ThE FucK Up!
    I do not mind cats, however I have no great desire to have a cat in the first place. I shall now enumerate my reasons for not wanting a cat:
    1. I am allergic to the point of breaking out in a skin rash if my skin touches carpet that a cat frequents. My eyes become painfully and relentlessly itchy and I sneeze constantly.
    2. I do not want to be taking Allevert or getting shots for the rest of the life of the animal to alleviate allergy symptoms. This would be different if I desperately wanted a cat, which I do not.
    3. Cats come with horrible horrible claws which, and I do not care who the fuck says otherwise, they use liberally even in friendly play and can result in bleeding out from the lacerations. I prefer animals that pull their shots and will not accidentally kill me. I also do not want to get involved in the great de-claw debate.
    4. Cats shed way more than my dogs currently do. I hate having shed fur covering everything and it's a pain to clean up. When a friend's dad donated a couch to my friend and I for our new apartment, I literally vacuumed three cats worth of hair out of the damned thing. He owned one cat and the couch wasn't even in use in the main area of his home. I am not exaggerating.
    5. Furniture damage is almost guaranteed. We do not have funds to replace badly damaged furniture. Malcolm and Zoe already took their toll in curtains.
    6. Malcolm and Zoe (particularly Malcolm) already have some issues with other animals that need resolving. I don't want an animal that will beat the shit out of Malcolm when he inevitably gets too nosy. God forbid he caught a claw to the face or something.
    7. Another animal comes with more expenses including litter, litter box, different food, collar, vet bills, etc. While doable, this is unwise in our current financial position.

    While Rufus is a sweet looking cat, I already do not want another animal. I do not want to bring an animal into my home which, would undoubtedly be cared for by both of us and loved by katiebear, will not be wanted by both of us. It seems unfair to the animal.
  • I do not mind cats, however I have no great desire to have a cat in the first place. I shall now enumerate my reasons for not wanting a cat:
    1. I am allergic to the point of breaking out in a skin rash if my skin touches carpet that a cat frequents. My eyes become painfully and relentlessly itchy and I sneeze constantly.
    2. I do not want to be taking Allevert or getting shots for the rest of the life of the animal to alleviate allergy symptoms. This would be different if I desperately wanted a cat, which I do not.
    These two are all that I need for me. I like cats, but I'm not dealing with eternal discomfort or shots.

    Besides, animals are for people who live alone and are lonely, I opted to get human pets instead (AKA room mates.)
  • I can never help thinking that giving animals inside a house is a bit mediaeval. Didn't we discover, a few hundred years ago, that animals are quite unhygienic?
  • I can never help thinking that giving animals inside a house is a bit mediaeval. Didn't we discover, a few hundred years ago, that animals are quite unhygienic?
    My brother's cat likes to jump up to the kitchen counters and fuck around on them. I don't think I want to eat at his house.
  • I am allergic to the point of breaking out in a skin rash if my skin touches carpet that a cat frequents. My eyes become painfully and relentlessly itchy and I sneeze constantly.
    Speaking as someone with severe allergies, it's a valid concern.
    I do not want to be taking Allevert or getting shots for the rest of the life of the animal to alleviate allergy symptoms. This would be different if I desperately wanted a cat, which I do not.
    These shots and antihistamines are not that effective anyway. You would likely still have symptoms to a measurable degree.

    The allergy bit isn't something to be taken lightly: it's a serious life decision. Nothing would convince me to live in an environment containing a severe allergen, as there are no fully effective treatments available.
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