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Fail of your Boo-Yah (and vica-versa)



  • edited December 2010
    Smells Like Teen Spirit is almost entirely unrecognizable.

    Post edited by Sail on
  • The majority of youtube comments say this is revenge for the atomic bombs.
  • That's no Smells Like Teen Spirit.
  • edited December 2010
    Japanese voice actors sing covers of American and UK punk rock songs. This one is for Basketcase by Green Day. I dare you to sit through the covers forBlitzkrieg BopandRuby Soho.
    As someone who knows his Punk Rock, this is not. This is stolen lyrics set to electronic garbage...
    This could have been a goodfun idea, had they actually used some musicians. I guess it helps the perverts who want to hear Mai Kadowaki say "Give it to me baby (uh huh, uh huh)". Then again, it doesn't make a lot of sense for a japense girl to sing "Pretty Fly (for a white guy)".
    Post edited by chaosof99 on
  • Boo-yah: Lifting multiple BIGS packages over my head.
    Fail: Three more hours of that.
  • A couple things:
    Boo-yah 1: Got a free red velvet cake cupcake from one of the on campus coffee shops because the lady thought I was too skinny.
    Boo-yah 2: Free concert in one of the most acoustically sound theaters in the world.
    Fail: It was punctuated by an hour and a half of speeches about a now former board member. There was about as much speechifying as music.
    Boo-yah 3: Best damn dessert bar ever, soo much food, in such a variety.
    Fail 2: Way behind on some work for the end of classes that I was going to do this evening.
    All in all a pretty good day.
  • Japanese voice actors sing covers of American and UK punk rock songs. This one is for Basketcase by Green Day. I dare you to sit through the covers forBlitzkrieg BopandRuby Soho.
    Nanja, sorya! This is horrific and hilarious.
  • Chasing your dreams is awesome, but it sucks when you have to let people down to do it.

    Fuck. I'm going to go take a final.
  • Booh-yah: Interview for my awesome research position tomorrow!
    Fail: I am so nervous that I couldn't do anything but Minecraft tonight, and I accidentally blew up my house twice.
  • edited December 2010
    Fail/Booh-Yah (depending on how you look at it): I have a 7.2 7.9 (forgot to add in Broadway show exclusive songs) hour long Disney playlist.
    Fail/Booh-Yah (also dependent on how you look at it): There is AT THE VERY LEAST 20 hours worth of Disney music on my computer.
    Post edited by Li_Akahi on
  • Booh-yah: Interview for my awesome research position tomorrow!
    Fail: I am so nervous that I couldn't do anything but Minecraft tonight, and I accidentally blew up my house twice.
    No need to be nervous, you've got this. ^_~
  • Japanese voice actors sing covers of American and UK punk rock songs. This one is for Basketcase by Green Day. I dare you to sit through the covers forBlitzkrieg BopandRuby Soho.
    We need some NORIO WAKAMOTO up in here.
  • edited December 2010
    Just had my interview. Went really well, with only two snags. One was me saying that I read my first article about BioBricks "when I was 14, and the standard was first established." Derp. The standard has existed since I was nine, I just have poor age recall. The other was when they asked if I'd be Corporate (fund-raising, grant-writing), and I was initially very hesitant since, as I explained, I really wanted to do labwork. Then, it was clarified that Corporate could do labwork, but it is such a grueling task that labwork is not required. At that point, I smiled and said, "Oh, yeah, put me down for Corporate, then." Crisis averted.

    We talked about some topics of interest, and languages I speak, as well as comics and video games. They seemed to like my knowledge base. When asked if I'd be interested in doing this for two years, my response was, without a pause, "Oh, absolutely."

    I think it went well, but now I need to play the waiting game.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • edited December 2010
    Booyah! - Awesome party last night. Much wondering was had, along with a home-made cider bottle before I left for england, which has been aging in a dark box the whole time. Fucking delicious, like drinking a 20% alcohol Granny Smith apple.
    Fail - Wondering is not good for your constitution, and I had a pretty poisonous hangover this morning.

    Booyah! - Got to hang out with nick and daniel, and we had some usual boozy fun.
    Fail - So, at some point this seemed like a good idea
    Excrement firmly materialised unto reality.

    Which ended up like this -

    So, Yeah, that happened.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • That fucking hat.
  • I'm sure it seemed like a good idea at the time.
  • I'm sure it seemed like a good idea at the time.
    Yeah - Wondering, not the best game in the world.
    Named after us asking "I wonder what that would taste like?" after a boozy cocktail party where we were trying to come up with drinks, it became a game of "Dump ingredients into cocktail shaker or blender, shake/blend, consume". It tends to go from bad to worse as the concoction only gets more and more alcoholic and bizarre tasting.
  • I'm sure it seemed like a good idea at the time.
    Yeah - Wondering, not the best game in the world.
    Named after us asking "I wonder what that would taste like?" after a boozy cocktail party where we were trying to come up with drinks, it became a game of "Dump ingredients into cocktail shaker or blender, shake/blend, consume". It tends to go from bad to worse as the concoction only gets more and more alcoholic and bizarre tasting.
    I used to do that as a kid. Without the alcohol.
  • Boo-yah: Got my lappy back from Best Buy
    Fail: Still can't connect to the internet
    Boo-yah: I think I know why
    Fail: IE won't install on my lappy
  • I used to do that as a kid. Without the alcohol.
    That would make things safer. For both your liver and your couch.
  • edited December 2010
    Boo-yah: Finally figured out it's probably Norton and the fact I uninstalled it
    Fail: I recently had my debit card deactivated so I can't get the free trial
    Further Fail: I kinda need it soon-ish so I can at least try to back up my iPod.
    Fail the Third: And this is something I am going to go to school for.
    Post edited by Jack Draigo on
  • Boo-Yah: Ate at Dinosaur Bar-B-Que.
    Fail: Ordered way too much food and gave myself a tummy ache.
    Boo-Yah: I am still full of delicious meat.
  • Fail: Ordered way too much food and gave myself a tummy ache.
    I do not miss eating myself to a tummy ache.
  • Boo-Yah: Ate at Dinosaur Bar-B-Que.
    Fail: Ordered way too much food and gave myself a tummy ache.
    Man, that place seems to encourage that. Oh bar-b-que, why are you so tasty?
  • Man, that place seems to encourage that. Oh bar-b-que, why are you so tasty?
    Never bean a huge fan, prefer grilled steaks and chicken topped in buffalo sauce to BBQ ribs.
  • Boo-yah: Finally figured out it's probably Norton and the fact I uninstalled it
    Fail: I recently had my debit card deactivated so I can't get the free trial
    Further Fail: I kinda need it soon-ish so I can at least try to back up my iPod.
    Fail the Third: And this is something I am going to go to school for.
    I'm totally not following here, but you for some reason need to get Norton installed, which you think will solve some internet connectivity issue, so you can use your laptop to backup your iPod?

  • I'm totally not following here, but you for some reason need to get Norton installed, which you think will solve some internet connectivity issue, so you can use your laptop to backup your iPod?
    No program that accesses the internet except IE can actually access the internet. I read somewhere it could be that I uninstalled Nortorn since when it uninstalls it goes for broke and can affect connectivity of other programs. Since everything else is down my iTunes is down, and I need to back up my iPod or have to fork over another $100 or so for all the stuff I bought on it.

    And furthermore, found a download that wasn't from Symantec, but that still didn't help. I finally just posted in the Mozilla Forum.
  • Nuke the OS.
  • Nuke the OS.
    I need a recovery disk.
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