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Fail of your Boo-Yah (and vica-versa)



  • edited April 2011
    Has anyone else noticed this pattern that Doctorow seems to have? In most of his books, a woman betrays a man or group at least once. Sometimes they get a comeuppance, but sometimes they don't - but they always betray, break up, hinder, impede, or otherwise fuck everything up for at least one person, if not many people, at least once in the book.
    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • Has anyone else noticed this pattern that Doctorow seems to have? In most of his books, a woman betrays a man or group at least once. Sometimes they get a comeuppance, but sometimes they don't - but they always betray, break up, hinder, impede, or otherwise fuck everything up for at least one person, if not many people, at least once in the book.
    Really? That's news to me.
  • Has anyone else noticed this pattern that Doctorow seems to have? In most of his books, a woman betrays a man or group at least once. Sometimes they get a comeuppance, but sometimes they don't - but they always betray, break up, hinder, impede, or otherwise fuck everything up for at least one person, if not many people, at least once in the book.
    Really? That's news to me.
    Yeah, I noticed it too. In most of his books, a woman betrays a man or group at least once. Sometimes they get a comeuppance, but sometimes they don't - but they always betray, break up, hinder, impede, or otherwise fuck everything up for at least one person, if not many people, at least once in the book.
  • Rule of Three, Rym.
  • Rule of Three, Rym.
    I've noticed a pattern. In most repetition jokes, everyone wants to be in on it. Sometimes it gets driven into the ground, sometimes it doesn't - but someone always breaks up, hinders, impedes or otherwise fucks up the entire joke for at least one person, if not many people, at least once in the thread.
  • Rule of Three, Rym.
    I've noticed a pattern. In most repetition jokes, everyone wants to be in on it. Sometimes it gets driven into the ground, sometimes it doesn't - but someone always breaks up, hinders, impedes or otherwise fucks up the entire joke for at least one person, if not many people, at least once in the thread.
    I have to agree, there's always someone who just messes up the entire joke. It happens at least once, and it impacts pretty much everyone who wants to have in on the fun. It doesn't matter if everyone wants to jump in or not, but it always happens when there's a repetition joke.
  • Background: I have been reading Walt Disney: the Triumph of the American Imagination off and on for about 4-5 years now...
    Booh-Yah: I just finished it.
    Fail: I am crying my eyes out and I need to go to sleep.
  • edited April 2011
    Working running crew/wardrobe crew for my college's production of Merry Wives of Windsor.
    Boo-yah!: We had our first dress rehearsal just now and everything went relatively smoothly.
    ???: I'm assigned to the guys' dressing room, so I help get about a dozen guys get dressed and undressed every night and make sure their costumes are in complete and working order.
    Boo-yah!: Some of them are pretty hot (and also friendly/sweet).
    Fail: Others really aren't. x_x
    Another fail: The other person assigned to the dressing room has no idea how to handle any of the wardrobe malfunctions we run into so I end up doing most of the work.
    Post edited by Anrild on
  • Fail: Didn't get to sleep until 6am last night, giving me just barely three hours of sleep, so I'm tired as hell.
    Boo-yah: Well, well worth the price. One of the best nights I've had in a long while.
  • edited April 2011
    Fail: Didn't get to sleep until 6am last night, giving me just barely three hours of sleep, so I'm tired as hell.
    Boo-yah: Well, well worth the price. One of the best nights I've had in a long while.
    Translation: I had sex ALL NIGHT. :P Just a guess.
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • Fail: Didn't get to sleep until 6am last night, giving me just barely three hours of sleep, so I'm tired as hell.
    Boo-yah: Well, well worth the price. One of the best nights I've had in a long while.
    Translation: I had sex ALL NIGHT. :P Just a guess.
    Well there was dinner with friends and a concert first :-P
  • Fail: Didn't get to sleep until 6am last night, giving me just barely three hours of sleep, so I'm tired as hell.
    Boo-yah: Well, well worth the price. One of the best nights I've had in a long while.
    Translation: I had sex ALL NIGHT. :P Just a guess.
    Well there was dinner with friends and a concert first :-P
  • Well, I'm finally meeting with my school's administration about my shitty theology teacher promoter tomorrow. Expect a post in either of this thread's parent threads, depending on how the meeting goes.
  • Don't you go to a Catholic School? They have no responsibility to make the teacher change his or her methods.
  • Don't you go to a Catholic School? They have no responsibility to make the teacher change his or her methods.
    If they do nothing, I'm talking to every student in my class and having them all complain to their parents next time he pulls some shit, and hopefully will have 10-20 letters/visits from pissed-off parents at once. If that doesn't work, I'm fucked.
  • edited April 2011
    What makes you think the other students/their parents aren't hardcore Catholics? Catholic school, dude.

    I've been through this rigmarole before. In parochial schools, the administration (and the Archdiocese) has all the power. I would have had my senior year religion teacher tarred and feathered if students had any say.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • What makes you think the other students/their parents aren't hardcore Catholics? Catholic school, dude.

    I've been through this rigmarole before. In parochial schools, the administration (and the Archdiocese) has all the power. I would have had my senior year religion teacher tarred and feathered if students had any say.
    It's not an anti-atheist thing or anything like that, it's generic bullshit. It has nothing to do with religion.
  • Fail: Rorschach wakes me up at 3 AM.
    More Fail: I discover our water heater broke and flooded our apartment.
    Boo-Yah: There wasn't too much damage.
    Fail: Have to get it replaced today.
    Boo-Yah: I have to stay home today, which I've been thinking about doing all week for just a personal day.
    Boo-Yah: I will be playing a certain game all day. :3
  • Like?
    More-or-less from least to most important:
    • keeping the windows open no matter how cold it is outside (such as <20 F)</li>
    • never posting homework online, even though it's required for all teachers
    • He gave us an assignment due on a day that we didn't meet (we drop a class everyday for lunch). When everyone went to give him the assignment after school on the day it was due (only a couple kids have it to him during class), he wasn't there. It turns out he left 10 minutes before school got out that day and chose not to tell us. He then marked our assignments late because "it's our responsibility to get the assignment to him before he leaves."
    • When I missed an assignment because my "study buddy" (the person I'm supposed to get notes and assignments from when I'm out) and I were both absent, he blew up at me and said I was on "thin ice." When I asked him about this later, it turned out that he had no problems with me, he just felt like having something to yell at me about.
    • He gave us a handout on Wednesday of last week and told us to read and highlight it. On Thursday, he gave us two more articles and told us to read and highlight those. We didn't meet Friday, and on Monday he gave us an in-depth pop-quiz on the first article. Keep in mind that by the studying policy he gave us (Monday-Thursday for 15 mins) we only should have studied it on Wednesday and possibly Thursday (but probably not because he gave us two more articles) and then forgotten it over the weekend. When everyone does horribly on the quiz (highest grade was a 76), he gives us a long-ass assignment that took an hour and a half and counted for nothing. When I explained that we shouldn't have been prepared even if we followed his policy, he said he didn't care.
    • I missed a homework assignment recently. By school policy, I should have been able to make it up within 24 hours for a maximum grade of 70%. Instead, he decides not to let me make it up at all. Furthermore, he made the assignment worth 75 points, probably about 11% of my quarter grade based on last quarter. The assignment was 5 sentences long, and it will be over 10% of my grade. The entire problem could have been avoided if he posted assignments.
    His grading policy is basically "Make sure everyone does poorly so I can give 'class participation points' to bring everyone to the grade I want."
  • Yep dude that sucks welcome to the real world. My girl friend is at a university, I will not say which one, her department has got some truly wanky lectures. She can not complain because although being naff lectures they are still world authorities on their subjects. If she complains her career is ruined. I have roughly the same thing. You think it is bad now, wait till Uni that shit is twice as bad and has even bigger repercussions.
  • My girl friend is at a university, I will not say which one, her department has got some truly wanky lectures. She can not complain because although being naff lectures they are still world authorities on their subjects. If she complains her career is ruined. I have roughly the same thing. You think it is bad now, wait till Uni that shit is twice as bad and has even bigger repercussions.
    Hey, that sounds like Leeds. And Manchester. And Newcastle. And Aberystwyth. Particularly Aberystwyth.
  • Posted By: WindUpBird
    More-or-less from least to most important:

    keeping the windows open no matter how cold it is outside (such as <20 F)

    never posting homework online, even though it's required for all teachers

    He gave us an assignment due on a day that we didn't meet (we drop a class everyday for lunch). When everyone went to give him the assignment after school on the day it was due (only a couple kids have it to him during class), he wasn't there. It turns out he left 10 minutes before school got out that day and chose not to tell us. He then marked our assignments late because "it's our responsibility to get the assignment to him before he leaves."

    When I missed an assignment because my "study buddy" (the person I'm supposed to get notes and assignments from when I'm out) and I were both absent, he blew up at me and said I was on "thin ice." When I asked him about this later, it turned out that he had no problems with me, he just felt like having something to yell at me about.

    He gave us a handout on Wednesday of last week and told us to read and highlight it. On Thursday, he gave us two more articles and told us to read and highlight those. We didn't meet Friday, and on Monday he gave us an in-depth pop-quiz on the first article. Keep in mind that by the studying policy he gave us (Monday-Thursday for 15 mins) we only should have studied it on Wednesday and possibly Thursday (but probably not because he gave us two more articles) and then forgotten it over the weekend. When everyone does horribly on the quiz (highest grade was a 76), he gives us a long-ass assignment that took an hour and a half and counted for nothing. When I explained that we shouldn't have been prepared even if we followed his policy, he said he didn't care.

    I missed a homework assignment recently. By school policy, I should have been able to make it up within 24 hours for a maximum grade of 70%. Instead, he decides not to let me make it up at all. Furthermore, he made the assignment worth 75 points, probably about 11% of my quarter grade based on last quarter. The assignment was 5 sentences long, and it will be over 10% of my grade. The entire problem could have been avoided if he posted assignments.

    His grading policy is basically "Make sure everyone does poorly so I can give 'class participation points' to bring everyone to the grade I want."</p>
    Dude, welcome to religion class my senior year. She gave every student a D on their progress report and I still came out with an A because my papers were too good for her to give me anything but. Look, try if you want, but don't expect to get anywhere.
  • I don't expect it to work, but at the very least I can annoy the fuck out of the administration if they do nothing. If they ignore me, I can probably get most of the class and their parents to support me too.
  • Booh-yah: Record Store Day!
    Fail: Can't get to the shop until five hours after it opens.
  • edited April 2011
    Booh-yah: New Laptop! (Lenovo W510, 1.6GHZ i7, 4GB RAM, 1GB Nvidia 880 Quadro and 1600x900 Screen) Perfect for Photoshop and Vegas!
    Bigger Booh-yah: Cranking all of my games up to full graphics and sitting in awe.
    Biggest Booh-yah: I now have a PC that can play Starcraft 2.
    Fail: £50 ($80) for a digital copy?!
    Fail: Have to wait untill Wednesday to get the physical copy of Starcraft 2 for £25 ($40).

    EDIT: At least I have the trial time to play Starcraft.

    Fail: Oh my god, patches!
    Post edited by ElJoe0 on
  • Fail: The Mastodon double-LP I wanted from RSD was $45, and the Mastodon/ZZ Top split was sold out. My store didn't even get the Fela 7" I wanted...
    Booh-yah: ...but I got the last copy of the Beach Boys double-10" in the store, and unlike most of the people who bought it, I have at least one turntable at home that can actually play it. One of the employees told me that a bunch of people were buying it just to have it despite saying that they didn't know if they could or just couldn't play 10" records. It's also one of the most beautiful record sets I've ever bought.

    Also, scored a neat Best Coast cardstock print that I'll probably get matted and framed.
  • Fail: I didn't bother keeping up with the "Opt-in/opt-out organ donors" after the second post and now, 200 posts later, I've probably missed out on a lot.
    Boo yah: I didn't bother keeping up with the "Opt-in/opt-out organ donors" after the second post and now, 200 posts later, I've probably missed out on a lot.
  • @WindUp: I couldn't get the Fela either. Actually, I didn't manage to get anything I planned to except for Tomboy because I overslept. That's awesome you scored the Beach Boys set, though. I ended up getting the Tron disc cuz it looked cool :P
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