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Fail of your Boo-Yah (and vica-versa)



  • Procrastinated until now on a 2-3 hour assignment I thought was due tomorrow; it turns out that it's due next Thursday, and I hadn't checked. Hurray for making bad decisions and then still getting sleep!
  • Lesser Fail: I realize I've been lurking quietly in the Forums for a while, and not contributing much of worth to the general discussion.
    Greater Fail: Most of that is due to stress, as I just got a job that pays net 30 and am still waiting for my first paycheck (so I can pay back some very nice people that helped me out when I was broke).
    Lesser Win: At least I only need to wait about one more week. I'm really looking forward to not having to worry about money for the near future.
    Medium Win: My increasingly-batshit-crazy-trustfund-hipster roommate is moving out, so I cleaned up the apartment. Now the kitchen doesn't absolutely disgust me. I feel like an adult.
    Greater Win: Because of this, I've finally gotten back into actual cooking, rather than simply eating egg sandwiches or beans + rice. Eating cheaper, healthier food makes me feel much better.
  • I just got a job that pays net 30
    I wouldn't be surprised if the majority of the people here have no idea what you mean by "net 30." Well, unless they typically draft or work with purchase orders and invoices. ^_~
  • Looks like the win greatly outnumbers the fail. Congrats.
  • edited March 2011
    I wouldn't be surprised if the majority of the people here have no idea what you mean by "net 30." Well, unless they typically draft or work with purchase orders and invoices. ^_~
    Ah, true. For the blissfully unaware forumgoers, "net 30" means that my employer can wait 30 days (after I invoice them) before paying me. Luckily, I invoice every week. A former employer wanted me to invoice at the end of the month (right when I moved to the city), and there was no way my broke ass could survive two months in NYC with effectively zero income.

    Fortunately, they're paying me exactly three times what I made at my most profitable job in Rochester (Kodak), and twice what my former employer was paying me. I believe it's more than anyone in my family has made, at least as far back as the Hellenic colonization of southern Italy. Unfortunately, it's even more reason for me not to go back and finish school (at least, while I'm a young man).
    Post edited by YoshoKatana on
  • Fail: It's 8:54AM and I didn't sleep last night, and I'm probably going to have to spend more time this coming night getting this thesis project proposal done (it's due in 31 hours).
    Boo-Yah: I probably will get some sleep, since I've done most of the work.
    Boo-Yah: I've done a good job so far, and I have enough time to finish it, so I expect a good mark.
  • Boo-Yah: I kept food down for the first time since Monday!
    Fail: I hadn't eaten since Monday!
  • Boo-Yah: I might be able to get a job for about 12 hours a week, on weekends only, at $10/hour (I'm in highschool, so that's not bad), and where I'd be allowed to do homework when there3's nothing to do. My job would be answering phones/doors, some minor "tech" work, and stuff like that.
    Fail: The job is at a rectory/church, and involves setting up for masses (although it doesn't involve performing any actual religious ceremonies, so I don't have a problem with it) and if I get past the interview, I still would need a letter of recommendation from my pastor (let's hope he hasn't noticed that I haven't shown up to mass in... 6 months?)

    My plan: I won't lie, but I'll avoid the topic of religion as much as possible. I will say that I have received Baptism, Eucharist, and Conformation, even though I was too young to know better for the first two and somewhat less-than-willing for the last one.
  • Boo-Yah: I've got a great new job that starts April 8th.
    Boo-Yah: I've got the new week off to do what ever I want, and what I want involves lots of beer and wings. :D
    Boo-Yah: I've got a great new work wardrobe.

    Fail: I've got a head cold :/

  • My plan: I won't lie, but I'll avoid the topic of religion as much as possible. I will say that I have received Baptism, Eucharist, and Conformation, even though I was too young to know better for the first two and somewhat less-than-willing for the last one.
    The Conformation typo made me laugh a little bit. Just don't forget Confession in the middle.
    Also, really enjoyed Confirmation in Peru, is completely different from what most Catholics in America have to go through. My cousin had to learn a bunch prayers, I didn't learn any new ones. I just enjoyed hanging out with my friends and going to the arcade afterwards to play Mortal Kombat :P
  • edited March 2011
    The Conformation typo made me laugh a little bit.
    I'll pretend that was intentional. ;)
    I just enjoyed hanging out with my friends and going to the arcade afterwards to play Mortal Kombat :P
    I'm jealous.
    Post edited by Ikatono on
  • The Conformation typo made me laugh a little bit.
    I'll pretend that was intentional. ;)
    I just enjoyed hanging out with my friends and going to the arcade afterwards to play Mortal Kombat :P
    I'm jealous.
    For reals dude, here Catholics are way too uptight :O
    Anyhow, good luck!
  • A background: in my senior year of High School, I qualified to go to nationals in Speech and Debate. I ended up not going as the tournament was during graduation and my mom REALLY wanted to see me walk across that stupid stage.

    Flash-forward to now: I am on my college's Speech and Debate team currently and I still botched up a presentation in one of my classes. It was a presentation on Nintendo and it went too long, I didn't have a slide on the Wii (which is weird as I was talking about how the company is innovative), I was trying to use my iPod as a remote for Keynote and because of my school's ass-backward internet, I couldn't get them to connect and my notes were on the Keynote presentation. I ended up having to recite my notes from memory (it's a good thing I essentially had them memorized) but I ended up stumbling over my words and using the same figure of speech twice in a row.

    At least I projected well and very obviously knew what the fuck I was talking about (which is something that can not really be said for some of the other people in my class) and I even got the rest of the class to participate a little bit. I also found out that there is a rather large portion of my class that plays some form of video game, so that's pretty cool.
  • Fail: Dropped $100 on impulse.

    Boo-yah:...for the TMBG "fan club" package which includes, among other things, their next album on vinyl, a limited edition 7", advance downloads of both, my name in the liner notes, and two tickets to any TMBG show of my choosing. Considering that buying tickets for their next tour plus the the album and EP would have cost around $100 anyway, I think it's justified.
  • Fail: Dropped $100 on impulse.

    Boo-yah:...for the TMBG "fan club" package which includes, among other things, their next album on vinyl, a limited edition 7", advance downloads of both, my name in the liner notes, and two tickets to any TMBG show of my choosing. Considering that buying tickets for their next tour plus the the album and EP would have cost around $100 anyway, I think it's justified.
    That's a good impulse buy. If I didn't have a zillion money-needing things going right now, I'd totally do that.
  • Fail: Dropped $100 on impulse.

    Boo-yah:...for the TMBG "fan club" package which includes, among other things, their next album on vinyl, a limited edition 7", advance downloads of both, my name in the liner notes, and two tickets to any TMBG show of my choosing. Considering that buying tickets for their next tour plus the the album and EP would have cost around $100 anyway, I think it's justified.
    Money well spent. Dat accordion.
  • edited April 2011
    Maaaaaaaaaaaaan, I wanna join the Instant Fan Club.

    Fail: Had an exam last night, which wiped out my sense of time and scheduling. Missed two of three classes this morning, both of which would usually have grave consequences for my grades.
    Booh-yah: Because of the exam, there was no physics quiz, and I hadn't yet missed a bio discussion, so that absence got excused (with 2 excused absences remaining). Effectively no consequences.
    Double Booh-yah: It's a friend's birthday tonight, which means we're celebrating by going to the best barbecue joint on the planet (Black Dog Smoke and Alehouse, Urbana, IL -- Home of the 8-hour smoked Pork Belly platter and 10 types of homemade barbecue sauce, as well as over 100 different beers), and then carrying on until the wee hours. And I don't have a class until 1pm tomorrow. I double checked.

    All told, this is shaping up to be a pretty good week.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • edited April 2011
    Missed two of three classes this morning, both of which would usually have grave consequences for my grades.
    That sucks. I hate being marked on attendance or the like (mine tends to be abysmal).
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • Missed two of three classes this morning, both of which would usually have grave consequences for my grades.
    That sucks. I hate being marked on attendance or the like (mine tends to be abysmal).
    Yeah, it's particularly bad in physics, where attendance is taken in the form of a 20pt quiz everytime we meet for discussion. But, like I said, no quiz today, so no loss.
  • FAIL: very little sleep last night
    FAIL: very little sleep tonight
    FAIL: very little sleep tomorrow night

    BOO-YAH: robotics tournament FTW!
  • FAIL: very little sleep last night
    FAIL: very little sleep tonight
    FAIL: very little sleep tomorrow night
  • Fail: I ordered a pair of white wrist-bands for a cosplay. The order sheet that came with the package confirms this.
    They sent me a white headband.
    Booh-Yah: Thankfully, my girlfriend is gonna cut it in half and sew two wristbands out of it.
    Double Booh-Yah: My wig also came in the mail, and it is exactly what I ordered! I need to cut it short, but that is what I planned for. The color is perfect.
  • Fail: Depending on how my professor reacts to my idea for a paper, I may have just committed myself to reading Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom over the next five days.
    Boo-Yah: If said professor approves, I get to nerd way out for my final paper in that class.
  • Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom
    Hey, that's a pretty good book. I've recently been having many discussions with people about reputation economies and post-scarcity solutions, and Whuffie has the least flaws of any system we've contemplated. I'd love to hear your thoughts on it when you're done.
  • Cory Doctorow has really good ideas, he's just not always the best writer. He's definitely on top of things as far as post-scarcity goes.
  • Cory Doctorow has really good ideas, he's just not always the best writer. He's definitely on top of things as far as post-scarcity goes.
    I've noticed he has a pattern - in most of his books, a woman betrays a man or group at least once. Sometimes they get a comeuppance, but sometimes they don't - but they always betray, break up, hinder, impede, or otherwise fuck everything up for at least one person, if not many people, at least once in the book.

    Also, it doesn't help that his characters are either good, pretty good, or viciously, massively, cartoonishly evil. Generally, they will have more power than the protagonist at the beginning, but some sort of collective of geeks/hackers/makers will rise to prominence and if not crush them, make their lives very, very hard, and it is implied they will win in the end.

    He's pretty good in a general sense, it's just that he has about as much subtlety as a New Year's fireworks display.

    To be honest, the bloke that wrote Geek Mafia is a more technically skilled writer, but he has plot concepts which are older than prostitution, but with a layer of geekishness slathered on with a trowel. Corey Naturally has the geekiness down, and his plot concepts are often relatively new and interesting, but as a writer he's technically unskilled, more used to preaching and proselytizing, instead of telling a story.
  • I've noticed he has a pattern - in most of his books, a woman betrays a man or group at least once. Sometimes they get a comeuppance, but sometimes they don't - but they always betray, break up, hinder, impede, or otherwise fuck everything up for at least one person, if not many people, at least once in the book.
    I've noticed a pattern - every time Cory Doctorow is mentioned, you bring up the fact that in most of his books, a woman betrays a man or group at least once. Sometimes they get a comeuppance, but sometimes they don't - but they always betray, break up, hinder, impede, or otherwise fuck everything up for at least one person, if not many people, at least once in the book.
  • edited April 2011
    I've noticed a pattern - every time Cory Doctorow is mentioned, you bring up the fact that in most of his books, a woman betrays a man or group at least once. Sometimes they get a comeuppance, but sometimes they don't - but they always betray, break up, hinder, impede, or otherwise fuck everything up for at least one person, if not many people, at least once in the book.
    Really? Shit, Sorry about that. I keep forgetting I've even said it, he's not exactly a frequent topic of conversation. Pardon me for acting a broken record. On the other hand, though, I've still got a few mentions left, if I wanted to mention it for every time he's used the device.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • I've noticed a pattern - every time Cory Doctorow is mentioned, you bring up the fact that in most of his books, a woman betrays a man or group at least once. Sometimes they get a comeuppance, but sometimes they don't - but they always betray, break up, hinder, impede, or otherwise fuck everything up for at least one person, if not many people, at least once in the book.
    Really? Shit, Sorry about that. I keep forgetting I've even said it, he's not exactly a frequent topic of conversation. Pardon me for acting a broken record. On the other hand, though, I've still got a few mentions left, if I wanted to mention it for every time he's used the device.
    This is only third or fourth time you might have mentioned it, but I distinctly remember thinking "Churba has written all this before" the LAST time I read it.

    "Random interesting note - in nearly of Doctorow's stories, The main character or characters are betrayed by a woman."
    "It's got the standard Doctorow "Woman Betrays the Protagonist" side story. It's a DSIS - Doctorow Standard Issue Story."

    Those are just short comments. I didn't find the other time you've written it out in full like above with a single forum search.
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