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Fail of your Boo-Yah (and vica-versa)



  • Fail: My PS3 stopped connecting to PSN for some reason.
    Boo Ya: Netflix/Pandora still work.
  • edited April 2011
    Fail: My PS3 stopped connecting to PSN for some reason.
    It's been down since Tuesday.

    Fail: I forgot that the undies I put on today are the ones that ride up.
    Boo-Yah: Commando isn't so bad.
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • It's been down since Tuesday.
    Mine's been down for over a month, and the wired connection has absolutely refused to work.
  • Boo-Yah: Medium DiBella's meatball sub for lunch.

    Fail: The medium is way too much sub.
  • Boo-Yah: Medium DiBella's meatball sub for lunch.

    Fail: The medium is way too much sub.
    For a second Boo-Yah you could share with me :D
  • Finals this week so studying! But there's non-school after finals, so yay! Skanko de Mayo's (annual ska show) next week too so double yay!
  • Skanko de Mayo's (annual ska show)
    That is a great name for a ska show!
    I remember my friend had a boxer dog who would freak out when anyone skanked.
  • edited April 2011
    That is a great name for a ska show!
    The same venue also hosts a Skaloween party. It's not nearly as cool a name, but I like it anyway.

    EDIT: Small aside. Gainesville's the only city I know of that has a website with listings of EVERY concert in the city. That's something I wish more cities (looking at you Orlando) had.
    Post edited by Ruffas on
  • Fail: I keep getting messages from Objectivists about my review of Atlas Shrugged, and even the ones who try to be not-crazy come off as completely crazy. How can they look at the world and come to those conclusions?

    Boo-yah: I have a form reply for the crazies. Also, I can selectively apply the "philosophy" of Objectivism, and selfishly only consider what is best for me, which means they get frustrated at me telling them over and over that I am ignoring them whenever a new email comes in about Austrian School "economics".
  • edited April 2011
    Fail: I keep getting messages from Objectivists about my review of Atlas Shrugged, and even the ones who try to be not-crazy come off as completely crazy. How can they look at the world and come to those conclusions?

    Boo-yah: I have a form reply for the crazies. Also, I can selectively apply the "philosophy" of Objectivism, and selfishly only consider what is best for me, which means they get frustrated at me telling them over and over that I am ignoring them whenever a new email comes in about Austrian School "economics".
    wow, I went to search for your review and got a response to your review instead... Review of a Review? So I can only imagine the E-mails you are getting. Could you post some of them?
    Post edited by Cremlian on
  • whenever a new email comes in about Austrian School "economics".
    I'm not sure what these quotes are for. As a student studying economics I am obligated to point out that Austrian School economics is a well respected school of thought. Putting quotes around "economics" implyes that Austrian School is to economics what the Hollow Moon theory is to science. I personally side with Keynesian theories of economic intervention, but I won't begruge anyone who sides with the Austrian School. < / stuff no one but me cares about>
  • whenever a new email comes in about Austrian School "economics".
    I'm not sure what these quotes are for. As a student studying economics I am obligated to point out that Austrian School economics is a well respected school of thought. Putting quotes around "economics" implyes that Austrian School is to economics what the Hollow Moon theory is to science. I personally side with Keynesian theories of economic intervention, but I won't begruge anyone who sides with the Austrian School. < / stuff no one but me cares about>
    The scare quotes aren't for the Austrian School economics as presented in reality, but the way it is worshiped in the emails I receive. I'm not going to say I understand it, but as it presented in these emails, it just can't make sense. I'm not going to post the emails here, but one email exchanged devolved into a guy sending me photos of piles of gold and salt, and thought this was a good way to argue for... well, I'm not even sure what he was trying to say by that point.
  • wow, I went to search for your review and got a response to your review instead... Review of a Review? So I can only imagine the E-mails you are getting. Could you post some of them?
    I hadn't seen that review of my review before! I'm just reading through it now. Seems pretty reasonable, actually. At the one-third mark the author has yet to show any crazy, and is instead pointing out plausible apologetics for the novel as a novel.

    Aaaand... I'm done. Not sure why I bothered reading through that though. I said in that episode that it wasn't a real review, and the conclusion of that blog post was that I didn't do a proper review. Strange.

    As for sharing emails. I'm not sure I want to go there. Here's what one "Austrian" sent me:

    - And the most basic question of all: What is money and why do we have it ?
    As an Austrian I think these things are money:;w;=270

    But not this:
    And that's how a much longer email ended. I ended the entire exchange with this message:

    "So many questions, and still completely missing my point. Let me state this very clearly:

    I don't want to have a discussion about politics, society or economics with you. I'm not going to click your links or read up about your cherished theories. You're not going to convince me, and I don't care to put in any more effort to convince you. And here's why:

    "The whole point of a free market system is that it compels even the worst people to benefit society."

    Look closer at that. What does "worst people" even mean?

    Don't email me back. Just look at your language, and think about the implied or explicit meaning."
  • Fail: It's raining so hard that I'm going to have a night in.

    Win: According to my diary, this will be my first night in since I arrived home from Brazil on the 10th. I have shit to catch up on, as well as sleep.
  • Fail: Went to the bank last night to check my two bank accounts, and a huge chunk of money was missing from one of the account! I was down about €10,000
    Fail 2: I'd not printed my statements for a while, and when I do that, the bank prints them for me and sends them via post. But they hadn't arrived yet, and so I couldn't see where the money had gone.
    Fail 3: I once set up internet banking, but haven't needed or wanted to use it for the past 5 years. I have no clue where to find my passwords and one-time codes.

    Boo-yah: The statement arrived this morning in the post. And everything is fine!

    Fail 4: Months ago I transferred a big chunk of money from my current account to my "home" account to cover rent and living expenses for the year. At the same time I set up automated rent payments out of my current account, not out of the home account. Because I'm an idiot. Three months rent went out of the wrong account.
    Fail 5: I forgot I bought a new piano.
    Fail 6: I've not been paid for my last gig yet, money I presumed would be in my account by now.

    At least slight panic about missing money is a healthy kind of panic.
  • Fail: Just realized that I'm going to have to wait until Sunday night to see this week's MLP.
    Boo-yah: I'll be drinking and having fun with friends the whole weekend, so I'm not going to care.
  • Very minor Fail/booyah.
    Booyah: I ordered more arduino stuff earlier this week. A micro-servo, a LCD, and an IR distance sensor. It'll be here by Friday.
  • Fail: My Internet has been down since Tuesday.
    Booyah: I'm back online!
  • booyah: My friend and I beat Portal 2 co-op last night.
    fail: Stayed up til 0200 to do it, I am le tired. :(
  • Fail: Wisdom teeth are going to need extracting.
    Win: Rest of my teeth are miraculously healthy.
  • Win: Rest of my teeth are miraculously healthy.
    What, you don't brush on a regular basis?
  • Oh, I do but I was expecting the problem to not be so isolated. It seems the recession makes them hard to get to. That and having a really big mouth puts them very far at the back.
  • It's not so bad.
    Watching cute anime and MLP. That's what I did the few days after I got mine out.
  • Oh, I do
    Then they aren't miraculously fine, you do a lot of work to keep your teeth in good shape. ~_^
  • Boo ya: my early birthday gift from my dad was an Arcade Fire concert, with Explosions in the Sky and Schmillions performing opening. Everything was great about the show.

    Fail: ... Except I had another pain down south, so I'm going to the doctor on Friday. (spoilered for mild TMI)
  • edited May 2011
    (spoilered for mild TMI)
    You are so much more considerate than me. Last time my balls hurt I was like "Yep, woke up with a ton of pain and one way bigger than the other. You know, just in case you wanted to hear about mah balls."
    Post edited by Walker on
  • edited May 2011
    (spoilered for mild TMI)
    You are so much more considerate than me. Last time my balls hurt I was like "Yep, woke up with a ton of pain and one way bigger than the other. You know, just in case you wanted to hear about mah balls."
    I try to be considerate I think because I'm underage and feel that those things may be weird.
    Either way, my ball/assumed-location-of-prostate pain worries the fuck out of me, though both parents say I shouldn't worry. They must not know me very well.
    Post edited by JukeBoxJosh on
  • Yeah, sometimes you just sit or sleep in a funny position and stuff like that happens. As long as there's no bumps, you're prolly fine. Worth it to see a doctor regardless though, if only to calm your worrying.
  • Yeah, sometimes you just sit or sleep in a funny position and stuff like that happens. As long as there's no bumps, you're prolly fine. Worth it to see a doctor regardless though, if only to calm your worrying.
    That was the thing, my dad normally is very uncomfortable talking about this stuff, so I have no idea if this is the price I pay for my dangling fruit's existence. So, you're right, definitely help me worry less.
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