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Fail of your Boo-Yah (and vica-versa)



  • I really REALLY hate that movie.
    Hit a little too close to home? ;^)
  • I really REALLY hate that movie.
    Hit a little too close to home? ;^)
    That can't be it. The homeschooling community friggin' loves that movie. :P
  • I really REALLY hate that movie.
    Hit a little too close to home? ;^)
    I just wasn't funny in the slightest, it was actually incredibly boring.
  • Boo-yah: Had a great week long vacation in Hawaii.
    Fail: Came back with sunburns on pretty much everything exposable.
    Kinda Fail: It's taking two days to catch up on all the internet stuff I missed. Including 3+ hours for this forum alone.
  • I really REALLY hate that movie.
    Hit a little too close to home? ;^)
    That can't be it. The homeschooling community friggin' loves that movie. :P
    I was homeschooled for a chunk of highschool. Was not a fan.
  • I was homeshcooled from kindergarten right up to the end of high school. I don't think I would change that if I could. It wasn't always the happiest situation, but the experience has certainly made me into an independent, unique, creative, and driven individual.
  • I was homeschooled for two years in middle school, and while those years themselves weren't too bad, the isolation totally destroyed my social skills for years. I know that doesn't happen to everyone, but holy fuck did it happen to me.
  • edited May 2011
    It's not wise to make broad generalizations when it comes to how homeschooling effects kids. People's experiences with it are about as varied as people's experiences with their parents or siblings. There's definitely a right way and a wrong way to go about it, but everyone falls on a different part of that spectrum. Thankfully, aside from living in the middle of nowhere, I ended up on the good end while most of the scary UberChristians in my area did not.
    Post edited by Walker on
  • I'm with Funfetus on this. If I had to do it over, I'd stay in public high school.
  • Napoleon Dynamite is like a poor version of a Daniel Clowes comic. It doesn't need to be done, but I'm not going to shit on it, because I'm tired of the over-the-top attitude of Simpsons and Family Guy. Bob's Burgers I actually ended up really enjoying, just because it had a regular, but quirky vibe. (Plus, lots of echoes of Home Movies, maybe too many to count)
  • Bob's Burgers I actually ended up really enjoying, just because it had a regular, but quirky vibe.
    Know what else is revolutionary about that show? The dad is the least goofy character in the cast!
  • Fail: My family's TV in the basement is dying and the sound system is over a decade old and kind of shitty.
    Booh-Yah: We're getting a 3D plasma TV and a Bose sound system.
  • Fail: My family's TV in the basement is dying and the sound system is over a decade old and kind of shitty.
    Booh-Yah: We're getting a 3D plasma TV and a Bose sound system.
    Wouldn't getting the the Bose system be a fail too? :P No highs, no lows, must be Bose. :P
  • edited May 2011
    Wouldn't getting the the Bose system be a fail too? :P No highs, no lows, must be Bose. :P
    Bose has actually stepped up their game a bit, the sound systems sound a lot better now. That being said, it is ultimately my mom's decision and she is dead-set on getting a Bose system as she is a slave to name brands. I had to fight kind of hard to get her to not get a Samsung TV, as almost all of the other TV's in the house are Samsungs. We're getting what was considered to be the absolute best TV of last year, for more than half of the price of the TV we have currently. I love the shrinking prices of technology.
    Post edited by Li_Akahi on
  • Wouldn't getting the the Bose system be a fail too? :P No highs, no lows, must be Bose. :P
    Bose has actually stepped up their game a bit, the sound systems sound a lot better now. That being said, it is ultimately my mom's decision and she is dead-set on getting a Bose system as she is a slave to name brands. I had to fight kind of hard to get her to not get a Samsung TV, as almost all of the other TV's in the house are Samsungs. We're getting what was considered to be the absolute best TV of last year, for more than half of the price of the TV we have currently. I love the shrinking prices of technology.
    Fair enough on the Bose thing. Still may be somewhat overpriced, but if the performance is good now then you're not getting ripped off too badly.

    Also what's wrong with Samsung TVs? I got one myself a couple years ago and love it -- and it was a few hundred bucks cheaper than the equivalent Sony I was looking at. Note that I didn't buy blindly on the brand, but I did do research and actually checked out the TVs side by side in the store before purchasing the Samsung.

    Plus name brands in some ways do offer more than generic ones, despite the higher price. I remember reading an article a couple years back about how some of the cheaper LCD TV brands have absolutely awful service -- especially once the warranty expires. Basically, if you have a problem after the warranty's out on an el-cheapo brand, your TV is either a brick or you have to pay so much for service that you're better off buying a new TV anyway. At least with the bigger brands like Sony, Samsung, etc., they do have proper service networks all over the country that may be able to repair your TV at a reasonable cost. While this may not be as big a deal on a smaller TV that only costs a couple hundred bucks, once you get into the $1000+ area it starts to be worth considering.
  • There is nothing wrong with Samsung TV's overall, but their plasmas are kind of average. Samsung is much better at making LED's or LCD's.
  • There is nothing wrong with Samsung TV's overall, but their plasmas are kind of average. Samsung is much better at making LED's or LCD's.
    Ah, I hear ya. I wanted an LCD, so I went Samsung. If I wanted plasma, I would've probably gone with Panasonic or Pioneer.

    BTW, you do know that LED TVs are also LCD-based, right? The difference is that they use an LED backlight instead of a fluorescent backlight as in older/cheaper LCD TVs.
  • edited May 2011
    I would've probably gone with Panasonic or Pioneer.
    They're now essentially one and the same. Pioneer went bankrupt and Panasonic hired their top technicians and bought some of their technology.
    Post edited by Li_Akahi on
  • I would've probably gone with Panasonic or Pioneer.
    They're now essentially one and the same. Pioneer went bankrupt and Panasonic hired their top technicians and bought some of their technology.
    Hmm, yeah, forgot about that. I was thinking back a couple years to when I bought my last TV.
  • I finally let myself sleep in this morning due to a combination of someone else in my bed setting the alarm and leaving early, and me realizing I'm going to have a busy weekend and needing to build up energy reserves.

    But I have sooooooo much to do today!
  • Boo-Yah: Freshman year is done, and so is all of my packing for the trip home!

    Fail: I'm leaving tomorrow morning, and in my infinite wisdom, packed *all* of my clothes (including pajamas) in my friend's car already. So, either I sleep in the same clothes I'm wearing tomorrow (ew) or stay up all night. The College Experience at its finest.
  • So, either I sleep naked or stay up all night.
  • Roommate, and my blankets/towels are all packed too, so no toga. :-\
  • edited May 2011
    Fail: Crockpot only holds ~1lb of peanuts.
    Boo-Yah: Boiled peanuts tomorrow!

    I should go get some brown paper bags and paper cups so I can do this right.
    Post edited by Ruffas on
  • Booh yah: Found slim pants at a store that I actually enjoyed. For once, I was actually excited to find clothes that actually fit me.

    Fail: Mom refused to let me get them because she didn't like that it showed how thin I actually was.

    Fail: Mom said I have an eating disorder, which is insulting to people with actual eating disorders. She later corrected herself by admitting that I just "look" like I have an eating disorder. >:(
  • Fail: Mom refused to let me get them because she didn't like that it showed how thin I actually was.
    You can just convince her that's "the style." Those are your magic words.
    Fail: Mom said I have an eating disorder, which is insulting to people with actual eating disorders. She later corrected herself by admitting that I just "look" like I have an eating disorder. >:(
    That's pretty egregious.
  • Fail: Mom refused to let me get them because she didn't like that it showed how thin I actually was.
    You can just convince her that's "the style." Those are your magic words.
    She knows that I have no fashion sense, and she thinks SHE knows what the style is. If I tell her something is stylish, she tells me I'm wrong.

    One day and I'm already tired of her. This is gonna be a long summer.
  • She knows that I have no fashion sense, and she thinks SHE knows what the style is. If I tell her something is stylish, she tells me I'm wrong.
  • edited May 2011
    Fail: My mom's side of the family has a disease that is apparently kinda unique to our genetics. It is a rare form of muscular dystrophy (My mom said they called it ZASP???) that seems to be unique to our genetics. Thankfully, if I've inherited it, it won't affect me until my 40's at the earliest.

    Booh-yah: Apparently this disease is so notably related to us that the doctor who keeps track of it in our whole family caught wind of another family out in Minnesota having the identical problem. While he can't reveal to us their names, he sent a letter my family wrote to get in contact with these people.

    See, apparently, my mom's family is all descended from a guy named Godlove Mikel (suddenly me being a vocal Christian on this forum got a lot more ironic (also, my middle name is Mikel)), who lived in Canada as a youth before coming to America. While he settled in Rochester, where I was born, he in fact journeyed through the Western US before coming here. We know this from letters and writings we've inherited from him. The current working theory is that he fostered some illegitimate children over in Minnesota, and spread this disease onto them. Here's hoping my family gossip turns up some interesting stories!
    Post edited by Axel on
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