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Fail of your Boo-Yah (and vica-versa)



  • edited May 2011
    Boo-Yah: I finished my first story as an MLP fanfic editor.

    Fail: Shipping.

    EDIT: Fail: I just realized that I can never mention any work I've done on these for any interview or the like, as it would do more harm than good.
    Post edited by Ikatono on
  • Woke up today and the power had gone out. Dad was like: "Bunneh might have electrocuted himself.".

    Bunneh was fine.
  • Were the cords all put away, or what?
    He didn't actually chew cords, the power was just randomly out, and you dad is dumb?
  • He didn't actually chew cords, the power was just randomly out, and you dad is dumb?
    I'll take option D - Trolldad.
  • I've been diligent about making sure cables are blocked off, it was probably just some kind of electrical fault with the work being done in the kitchen.
    While my dad may often be unkind, he'd never make light of animals being hurt.
  • Are bunnies notorious cable-gnawers? My cat likes to chew on AC adaptor cables when I use my laptop. I always have to push her away.
  • edited May 2011
    Are bunnies notorious cable-gnawers? My cat likes to chew on AC adaptor cables when I use my laptop. I always have to push her away.
    I'd say it depends on the bunny. Thumper and Ozymandias just sort of sniff them and mostly leave them alone, but the rabbit I had in high school -- Aritani -- we couldn't let her run without supervision because she would eat anything slower than her, including cables. She ruined a vacuum once by chewing off the power cord while it was unplugged.
    Post edited by Anrild on
  • Are bunnies notorious cable-gnawers? My cat likes to chew on AC adaptor cables when I use my laptop. I always have to push her away.
    Our dog Zoe eats Xbox headsets.
  • Our dog Zoe eats Xbox headsets.
    Have you BEEN on xbox live lately? She's doing you a favor.
  • Are bunnies notorious cable-gnawers? My cat likes to chew on AC adaptor cables when I use my laptop. I always have to push her away.
    Our dog Zoe eats Xbox headsets.
    We recently found one of our Xbox 360 controllers with the left thumbstick cover chewed half off.

    Rorschach likes to lick our vanilla scented garbage liners. Digit likes to chew on canvas bags. I have to make sure my various knitting bags are covered properly.
  • Are bunnies notorious cable-gnawers? My cat likes to chew on AC adaptor cables when I use my laptop. I always have to push her away.
    Our dog Zoe eats Xbox headsets.
    We recently found one of our Xbox 360 controllers with the left thumbstick cover chewed half off.

    Rorschach likes to lick our vanilla scented garbage liners. Digit likes to chew on canvas bags. I have to make sure my various knitting bags are covered properly.
    I was missing half a thumbstick on one of my controllers once due to doggie chewing for a while.
  • Are bunnies notorious cable-gnawers? My cat likes to chew on AC adaptor cables when I use my laptop. I always have to push her away.
    Our dog Zoe eats Xbox headsets.
    We recently found one of our Xbox 360 controllers with the left thumbstick cover chewed half off.

    Rorschach likes to lick our vanilla scented garbage liners. Digit likes to chew on canvas bags. I have to make sure my various knitting bags are covered properly.
    One of my cats loves to eat plastic bags, especially the ones from Barnes & Noble. Its not like he just chews on them, he literally eats them and then pukes them up a few hours later.

    It's so bizarre.
  • Are bunnies notorious cable-gnawers? My cat likes to chew on AC adaptor cables when I use my laptop. I always have to push her away.
    Oh, yeah, bunnies are totally chewers. Cords, rugs, baseboards, you name it.
    My bunnies are currently in the midst of a deconstruction project involving the 14$ IKEA rug in the bed room (which, while I am not thrilled about it, I don't care super much), and they occasionally take tastes of the bookshelves (which I have to find some way to stop. The bookshelves are nice.)
  • edited May 2011
    they occasionally take tastes of the bookshelves (which I have to find some way to stop. The bookshelves are nice.)
    Maybe rub some hot sauce on where they normally chew? That's how we cured my sister of nail biting.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • I tried that with my rabbit Frederick, with chilipowder. He sat on it and then walked around with his butt in the air for a day. I put soap on the shelves, but yesterday I caught Mugi licking them, so it must not be working.
  • I tried that with my rabbit Frederick, with chilipowder. He sat on it and then walked around with his butt in the air for a day. I put soap on the shelves, but yesterday I caught Mugi licking them, so it must not be working.
    Does bitter spray work for bunnies?
  • Sorta. I've tried it, and it has to be reapplied very frequently to do anything. They seem to react to smells more (after all, bunnies in the wild eat bitter, unpalatable stuff all the time.) and the people on the internet say it's about 50/50 whether the bunny will stop, or actually like the spray.
  • Sorta. I've tried it, and it has to be reapplied very frequently to do anything. They seem to react to smells more (after all, bunnies in the wild eat bitter, unpalatable stuff all the time.) and the people on the internet say it's about 50/50 whether the bunny will stop, or actually like the spray.
    Hot sauce maybe?
  • Fail: Still at work waiting on a tank to finish filling.

    Boo-Yah!!!: Overtime :D
  • Boo-Yah!!!: Participated in my college commencement ceremony

    Fail: Have a raccoon style sunburn.
  • Boo-Yah; Last exam on Tuesday.

    Fail; Its on Greco-Roman architecture.

    Boo-Yah; Lazer tag that afternoon.

    Double-Boo-Yah; Getting my BMX and hopefully getting on a creative writing modal next year.
  • Boo yah: hiked an awesome mountain in New York
    Fail: learned backpack is not very waterproof and my blackberry got owned.
    Fail: Can barely walk today.
    Boo Yah: Hiked an awesome Mountain with Rym, James and Alex.

    *poor legs and blackberry*
  • My latest Facebook status:

    Guess who left his laptop on one plane but didn't notice until boarding his next plane?

    But guess who asked one of the ground crew to run three planes down the airport apron to see if it was still on the previous plane?

    For those not keeping track, my laptop is about twice as expensive as the camera I left in an internet cafe in Brazil, but both returned unharmed.

    Another non-crisis unstressfully dissunavoided.
  • Boo Yah: Witcher 2 is lots of fun!
    Fail: My computer and desk is located in the one room without air conditioning...

  • Microsoft Word is lagging hard when I open the fonts. I think Adobe installed too many fonts for Master Suite CS5.
  • Boo Yah: Hiked an awesome Mountain with Rym, James and Alex.
    We need to do that again. Soon. ;^)

    Even if James can't fly out, he pointed me in the direction of the book that basically tells you exactly how to climb each peak. They're not that far away...
  • unstressfully dissunavoided
  • Even if James can't fly out, he pointed me in the direction of the book that basically tells you exactly how to climb each peak. They're not that far away...
    We could you know hike some trail that runs right very close to both of us....
  • Even if James can't fly out, he pointed me in the direction of the book that basically tells you exactly how to climb each peak. They're not that far away...
    We could you know hike some trail that runs right very close to both of us....
    Completely pointless and impractical suggestion ahead, I know, but if you ever get out to Salt Lake City, you need to do this hike.
  • edited June 2011
    Boo-Yah: Barnes & Noble has been seriously beefing up there board game stock. Although priced over MSRP, my two local stores have a selection that puts most actual game stores in my area to shame. The boo-yah here is that they do a major clearance event three times each year where they pick out items that haven't sold, and gradually reduce them from 25% off, 50% off, 75% off, and eventually just to a strict $2 for any item crap pile. One of the guys at my local game group hit a major score and showed up last night with a trunk full of games, asking only that we double his money. I got Puerto Rico for four dollars. Hadn't bought it yet b/c I was waiting for this fancy 10th anniversary edition supposedly coming out, but that was too good to pass up.

    Fail of the Boo-Yah: I have a friend who is an assistant manager at a local B&N, who has alerted me to such clearance events in the past and has even been willing to sneak stuff off on the side until it hits the 75% week, but her store is one of the smallest B&Ns I've ever seen, so it has barely any "gamer's games". My access to a river of cheap games is stymied!
    Post edited by Matt on
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