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Fail of your Boo-Yah (and vica-versa)



  • And you were listening to the Spirited Away soundtrack. :P Just a guess.
  • My coworker recognized that song before the chorus could play.
  • edited June 2011
    Boo-yah: Got my Rock Band 3 Squier Stratocaster and tuned it.
    Fail: Just noticed that one of the bridge sections/saddles is messed up and will need to be replaced and will need new height screws
    Boo-yah: I get to take apart my guitar and restring it. ^_^
    Post edited by George Patches on
  • In a further tale of the lack of internet-savvy of my coworkers, one of them did not know xkcd.
    Boo-yah: I introduced him to it.
  • Boo-yah: finally found a job that won't require moving across the country / to America after many frustrating months
    Fail: its a six month contract at a significant pay-cut and little chance of extension.

    Oh well, better than unemployment... I guess.
  • Fail: Acid Reflux WTF!
    Win: Thanks for the free 2 day shipping on Project A-ko Discotek!
  • Booyah: My dad passed a video editing gig from MIT onto me.
    Fail: I have to go through all my dad's old resource cds...
  • Fail: One of my favorite web series, Extra Credits, needs to raise money to get a surgery for their artist.
    Booh-Yah: I donated $20.
    Booh-Yah: They've already raised, like, $5000.
  • Shit, by the time I woke up, they'd raised £14,000/160%.
    The £3.2k prize is pretty awesome. The game design guy will come out to where you are and give a talk or help you design a game.
  • I would've loved that. Being a Game Designer, it would've been awesome to talk to him.
  • edited June 2011
    Boo-Yah: Threadless $10 Sale
    Fail: Threadless $10 Sale and I have to budget.
    Boo-Yah: Jeremy bought my shirts. I've replenished and upgraded my tshirt supply. Jeremy bought a matching set of this for the both of us. It's part Brony and part Star Wars.

    I also got this one, which is awesome.
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • Got laid off today. I got 3 weeks pay for severance which lessens the blow somewhat.
  • Got laid off today. I got 3 weeks pay for severance which lessens the blow somewhat.
    Ick, what company did you work for (or what industry?)
  • Third party health insurance company. The branch I worked in dealt with workers compensation accounts. It was a boring job but pay was okay and it was stress free and easy to do. Boss was one of the coolest bosses I had worked for. Going to miss working with some of the people there also.
  • Boo-Yah: Spare PSU finally arrived!
    Boo-Yah: Oh wait, tried turning on computer again, totally works now!
    Fail: So now I have this PSU lying around...
    Boo-Yah(?): Since the PSU was acting screwy, it's probably gonna fail any day now, so I ought to just swap it out anyway.
  • Boo-yah: Got drunk last night last night and danced with girls.
    Fail: Drank a bit too much and woke up le tired.
    Boo-yah: COOOOFFFEEEEE!!!!!
  • Fail: My job finally gave me work so I can no longer spend all day dicking around on the Internet
    Boo-yah: I'm using a plasma etcher to synthesize graphene oxide from graphite.
  • Boo-yah: Received the Shattered Empires expac for TI3 this morning while I was at work
    Fail: They sent me Shards of the Throne instead.
    maybe Boo-yah: Getting this fixed in time for a game in a week.
  • Booh-Yah: Found on of my Gaming Holy Grails, Steel Battalion with Controller, for $80
    Fail: Footpedals were busted.
    Booh-Yah: The Pedals are just pots pinned to a PS/2 plug, so I could fix it.
    Booh-Yah/Fail: It's cheaper to just buy the games, controller, and an Xbox on Ebay.
  • Fail: I couldn't do anything with my hand in Dominion
    Booh-Yah: The hand was all Colonies.
  • Boo-yah: Two awesome weekends in a row with my awesome girlfriend.
    Fail: Going to be a while before we get to have another one.
  • Boo-yah: Spent the weekend hanging out with my best friend and other good friends.
    Fail: My best friend (whom I stayed with) does not believe in air conditioning. >_<
  • Fail: Brutal Shift. A guy down, two new dudes with no idea what they were doing, I was on one and nine (Laundry and Juices, the two aisles with the heaviest stuff) and I ended up topshelving like twenty boxes of juiceboxes and a bunch of the huge detergent and bleach boxes. Not only that, but I spent the first 45 minutes of the shift cleaning up olive oil and cutting my hands on broken bottles because the skid came from the warehouse packed so terribly it was leaning over.
    Boo-yah: The endorphin rush at the end of my shift kicked unbelievable amounts of ass. I had my arms out like a bird the whole bike ride home.
    Fail: Paying for the shitty shift now, though. Knees hurt from the lifting, hands hurt from the cuts, body screams in protest every time I move.
  • Have mostly stopped eating, skipped dinner last night due to tiredness.
    Woke up this morning thinking I'd slept until noon.
    It wasn't even 8am!
  • Boo-yah: Had a blast yesterday partying with my friends for the 4th.
    Fail: Ended up falling asleep on my phone so I didn't hear either of my alarms and was late to work on the only day of the week that I can't be late for.
  • I drew this after living it on Saturday.

  • And that's why you don't buy a VW. :P
  • edited July 2011
    Fail: Brutal Shift. A guy down, two new dudes with no idea what they were doing, I was on one and nine (Laundry and Juices, the two aisles with the heaviest stuff) and I ended up topshelving like twenty boxes of juiceboxes...
    Where do you work? I did the same thing at Target for a while. We can commiserate.
    Post edited by Funfetus on
  • edited July 2011
    I do night stocking at a supermarket. I'm about one step above being paid under the table; it's been two months and I still can't get a pay stub off of them because they are too cheap to print them and too lazy to enter me into their online system. On top of that, they basically completely ignore labour laws regarding how much an employ is allowed to lift over their head, with the stair thingy for getting stuff up to the top shelves buried in the back and totally impossible to get at in the course of the work-day, not to mention that the managers heavily disapprove of anything that might slow you down even a little. As a result, I was basically stuck lifting these stupidly heavy cardboard boxes of bleach to the top of the shelves all night, which left me hurting for the whole day. On top of all that, my coworkers are mostly jerks and loudmouths, and it looks like the three new guys they hired get paid more than I do for some reason, to the order of nearly a dollar an hour more; I think it was incentive to get them on the night shift, whereas I wasn't really given the option. The manager specifically singles me out to work overtime basically every night because I'm the only employee who won't just bail when there is still work to do; I made the mistake of establishing a reputation of being a reliable, hardworking person, not realizing everyone else has the reputation of being totally useless.

    I am so glad I'm going back to school this september and can put this crappy job behind me then.
    Post edited by open_sketchbook on
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