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What movie have you seen recently?



  • I agree. Not enough people composing original scores these days.

    Star Wars, Indiana Jones, Back to the Future, original scores make for the win.
    I'm a sucker for unique and interesting scores. This might sound silly, but the soundtrack was one of the main things that got me excited about Moon.

    The atmosphere this music created in the trailers had me hooked from the start.
  • Another note about original scores. Most of the time they are good, and they fit the movie. And in many cases they are actually better than the movie. The best example is Independence Day.

    However, the kind of original score I look for is the kind that stands on its own, and is remembered and hummed years after the movie is done. Nobody will fail at Star Wars, Indiana Jones, or Back to the Future when playing name that tune. Nobody. The same goes for anime fans and some of the best anime of all time.

    If you want to kick ass, the first thing you need is an original score that not only fits, and is good, but will be remembered.
  • The most interesting soundtrack I think is the soundtrack to Apocalypse Now. What they did was create a score for a standard 72 piece orchestra and then run it through the recently invented Moog synthesiser. What you get is insane.
  • Harry Potter was fucking awesome.
  • Harry Potter was fucking awesome.
    So happy to hear that. Can you at least tell me what chapter they ended it on?
  • edited November 2010
    Harry Potter was fucking awesome.
    So happy to hear that. Can you at least tell me what chapter they ended it on?
    I'm not sure what chapter, I don't have the book with me, but it stops right after Dobby dies and Voldemort steals the Elder wand from Dumbledore's grave.

    It was so good! It was very accurate to the book, I'm so happy!! :D Nothing like the horrendous past 2 movies, this one totally made up for it. I was surprised how may details they kept... splitting it in 2 parts was the best idea ever!
    Post edited by Lyddi on
  • edited November 2010
    OMG, I'm going to have to bring tissues to this movie. I'm going to be bawling so much. That part in the book tore me up to shreds. It's chapter 24 it ends on. That's well over half the book. Seems part 2 will be very detailed with how much is left.

    So excited.
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • They're probably going to devote more time to the super badass battle which I could understand taking much more time in film than in the book.
  • Yeah, I was pretty much thinking the same thing. Which is a good thing. I have no qualms against that.
  • Alien: After having watched blade runner, I can definitely see how Ridley Scott, the director, uses lighting and colors in order to give more depth to the film. I haven't seen any other films by him so I don't know if this is something he always does, but my god does he love those yellow and blue and orange lights. It's also interesting seeing what people thought technology would be like in the future.

    I also watched the first two Futurama films, they were good, but nothing special.

    Children of Men: I loved this film. The long takes was something akin to realism, with some of the scenes being minutes long before a cut. It gave the film such a better sense of place, like you're there watching and studying instead of simply being entertained. It also fits in with the purpose being that of showing the viewer what the protagonists have to do in order to complete what goals they have, providing little in terms of the back story and explanations and simply plonking the viewer into the world that is in Children of Men. The mise-en-scène was also well done, it allowed me to accurately predict certain elements of the film because of its use.
  • Oh so happy. I agree with what Andrew & Lyddi said. A few minor things I wish they didn't leave out, but I'm not going to make a fuss. As predicted, cried a bit.
  • Children of Men
    The last 15 minutes of that movie still stand as some of the most intense cinema I've seen. I was white-knuckle gripping my armrests.
  • Saw the Potter last night(this morning?) It were pretty good. I kind of wish they released the whole thing as a 5 hour marathon rather than splitting them up. People sat through Titanic, they could sit through the Deathly Hallows as well!
  • Children of Men
    The last 15 minutes of that movie still stand as some of the most intense cinema I've seen. I was white-knuckle gripping my armrests.
    My favorite bit: the lead in the film never fires a single gun.
  • Children of Men: I loved this film.
    I've got to watch this movie again! It blew me away, and I want to know if it stands up on repeat viewing. It's certainly one of my favourite science fiction movies of the past decade.
  • I watched Primer. Am confus.
  • Harry Potter was amazing and I can't wait for the next part.
  • edited November 2010
    I watched Primer. Am confus.
    You take a box in the box so you can set up a box to go before a box so your double can start the box.
    Post edited by Railith on
  • I watched Risky Business again on Netflix. I wonder what Tangerine Dream is doing these days. Time to load up "Love On a Real Train" on the ol' iPod.
  • Watched "Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call New Orleans" and I was alternatively repulsed and delighted by it.
  • Watched Solarbabies because I needed a nostalgia fix. It was just a great as I remembered. Classic, cheesy, 80's, post-apocalyptic, mad max for teens movie. One day, Paul Chapman will review this movie on his podcast and I will be happy.
  • Aliens. It felt like James Cameron was trying to imitate Ridley Scott who made the original Alien, and decided he needed space marines with huge guns and flamethrowers to pump all the aliens full of lead in order to make the film entertaining. Hell, he imitates the film all the way to the slow fades in the beginning and end. I would feel better about calling it a homage if Cameron could do more than just add guns and explosions.
  • Aliens. It felt like James Cameron was trying to imitate Ridley Scott who made the original Alien, and decided he needed space marines with huge guns and flamethrowers to pump all the aliens full of lead in order to make the film entertaining. Hell, he imitates the film all the way to the slow fades in the beginning and end. I would feel better about calling it a homage if Cameron could do more than just add guns and explosions.
    I have never heard anyone talk about Alien And Aliens in this way before. The two films were utterly different, with very different aims and even different genres.
  • I have never heard anyone talk about Alien And Aliens in this way before. The two films were utterly different, with very different aims and even different genres.
    Yeah Aliens isn't trying to imitate Alien at all. It's as different as Hyperion vs. Fall of Hyperion. Or Zelda 1 vs. Zelda 2. A sequel that is a huge departure from the original. Despite that, I really like both Alien and Aliens.
  • What a conincidence! I watched Alien last night! It made me scared. If I get stuck on a spaceship with a homicidal penis alien on board, I'M LEAVING THE DAMN CAT!!!
  • What a conincidence! I watched Alien last night! It made me scared. If I get stuck on a spaceship with a homicidal penis alien on board, I'M LEAVING THE DAMN CAT!!!
    You should watch High School Ghost Hustlers. Actual penis aliens.
  • GeoGeo
    edited November 2010
    Part I of The Deathly Hallows was absolutely amazing. I haven't been this pleased with an installment of the film adaptations since The Philosopher's Stone and The Chamber of Secrets. I liked how they kept to the fact that the first novel was more of a "on-the-road" story and I think Yates knew what he was doing in that respect and did a very good job in emphasizing it as a road movie. In my opinion, one of the most exciting parts about the movie is something that isn't actually in the movie itself: the excitement that one gets regarding what the trio of actors will do in their career, post-Deathly Hallows.
    Post edited by Geo on
  • the excitement that one gets regarding what the trio of actors will do in their career, post-Deathly Hallows.
    Well, the best actor of the three has said she's quitting acting after Harry Potter is done, soooo...
  • Well, the best actor of the three has said she's quitting acting after Harry Potter is done, soooo...
    Is she really?! Damn. Watson could have had a great career. Personally, I think Grint is the best out of the bunch.
  • Personally, I think Grint is the best out of the bunch.
    I'm not so optimistic. I didn't like Driving Lessons enough to finish it, a feat only accomplished by two movies, ever. The other, by the way, was Burn After Reading, every non-Brad Pitt part was painful for me to watch.
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