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What movie have you seen recently?



  • Watching Monsters now. Thanks for the suggestion Lukey. I saw it was a British film and I got scared because usually I can't stand accents in a movie. I have no problem if it is a foreign language and has subtitles but if it is in English and has some kind of accent it bothers me...
  • Right, because Americans don't have accents.
  • edited April 2011
    I saw it was a British film and I got scared because usually I can't stand accents in a movie.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Finished watching Requiem For a Dream, and I know a lot of people love it, but I thought it was pretentious garbage. I was expecting one of the scenes to be milk spilling and more orchestral music to start playing.
  • Doesn't have to be British... It could be southern or that uber NY Staten Island.
  • It just pulls me out of the film.. I can watch them and enjoy them. Just not as a movie to watch while I'm falling asleep.
  • edited April 2011
    Everyone has an accent, and so it's nonsensical to say "I can't stand accents". What you should say is that you dislike specific accents that stand out to you, or more likely anything that is more than slightly different from whatever your own accent is.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • Everyone makes unthinking observations from their own perspective, and so it's nonsensical to say "Everyone has an accent, and so it's nonsensical to say 'I can't stand accents.' What you should say is that you dislike specific accents that stand out to you, or more likely anything that is more than slightly different from whatever your own accent is." What you should say is that you like picking up on general conversational conventions, those normally accepted by everyone, in an attempt to set yourself apart as slightly different from whoever you are talking to.
  • edited April 2011
    Everyone likes to make snarky comments, so it's not very useful to say 'Everyone makes unthinking observations from their own perspective, and so it's nonsensical to say "Everyone has an accent, and so it's nonsensical to say 'I can't stand accents.' What you should say is that you dislike specific accents that stand out to you, or more likely anything that is more than slightly different from whatever your own accent is." What you should say is that you like picking up on general conversational conventions, those normally accepted by everyone, in an attempt to set yourself apart as slightly different from whoever you are talking to.' Instead, you should simply point out that the meaning was already obvious enough in context.

    However, as this is a text-only form of communication, we don't know what kind of accent CaptainTim has, so extra information is needed to work out which accents are "accents" and which ones are not, in CaptainTim's view.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • Funnily enough it is a British movie set in Mexica, filmed in Costa Rica, and stars two Americans (I'm guessing) with American accents. Also, if you are wanting a movie to watch while falling asleep, it doesn't get much better than the very dreamlike Monsters.
  • Salt was a surprisingly enjoyable movie, however I did go into the movie with low expectations. I would say it's quite possibly Angelina Jolie's best action film to date. The only thing I wish they did was show more during the end with her taking care of the other sleeper cells instead of running.

    Also watched Harry Potter Deathly Hallows Part 1 again. Cried again. Watched the first few minutes of the next movie and the deleted scenes.

    July 15 cannot come any sooner.
  • Before Sunrise (1995) A romance where a boy meets a girl and they talk about life. It shows more or less my life when I walk around Boston. It doesn't always turn out like it does in the movie, but I have done everything in the movie but the telephone game they play. I highly recommend it, and imitating it. Go meet some fun strangers, take a train ride for no reason, meet someone new if only for a few hours.
  • Actually saw WALL-E for the first time over Easter Sunday. Great, GREAT movie. I can see why it some people's favorite Pixar film.
  • Actually saw WALL-E for the first time over Easter Sunday. Great, GREAT movie. I can see why it some people's favorite Pixar film.
    I love, love, love, love, love that movie.
  • I watched Monsters last night. I liked it a lot (and to be honest I just had to look up the "twist" Luke was talking about, I noticed the bit that I guess is supposed to give it away but didn't make the connection), but I kind of wish it had been longer. Especially after reading that they shot 100 hours of footage which they then cut down to 4 and then the hour and a half we saw. I thought the special effects were fine, I probably wouldn't have noticed anything wrong with them had I not heard in advance that they were a bit off. Anyway, good movie. I love a good wander.
  • I just watched "Assassination of a High School President" which was a really well done crime story set in high school with all the stereotypes you'd expect humorously done as teenagers.
  • I just watched "Assassination of a High School President" which was a really well done crime story set in high school with all the stereotypes you'd expect humorously done as teenagers.
    I'd be surprised if it did this better than Brick.
  • I'd be surprised if it did this better than Brick.
    Well from the description of Brick it's not a comedy... so I'm sure it probably does it a bit better :-p
  • I just watched "Assassination of a High School President" which was a really well done crime story set in high school with all the stereotypes you'd expect humorously done as teenagers.
    I watched that a while ago and I still can't say whether I like it. I think the main character's noir pretentions were a little too off-putting. It's that awkward problem of when a child tries to hard to act like an adult and misses all the subtlety.
  • I just watched Scott Pilgrim vs. The World. It's really good fun! Only two complaints. 1. Too long. Should have made it 5 evil exes, though I'm not sure which ones I would have cut. 2. Ramona and not Knives at the end? WTF? Spoilers, I know, but I'm probably the person on the forum to have watched it.
  • 2. Ramona and not Knives at the end? WTF? Spoilers, I know, but I'm probably the person on the forum to have watched it.
    There is an alternate ending on the home video release that has this ending and it just doesn't work as it completely ruins the character development that Knives gets. Her story is all about thinking she found love and moving on when she realizes that it is not the case.
  • edited April 2011
    2. Ramona and not Knives at the end? WTF? Spoilers, I know, but I'm probably the person on the forum to have watched it.
    There is an alternate ending on the home video release that has this ending and it just doesn't work as it completely ruins the character development that Knives gets. Her story is all about thinking she found love and moving on when she realizes that it is not the case.
    Completely ruins Scott's character development too, IMO. With Ramona, he learns about overcoming his mistakes, and acknowledges that he's an asshole sometimes and needs to learn to deal with that. If he and Knives end up together, it's just Scott running from his problems back into immaturity.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • If he and Knives end up together, it's just Scott running from his problems back into immaturity.
    But she was so cute!
  • If he and Knives end up together, it's just Scott running from his problems back into immaturity.
    But she was so cute!
    And that will help her find other people in the future!
  • I hope she can find me in the future!
  • I hope she can find me in the future!
  • She was 17 in the movie, and it came out last year, so in the future we'll meet, and she'll be 25.
  • I just watched Splice, as a scientist it is very disturbing. Specially the end, why did they had to put that at the end?!
    However, if you enjoy horror, and twisted films I would recommend it :O
  • 2. Ramona and not Knives at the end? WTF? Spoilers, I know, but I'm probably the person on the forum to have watched it.
    There is an alternate ending on the home video release that has this ending and it just doesn't work as it completely ruins the character development that Knives gets. Her story is all about thinking she found love and moving on when she realizes that it is not the case.
    Completely ruins Scott's character development too, IMO. With Ramona, he learns about overcoming his mistakes, and acknowledges that he's an asshole sometimes and needs to learn to deal with that. If he and Knives end up together, it's just Scott running from his problems back into immaturity.
    I'd disagree with that. I think either of them could of worked for the movie, because it doesn't have as much character development as the movie. And overall, I prefer the movie to the actual novel series. Both of them involve understanding your mistakes and how you treated people, it just goes down to the relationship that you currently made mistakes in, versus another relationship you had also made mistakes in.
  • It's Kind of a Funny Story is a REALLY good movie.
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