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Portal 2 - Mark spoilers appropriately!



  • edited April 2011
    20:00 - Preliminary lethality assessment complete
    20:00 - Results inconclusive
    20:00 - Expanding candidate pool
    edit - 54 active test subjects
    Post edited by trogdor9 on
  • Meat Boy finished and Killing Floor is almost done, which means less than a half hour to go now.
  • edited April 2011
    Meat Boy finished and Killing Floor is almost done, which means less than a half hour to go now.
    EDITED - nope, didn't cut as much time as thought, but the other two games have much lower sales numbers, and will leap rapidly when focused on - We're now at an hour nine minutes default launch time.
    edit - 54 active test subjects
    59, but something weird happened - for a few minutes, it was showing 66. EDIT - Now properly showing 61.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Yeah, it cut like 5 min instead of an hour :/
  • edited April 2011
    Yeah, it cut like 5 min instead of an hour :/
    Yep, but on the bright side, Defense grid and Amnesia just visibly JUMPED up. EDIT - 88 Test subjects, now.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Defense Grid is soaring, holy shit.
  • Officially less than an hour - looks like those potato multipliers are really kicking in. I can refresh the page roughly once a minute and see the bars jump... wow.
  • Via Reddit:
  • Shit, they're tying them on - T-minus twenty minutes, with over a thousand active test subjects.
  • Everyone with a golden potato can play now. 22 minutes for us muggles.
  • edited April 2011
    Everyone with a golden potato can play now. 22 minutes for us muggles.
    And anyone who gets all 35 golden potatoes gets the complete valve pack - not sure how long that will go on, but word is that it will continue for a little while after release.

    Edit - Also, Fifteen minutes.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Edit - Also, Fifteen minutes.
    Less, Defense Grid is ridiculously close to breaking.
  • edited April 2011
    It's unlocking for me. See you guys on the other side.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • edited April 2011

    EDIT - And that's it. It's live and Decrypting! Enjoy Portal Two!
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Decrypting!
  • Interesting... every time I refresh, the potatoes reset to around 63 thousand...

    And that's it, they're done - Portal 2 is officially out!
  • Alongside the release, Thinkgeek has released a bunch of Aperture science shirts.
  • Motherfucking steam is giving me an error of "incomplete installation (10)", which basically means their servers are busy, after I waited all tense for the update to finish downloading, and now I have to leave for work. Aaaaaaaaahhhhhh. Well, I'll guess I'll cut work short today.
  • Motherfucking steam is giving me an error of "incomplete installation (10)", which basically means their servers are busy, after I waited all tense for the update to finish downloading, and now I have to leave for work. Aaaaaaaaahhhhhh. Well, I'll guess I'll cut work short today.
    Yeah, I'm getting the same shit. Fucking disappointing.
  • Watch servers stay overloaded until the time it'd normally release.
  • I am currently watching jealously over my brother's shoulder, weighing sleep vs Portal 2. Portal may very well win.
  • The game is everything we hoped it would be. Totally worth it - All the idling, all the waiting, however much money you paid for it - Totally 100% worth it. I'm at the beginning of Chapter 4 - The Surprise (88 minutes) and going to bed.
  • Got to Chapter 2, stopped to do homework. Why the fuck did Valve have to release while I still have two weeks of classes left?
  • Co-op is hysterical fun.
  • edited April 2011
    Spoilurz:POTATO! Oh god I hope we see that potato again. Not much hope since it was carried off by a bird.

    Also, The Quarturet was great.
    Watch the spoilers please.
    Post edited by Andrew on
  • Made it to chapter 6 and now must sleep. Stupid job in the morning....
  • I have precisely FUCK ALL to do tomorrow. SUCKERS.
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