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Nintendo 3DS



  • I have to say, when I had only seen screenshots, I was not happy about the choice to use 3D models rather than 2D animation, as both games have done in the past. However, now that I've seen it in motion, I'm pretty blown away that they could make Phoenix and Layton look so good in 3D on the 3DS (Now, the background characters clearly have MUCH less polish, rather jarringly so, but at least the main two look great; plus, there's still time to clean them up). My body is ready... finish and localize that thing already!
  • Fucking boss. I tried to get into Phoenix Wright, but it wasn't my thing. However, I'm all about Layton.
  • Layton AND Pheonix Wright? I'm as excited about this as I was about Conan vs Lupin! ^_^
  • I just hope that if it does well we'll get the second Edgeworth Investigations. I'm terribly disappointed it's not coming to the US
  • Found a version with subtitles. Not that it makes that much of a difference, but still. HNNNGH.
  • image

    It's only confirmed to be coming out in Europe. Bastards.
  • So import it. Unlike consoles, games aren't localized for handhelds. American games work on European DSs, Japanese games work on American DSs, etc. If you really want it, get it!
  • So import it. Unlike consoles, games aren't localized for handhelds. American games work on European DSs, Japanese games work on American DSs, etc. If you really want it, get it!
    I could more easily figure out how to do a custom paint job or decal easier than importing it. I was expecting that Nintendo was going to do this, but I was hoping that the bundle was going to happen when Ocarina of Time 3D came out (which this special 3DS is being bundled with).

  • edited November 2011
    Actually, the DS didn't have region locks, the DSi introduced the capability for region locking (Something made use of by Pkmn if I'm not mistaken.) and the 3DS is region locked.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • Unlike consoles, games aren't localized for handhelds. American games work on European DSs, Japanese games work on American DSs, etc.
    The 3DS has region locking.

  • Unlike consoles, games aren't localized for handhelds. American games work on European DSs, Japanese games work on American DSs, etc.
    The 3DS has region locking.
    Well then... That's just peachy, Nintendo.
  • Region locking the 3DS makes me so angry. Apart from the lack of games, it's really something that could stop me buying one in the future. How low must Nintendo fall before they listen to their customers and not pander to game retailers.
  • The 3DS lineup IS starting to get much better, though. By the end of the year, there will be plenty of worthwhile games to play.
  • By the end of the year, there will...
    still not be a new Advance Wars.
  • The 3DS lineup IS starting to get much better, though. By the end of the year, there will be plenty of worthwhile games to play.
    You aren't very good at this predicting thing.
  • By the end of the year, there will...
    still not be a new Advance Wars.
    Seriously. Need my AW fix.
  • Pokemon Rumble Blast is good on the 3DS. It's not all that different from the Wii version but it does look better and it's portable!

    The one thing I have noticed from playing multiple 3D games is that those that use the 3D in a "looking into the screen" manner look great while those that try to make things pop out at you suck.
  • Super Mario Land 3D is absolutely going to be a worthwhile game. That is still not "games" in the plural sense though. If you are a big JRPG fan, there are some nice ports (Shin Megami Tensei, Cave Story) but that is not me. Also, probably the best console to play Bit.Trip Saga on if you didn't play them all individually over the past few years, but again, another port. So still, only one must-play title.

    I am going to wind up buying one with in a year or so though, so let's hope there is more on the way.
  • edited November 2011
    As much as I love me some Advance Wars, that's not the only game that is potentially "worthwhile". I'm just saying that, if you already have a 3DS, there are plenty of fun games to choose from (most of which have already been released).

    Full or Slightly Lower Price ($40-$30)
    Ocarina of Time - OoT on a portable console is perfect
    StarFox - Same here. Beating a level on the bus/train ride is a wonderful experience
    Street Fighter/Dead or Alive - Depends on what type of fighting game you'd like to play
    Shin Megami Tensei - Of course, a JRPG.
    Tetris Axis - Spent SO much time on this, and the online multiplayer is pretty great
    Cave Story 3D
    Super Mario 3D Land
    Mario Kart 7
    Pokémon Rumble Blast - Depends on how much of a Pokeyman fanboy you are
    Sonic Generations - if the Sonic Rush games are any indication of its quality

    Lower Price ($20):
    Resident Evil: Mercenaries
    Ghost Recon - Definitely hitting my TBS itch for now
    Monkey Ball 3D - best Monkey Ball since the gamecube version. Circle Pad is awesome for it
    Bit Trip Saga

    You guys don't have to consider these games "Top-Tier", but you can't really say that there is absolutely nothing to play. I own almost all of these games, and they have been keeping my 3DS quite busy.

    Post edited by VentureJ on
  • edited November 2011
    I thought about buying Tetris Axis, but it doesn't have all the modes I want like Fusion or Cascade like they have in Tetris Worlds. Those are my favorite modes and it seems still too much like Tetris Party when I'd rather have Tetris DS style.
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • Sonic Generations for 3DS isn't out till March.
  • edited November 2011
    Isn't it being released on November 22nd? I thought that the March delay posts were just a rumour.
    Post edited by VentureJ on
  • Isn't it being released on November 22nd? I thought that the March delay posts were just a rumour.
  • Wikipedia said March last week.
  • Is Monkey Ball actually good for 3DS? I totally gave up on the series after the second one on Cube, but I absolutely love the franchise and would come running back if it stocked sucking.
  • Is Monkey Ball actually good for 3DS? I totally gave up on the series after the second one on Cube, but I absolutely love the franchise and would come running back if it stocked sucking.
    Monkeyball is only good when the players are blindfolded.
  • I only played the original on the GC. What made the other ones suck? I know Jeremy purchased it and he said he enjoyed it, however he never played the original GC version.
  • Monkeyball 2 is amazing.
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