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Nintendo 3DS



  • This story is evolving painfully slow. I demand full details! Also, why did you not buy 50 of them?
    Traded in my DSi and a handful of pretty bad games and I got the system for $70 and Ocarina of Time 3D for $35.

    Then you didn't get it for $70. You are full of shit.
    Agreed, and unless it was the craziest of trade-in specials I have ever seen, I'm sure you were underpaid by Gamestop.

  • heh, I got two 3DS zelda bundles for FREE bitches. I just had to get married. Whooooo... Oh wait..
  • Still waiting for a "must have" game before I commit. I am a big Paper Mario fan... We will see.

    Also, who cares about waiting for a 3DS lite. You might die in a traffic accident tomorrow, THEN you would be looking like the fool huh? :)

    But like others have said, just trade up or sell old 3DS when lite comes out. I have always done this. Chuck a game or two in that you won't play again and you often sell the system for near new anyway.
  • We should exchange friend codes...What was that forum thing where we put our information? It's not linked to at the top anymore...
  • You can still get to it at, but no one ever actually updates it. Just post your codes.

    Mine again is 2621-2721-7406
  • Mine is 2707-1776-0723.
    I have done some swapnotes. It seems pretty fun :D
  • Added you both. I'm: 0559-7090-9529
  • edited December 2011
    'Bout to Kart it up, join me if you can.

    A note about MK7: When I spectate, I always see a lot of apparently trying to snake and failing and doing badly. I don't think snaking works in this iteration.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • edited December 2011
    A communication error occurred. :P

    Edit: Got a race in, but then my internet kicked me off. Oops. Reconnecting doesn't seem to be working so well...
    Post edited by Axel on
  • I will be getting the game tomorrow then.
    Any of you going to MAGFest?
  • Unfortunately, no.
  • Unfortunately, no.
  • Adding all of you guys!

  • edited December 2011
    I'm in NYC for a few days and Jesus H. Tap-Dancing Christ my StreetPass has been getting a work out. It got around 15 over the course of an hour.
    Post edited by Li_Akahi on
  • Grandparents got me one for Christmas. Adding everypony.
  • Here is mine, I got no friends yet but I'm hopping to get a few here.
  • 4811-7270-9978

    So, this means no Friend Codes for every single goddamn game, right? I just add someone once, and they're my friend in any game we share?
  • I just add someone once, and they're my friend in any game we share?

  • I just add someone once, and they're my friend in any game we share?

    Awesome. Way to not fumble it on the 1 yard line, Nintendo.
  • Have you both added everyone?
  • My scanners say no.
  • 4682-8560-8952

    I'm going to add everyone or at least try to.
  • Alright. I added Neito, Sucrilhos, and usrName.
  • I've added everyone on this page. Everyone's still coming up as "Provisional", though.
  • Don't tell me. There's no friend request system. Both people have to enter in each other's friend codes?
  • Don't tell me. There's no friend request system. Both people have to enter in each other's friend codes?
  • If you're near each other in physical proximity, you can add each other without codes. So if you meet someone at a con, you can both just press a button to add each other. But over the internet, you need to enter a friend code.
  • I've added everyone on this page. Everyone's still coming up as "Provisional", though.
    Strange, I've also added you and you're showing up as provisional.
  • I've added everyone on this page. Everyone's still coming up as "Provisional", though.
    Strange, I've also added you and you're showing up as provisional.
    Might help if I wasn't a dipshit giving out someone else's friend code I had in my clipboard by mistake.

  • My friend code is: 4167-4488-1619
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