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Nintendo 3DS



  • Scott always hated Monkey Ball. I generally enjoyed it (aside from the disaster that was the Wii version).
  • edited November 2011
    Really? Though I've never played it, I'd think that the wiimote or balance pad would be great controllers for monkeyball.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • Wow, I thought that would be something Scott would be into. Monkey Ball is a pure test of skill. Its play harkens back to something you would expect on an older console. I loved seeing just how nutty and challenging those last few levels of the game could get.

    Also, those multiplayer modes are just plain fun. They vary in how good of a game they each are, but I enjoyed just about every one of them. They were the hit of the dorm, particularly the parachuting one.
  • edited November 2011
    The Circle Pad is perfect for Monkey Ball, though if you wanted motion control, the 3DS supports gyroscope control (though you can't play it with the 3D turned on).

    For 20 bucks, Monkey Ball 3D is definitely worth it.
    Post edited by VentureJ on
  • though if you wanted motion control

  • You'll never know. :P
  • I have read that Super Mario Land 3D is pretty amazing. I will check it out after I play Skyrim :O
  • Played the first level of Super Mario Land 3D. Tanooki suit, normal and giant Goombas with Tanooki tails, music blocks, hidden areas.

    I am definitely digging this game so far.
  • Since I'm visiting US (Maryland) I decided to get a 3DS, because even if I decide it isn't worth it, I can sell it for a profit in Brazil when I get back.
    But, I love it, I was impressed with the AR Card games, I wasn't expecting anything like that, there is no way in hell I can sell it now. Also, I got the Mario Land bundle, and I love the game.
  • Yea, Laura and I both got one for a wedding gift, I haven't had time to play with it, but so far I'm pretty happy. AND yet another device I can watch netflix on :-p
  • Really? Though I've never played it, I'd think that the wiimote or balance pad would be great controllers for monkeyball.
    In theory, yeah. In execution, nooooooo. Have you played the levels in Super Mario Galaxy where you have to roll a ball around? It's like that, for the entire game. Except with somehow worse controls.

    Super Monkey Ball 2 is best Monkey Ball.

    As far as 3DS games go the only game I own right now is Ocarina of Time 3D. Super Mario 3D Land looks cool, but it's the only one that looks good to me. All the other games I'm interested in are either remakes (Star Fox 3D, Cave Story 3D, Snake Eater 3D whenever that comes out) or haven't been released yet (Luigi's Mansion 2, Paper Mario 3D, Kid Icarus).
  • Watching Netflix on the 3DS is awesome. Whenever I study/craft/draw on my table, I can have my trusty 3DS with Netflix playing. The 3DS is perfect for propping up onto the table and angling the screen to face me.
  • edited December 2011
    Looks like the new update to the Street Pass added new features to the Mii Plaza along with a new dungeon, a map of people you've met, and achievements. Pretty nifty.

    I plan on getting the new 100 street passes achieved at PAX East, hopefully.

    Edit: Woohoo the first hat from the new dungeon is the best hat:

    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • 269 street passes.
  • 269 street passes.
    It's 100 Street Passes in 1 day achievement, Sail.

    I currently have 239 passes. I would have gotten more at PAX, but I didn't feel like bothering when it was full on Sunday.
  • Looks like I will have to visit the Nintendo store soon. I can typically get about one visitor every couple minutes in the store.
  • I'm probably not going to get much use out of StreetPass until Otakon. I can usually get one or two StreetPasses on campus every few days, but it's not regular enough to get excited about.
  • The full list of GBA ambassador titles is out.
    The Fire Emblem game was released in the US as Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones, which isn't quite as good as the one that was just titled Fire Emblem, but any Fire Emblem is better than no Fire Emblem.
    Super Mario Advance 3 is Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island, if you weren't already aware.
    Overall, looks like a great selection!
  • I wound up buying a 3DS this past weekend, although I don't intend to use it too much as I am still working through quite a backlog (will be skipping forward to play Mario 3D Land of course, getting it as a Christmas gift). Got it for $110 at Target b/c of a $50 promo card and a $10 online coupon you could stack on top. Just couldn't pass it up at that low price. Of all the systems I have, I am closest to current on the DS, so it was only a matter of time until I ran out of DS games to play.
  • I wound up buying a 3DS this past weekend, although I don't intend to use it too much as I am still working through quite a backlog (will be skipping forward to play Mario 3D Land of course, getting it as a Christmas gift). Got it for $110 at Target b/c of a $50 promo card and a $10 online coupon you could stack on top. Just couldn't pass it up at that low price. Of all the systems I have, I am closest to current on the DS, so it was only a matter of time until I ran out of DS games to play.
    Should have waited for 3DS Lite.
  • Meh. Enough games are pouring out now that it's becoming worth it. The Cave Story remake, Star Fox remake, Mario Kart 7, and Super Mario 3D Land are all games I could get that would keep me busy for a while. And next year, Luigi's Mansion 2, Kid Icarus, and Paper Mario are confirmed for 1st-half of 2012. Beyond that, I expect an outpouring of good 3rd-party 3DS games like what happened around a year after the original DS came out.
  • I wound up buying a 3DS this past weekend, although I don't intend to use it too much as I am still working through quite a backlog (will be skipping forward to play Mario 3D Land of course, getting it as a Christmas gift). Got it for $110 at Target b/c of a $50 promo card and a $10 online coupon you could stack on top. Just couldn't pass it up at that low price. Of all the systems I have, I am closest to current on the DS, so it was only a matter of time until I ran out of DS games to play.
    Should have waited for 3DS Lite.
    That was the plan, but not going to wait when I can get it for $110. I guarantee I can sell it on eBay for close to that once a 3DS Lite announcement is made. Hell you can still get $75 for a DS Lite!

  • I wound up buying a 3DS this past weekend, although I don't intend to use it too much as I am still working through quite a backlog (will be skipping forward to play Mario 3D Land of course, getting it as a Christmas gift). Got it for $110 at Target b/c of a $50 promo card and a $10 online coupon you could stack on top. Just couldn't pass it up at that low price. Of all the systems I have, I am closest to current on the DS, so it was only a matter of time until I ran out of DS games to play.
    Should have waited for 3DS Lite.
    That was the plan, but not going to wait when I can get it for $110. I guarantee I can sell it on eBay for close to that once a 3DS Lite announcement is made. Hell you can still get $75 for a DS Lite!

    GBA SPs go for a nice price, depending on which one you have. A brand new, in box, NES-style one is worth a bunch. Also, the second generation of SP with the superior backlight gets more moneys as well.
  • That NES-style GBA SP is sexy as hell, gotta admit
  • Should have waited for 3DS Lite.
    I got my 3DS brand new for $70. I regret nothing.

  • Should have waited for 3DS Lite.
    I got my 3DS brand new for $70. I regret nothing.
    That is crazy. Did this fall off the back of a truck?

  • Should have waited for 3DS Lite.
    I got my 3DS brand new for $70. I regret nothing.
    That is crazy. Did this fall off the back of a truck?

    Nope, got it at Game Stop.

  • Should have waited for 3DS Lite.
    I got my 3DS brand new for $70. I regret nothing.
    That is crazy. Did this fall off the back of a truck?

    Nope, got it at Game Stop.

    This story is evolving painfully slow. I demand full details! Also, why did you not buy 50 of them?

  • This story is evolving painfully slow. I demand full details! Also, why did you not buy 50 of them?
    Traded in my DSi and a handful of pretty bad games and I got the system for $70 and Ocarina of Time 3D for $35.

  • This story is evolving painfully slow. I demand full details! Also, why did you not buy 50 of them?
    Traded in my DSi and a handful of pretty bad games and I got the system for $70 and Ocarina of Time 3D for $35.

    Then you didn't get it for $70. You are full of shit.
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