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Nintendo 3DS



  • So has anyone else downloaded 4 swords anniversary edition on their 3DS?
  • Yeah, I have it. Haven't messed with it a lot, the first group I played with wound up with one of the players getting really douchey after we "went ahead" and turned it into a competition. He spent the rest of that round and the next just getting every single bush and rupee before helping us, to "show us how it felt," even though we just were walking around and doing stuff and happened to get far ahead.
  • My code is 5112-3595-4054. Add me!
  • I've added everyone, my code is 3780-9183-7117.
  • Well looks like my work has a holiday sale still going on. They are selling Mario Kart 7 for $30 no tax. I picked up 2 copies, one for myself, the other for Jeremy.

    I will be playing eventually.

    Code: 4811-7092-1029
  • edited January 2012
    Should I get a 3DS at this point? Kinda wanna join in on the fun but I dunno...
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • If you have a DS, then you shouldn't. The line up for 3DS exclusives isn't good enough yet, so I would wait. Though I'm the one sitting right next to his copy of Mario Kart 7.
  • Should I get a 3DS at this point? Kinda wanna join in on the fun but I dunno...
    I don't regret getting my 3DS this early, but I recognize that I'm banking entirely on a system with about three or four good games right now.
  • I saw that Neito as using Netflix (which I LOOOOOOVE on the 3DS). It's excellent.
  • So... how do I get the fake Neito friend request to go away?
  • So... how do I get the fake Neito friend request to go away?
    Go to the first "card" in your friend list and the "Settings" button will appear in the upper left. Choose the "delete card" option and then get rid of the offending friend request. I know, it's super counter-intuitive. I guess they just don't want people to accidentally delete friends.

  • So Dinosaur Office is the #1 video of 2011 on Nintendo Video. Words cannot explain how happy I am about that.
  • I saw that Neito as using Netflix (which I LOOOOOOVE on the 3DS). It's excellent.
    How I Met Your Mother + Binding of Isaac = awesome!
  • My Friend code is 0645-6096-3760 friend up bitches I added all of you.
  • Ro, why is your status message so slutty?
  • It's my Xbox message too. It's just me being stupid about how they try to censor that sort of thing.
  • Fair enough. I can't be against trying to spite something.
  • Xbox censors my town because it has the word "milf" in it.
  • The new Club Nintendo download games are up. You can get Dr. Mario for 150 coins, and Kirby's Dream Land for 100.
  • I just spent an hour at the Nintendo store and only got 9 streetpass tags!
  • Think of it this way: nine is an incredible amount of streetpasses for a non-convention.
  • Looks like the last update limits you to ten at a time?
  • yea when I was at Magfest, I kept having to check it to clear it out.
  • Wish I knew that. I checked it at the store and saw 9 and didn't check it again until I got to Grand Central and there were 10.

    I did manage to fill out the last few Pokemon in the 3D Dex app.
  • Yeah so I am having an inordinate amount of fun with my 3DS. Here is a picture of some Pikmin feeding my friend Adam a blue pellet.

    [pikmin picture]
    That is FULL OF WIN.
  • Moar hats!


    Jeremy loves the ninja hat and I'm all about the panda one.
  • I thought with ten spotpasses I would be able to finish the last of the original puzzle swaps. No luck, after the first three people no one had any old pieces that I needed :(

    Now I have one old puzzle that needs two pieces and the 3DS almost always gives me dupes for that puzzle than new pieces for the new puzzles.
  • No joke, went into the city for restaurant week last night and happened to walk right past the Nintendo store. Left 3DS at home of course. Zero streetpasses and counting! PAX East can't come soon enough.
  • The new Find Mii 2 definitely upped the game in regards to difficulty. I like the team up method.

    I really don't like how you can't switch up team's order until after you get into the room. Jeremy is always the first person to enter and he's a level 7. Whenever I get into that room with the scary mummy, they always scare Jeremy away before he can do some real damage. It took me several street passes with Jeremy before his Mii was no longer scared by the mummies to be able to take them down.
  • Find Mii 2 is awesome. I like it more than the first.
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