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Nintendo 3DS



  • When the price is lower, there's a 3DS lite, and there's an R4 equivalent.
    I'd also add a new Advance Wars to that list, but that ship sank a long time ago.

    Gotta make one.
  • I've been thinking along those lines. PC of course though...

    *This message has been brought to you by the Andrew Department of Shit Talking.
  • I've been thinking along those lines. PC of course though...

    *This message has been brought to you by the Andrew Department of Shit Talking.
    Way ahead of you.

    Didn't shit-talk on, though!
  • That's a project I wouldn't mind rejuvenating.
  • Me either. Have to make a few smaller games in Unity before I chew on that much more than I already have. ;^)
  • That's a project I wouldn't mind rejuvenating.
    As we say - it's all you.
  • edited May 2012
    Price isn't going lower. The price drop already happened, and there's rumor of it going up again because Nintendo lost so much money on it.

    [Edit] Not that I think they are going to raise it, because that would be a horrible PR move, but it's definitely not going lower.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • Me either. Have to make a few smaller games in Unity before I chew on that much more than I already have. ;^)
    I'd potentially be interested in small Unity projects. I can't guarantee I'm the best coder, but I've got some Unity experience and should probably get more.
  • edited May 2012
    Honestly, the only reason I have a 3DS is because my DS was kinda breaking (The ever-infamous L button issue, for examplein before Scott: I never had an L Button issue). Had that not been happening, I probably could've held out. That said, I don't regret buying my 3DS when I did, and there are a few good games for it.
    Post edited by Neito on
  • edited May 2012
    Rumors of a price bump are complete bullshit. Basically results from a horrible game of telephone after Nintendo's last quarterly earnings call. They said they expect to make money on the 3DS in the future. That doesn't mean they're jacking the price back up. It means production costs will fall (because we know they will).

    I nabbed the 3DS during a Christmas-time sale where you got a $60 Target gift card with purchase. I do not at all regret buying it for effectively $110. I'm sure if you keep an eye out in the winter you'll find this deal or even better, and by then some of these games you have been pining for will be out.
    Post edited by Matt on
  • 3DS is adding a Castlevania game and a Harvest Moon.
    The Castlevaina game is a sequel to Lords of Shadow and not a 2D sidescroller. -_________-

  • 3DS is adding a Castlevania game and a Harvest Moon.
    The Castlevaina game is a sequel to Lords of Shadow and not a 2D sidescroller. -_________-

    Oh, fuck that shit.
  • edited June 2012
    Nintendo Working on Future Handheld Generation: Don't expect revisions to 3DS hardware.

    For two decades, Nintendo has set a precedent - it iterates repeatedly on its handheld designs, making incremental revisions to extend the life of a system. The Nintendo DS alone received this treatment three times with the DS Lite, DSi and DSi XL. However it appears as though the company might be taking a different approach with the 3DS. According to Shigeru Miyamoto, Nintendo is more focused on the 3DS's successor than anything else.

    "I really feel like I'm satisfied with the 3DS hardware as it is. I feel like it's the best for this generation," Miyamoto told me, when I asked about the Nikkei's recent report about a 3DS XL, and whether his company did have plans for something similar. The Nintendo executive noted that his company is always thinking about what's next. "What we're thinking about right now is probably going to be for a future generation of handheld."

    Miyamoto did emphasize that he feels there is plenty more that can be done with this current hardware and 3D gaming in general. When asked about the option of including a second Circle Pad in future 3DS models, Miyamoto pointed out the system's gyroscope as a way to accommodate that need.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • Honestly, I really like the 3DS form factor. It's just the right size. I feel like a 3DS Lite would probably be too small, and an XL would just be crazy.
  • Honestly, I really like the 3DS form factor. It's just the right size. I feel like a 3DS Lite would probably be too small, and an XL would just be crazy.
    When I imagine a 3DS lite it would be slightly bigger screen, brighter, more battery and a new external shell. Probably around the same size as current 3DS or maybe leaning *slightly* smaller if anything. I don't imagine Nintendo would miniturise anything just because they *can* but then, GBA Micro.. lol. THAT system is too damn small, but I love it all the same. It's like a damn keyring!
  • I love my Famicom GBA micro, now if only I could find the damn thing...
  • I love my Famicom GBA micro, now if only I could find the damn thing...
    I have Yoshi's Island in mine. It's always on me. Almost up to world 5. Mines black. That Famicom one was the BEST, but so expensive :/

  • Yeah, I was lucky enough to pick one up for $40 during a black Friday sale a few years back.
  • edited June 2012
    Jeez, 3DS buyers just can't stop getting shafted. Though that depends on whether Nintendo is lying or not.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • Nintendo has said that they are not going to do a 3DS revision, but will instead be working on the next generation of handheld technology (probably something along the lines of a 3DS 2).
  • Nintendo has said that they are not going to do a 3DS revision, but will instead be working on the next generation of handheld technology (probably something along the lines of a 3DS 2).
    It's possible. They did just break the pattern on the Pokemon.
  • Keep in mind these things have like five-year development cycles. Nintendo had been working on the Wii U since 2008.
  • Keep in mind these things have like five-year development cycles. Nintendo had been working on the Wii U since 2008.
    Maybe that's why they can't adapt to changing industry conditions? No wait. XBox Live and Steam are more than 5 years old.
  • 3DS XL just announced.
  • ...I can't believe Nintendo is going full rogue, announcing everything by themselves. I think we can expect to not see Nintendo at E3 sometime in the next few years.
  • I think Nintendo has determined that E3 is where they show off their stuff for their casual gamer audience.
  • Yeah. They show off to the press then. And their stockholders.
    *le sigh*
  • Actually I like this move. E3 in of itself is a circle jerk of the media and press to get coverage when everyone else is grabbing it. Nintendo has their own system to talk directly to the fans, which eat it up blindly, AND get press coverage without spending a dine from news site on slow news time. Nintendo when it comes to the press is making pro moves, with their games and the systems on the other hand...not so much.
  • Does anyone actually want a 3DSXL? No built in second circle pad? I love my normal 3DS.
  • I'd like one since I don't even carry around my DS anyway and I'd like the bigger screen.
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