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Nintendo 3DS



  • Lol @ Sail.

    But I like the idea. One player controls Mario, one Bowser. Go!
  • The problem would be the asshole who makes a level that's one block of platform and 99 blocks of empty space.
  • The problem would be the asshole who makes a level that's one block of platform and 99 blocks of empty space.
    Just make a set level but Bowser drops enemies, places fire wheels, can open pits, send in Lakatu, drop bullet bills and ultimately has to fight Mario(s) at the end.

    Then switch and see who gets best score.

    Have a shit ton of level templates and scenarios.

    4 player. 3 Mario's vs Bowser. On the Wii U.

    I have no idea if this would be fun... :)
  • The problem would be the asshole who makes a level that's one block of platform and 99 blocks of empty space.
    Obviously you constrain it in such a way that impossibility is not possible.

    It would be best as a single player game, too, not a multiplayer one. Like a Mario themed Dungeon Keeper.

  • edited October 2012
    I think a Mario themed Dungeon Keeper with a co-op party (Mario, Luigi, Toad, Princess, etc) vs the Dungeon Keeper as Bowser would be pretty sweet. Use the Wii-U controller to basically play Tower Defense+ against them, then rotate the Bowser player and tally scores. Balance the dungeon in a way that rounds last about 5 minutes.
    Post edited by muppet on
  • I think a Mario themed Dungeon Keeper with a co-op party (Mario, Luigi, Toad, Princess, etc) vs the Dungeon Keeper as Bowser would be pretty sweet. Use the Wii-U controller to basically play Tower Defense+ against them, then rotate the Bowser player and tally scores. Balance the dungeon in a way that rounds last about 5 minutes.
    This is called Descent, (the board game, not the video game). Feel free to use Mario figurines while playing it.
  • I think a Mario themed Dungeon Keeper with a co-op party (Mario, Luigi, Toad, Princess, etc) vs the Dungeon Keeper as Bowser would be pretty sweet. Use the Wii-U controller to basically play Tower Defense+ against them, then rotate the Bowser player and tally scores. Balance the dungeon in a way that rounds last about 5 minutes.
    This is called Descent, (the board game, not the video game). Feel free to use Mario figurines while playing it.
    I'd like it on the Wii-U, thanks.

    Battle Chess was crazy popular despite being "just chess".
  • I think a Mario themed Dungeon Keeper with a co-op party (Mario, Luigi, Toad, Princess, etc) vs the Dungeon Keeper as Bowser would be pretty sweet. Use the Wii-U controller to basically play Tower Defense+ against them, then rotate the Bowser player and tally scores. Balance the dungeon in a way that rounds last about 5 minutes.
    This is called Descent, (the board game, not the video game). Feel free to use Mario figurines while playing it.
    I'd like it on the Wii-U, thanks.

    Battle Chess was crazy popular despite being "just chess".
    Y U buy Wii U?
  • I think a Mario themed Dungeon Keeper with a co-op party (Mario, Luigi, Toad, Princess, etc) vs the Dungeon Keeper as Bowser would be pretty sweet. Use the Wii-U controller to basically play Tower Defense+ against them, then rotate the Bowser player and tally scores. Balance the dungeon in a way that rounds last about 5 minutes.
    This is called Descent, (the board game, not the video game). Feel free to use Mario figurines while playing it.
    I'd like it on the Wii-U, thanks.

    Battle Chess was crazy popular despite being "just chess".
    Y U buy Wii U?
    Good point. I probably won't. </conversation>
  • I like to play local, couch multiplayer with my gaming group, so the Wii-U seems like a natural fit. I'm getting it on day one, and I don't think I will regret it.
  • I like to play local, couch multiplayer with my gaming group, so the Wii-U seems like a natural fit. I'm getting it on day one, and I don't think I will regret it.
    I bought a Wii for the same reasons and sat around waiting for games to come out. I've gotten way more use out of my XBOX 360 in this regard, over the past several years.

    The Wii has provided a few spurts of family enjoyment here and there where me, my wife, and my oldest play some games and really get into it, but I don't know that I've gotten as much out as I've paid in. In fact, I'm pretty confident that I haven't.
  • We generally like to cycle between consoles, to keep things fresh. The Wii gets thrown in there fairly often (Brawl, NSMBWii, Mario Kart, Mario Party), though we have been playing 360 (Halo, Dance Central, Gears of War) and PS3 (Castle Crashers, Little Big Planet, Fighting Games, Ratchet & Clank) a bit more often recently.
  • I bought a PS3 primarily because I wanted to try out the Move and Little Big Planet. I ended up selling it on CL a few weeks later at a pretty substantial loss. I just never turned the thing on. I mostly ended up playing Black Ops on it and that's not exclusive.

    I did enjoy the Steam integration for Portal 2, once it finally worked (PSN got hacked the day after my purchase and I wasn't able to play Portal 2 online for a month, was pretty well pissed about that one.)
  • It's definitely not for everyone. I feel lucky that I have a group of friends that I can enjoy local games with on a regular basis. I have a feeling that local multiplayer groups are become a lot more of a rarity.
  • It's definitely not for everyone. I feel lucky that I have a group of friends that I can enjoy local games with on a regular basis. I have a feeling that local multiplayer groups are become a lot more of a rarity.
    It's not just a feeling it's a fact. Split screen had its hey day back in SNES territory. Developers don't want to deal with rendering two game experiences simultaneously, and they also want to sell more copies.
  • 'Tis a shame, since we are definitely enjoying the hell out of it!
  • 1000 Year Door > Paper Mario 64 > Bowser's Inside Story > Super Star Saga > Partners in Time.

    Haven't played Mario RPG. Should I?

    Super Paper Mario is a platformer. And a crappy one at that.
    Thank you for pointing out that Partners in Time blew. I almost never sell games after I play them, but when I noticed that Partners in Time was out of print and fetching a decent price, I sold that shit so fast. Didn't want to look at it anymore, even if it was becoming a collector's item. The last 2-3 hours I remember as a torture that really soured me on the game.

  • It's definitely not for everyone. I feel lucky that I have a group of friends that I can enjoy local games with on a regular basis. I have a feeling that local multiplayer groups are become a lot more of a rarity.
    I have been saying for a long time that this is the understated cause for the board game boom.

  • The Dream Radar app is interesting. Not $2.99 interesting but fun in short bursts.
  • I was planning on making my own custom DS XL case with various cute embellishments on it and slot to hold games, then I saw this: KickAss Cases.

    The case I'm more than likely going to buy..


    I wonder how this person is able to print pictures on fabric. I'm sure the technology exists, but I wonder how costly it is.
  • Yeah, I'm digging these burst patterns:

  • edited October 2012
    I sent a letter to seller asking what sort of pocket is on the inside that he states is for the AR cards. I couldn't care less about AR cards, but I want an elastic band that has 2 seams on it to hold 3 games.

    Hopefully he'll get back to me soon.

    Edit: The Professor Layton case is also boss.

    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward getting good reviews.

    Sequel to 999 (Really fun, escape the rooms type game with a Battle Royale type story)

    Also got A- on 1UP for what it's worth.

    Pretty much EXACTLY why I got my 3DS, for niche stuff like this. Guess Paper Mario may not be my next game after all.
  • Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward getting good reviews.

    Sequel to 999 (Really fun, escape the rooms type game with a Battle Royale type story)

    Also got A- on 1UP for what it's worth.

    Pretty much EXACTLY why I got my 3DS, for niche stuff like this. Guess Paper Mario may not be my next game after all.
    I loved 999, and I've been waiting for this one for a while - once I get through my grad school admission exams I'm going to have to pick this up. I'm so glad that 999 succeeded enough to spawn what's looking like a franchise, it's great to see games with such a high level of polish and care catch on!
  • Fuck! That's a 3DS game? Shiiiit.
  • I've decided to see if black friday brings any deals on 3ds.
  • Fuck! That's a 3DS game? Shiiiit.
    I don't understand why you are so hardline resistant to buying a 3DS. It's clear there are games you want on the system and games you will want. I would recommend waiting to see if they do a Black Friday combo pack like they did last year, but I don't think I've seen you or Rym hold a system up to such scrutiny before buying ever.

  • Fuck! That's a 3DS game? Shiiiit.
    I don't understand why you are so hardline resistant to buying a 3DS. It's clear there are games you want on the system and games you will want. I would recommend waiting to see if they do a Black Friday combo pack like they did last year, but I don't think I've seen you or Rym hold a system up to such scrutiny before buying ever.

    Because I already have so many games I have not played. Why pay for another system to buy more games I won't play?
  • Fuck! That's a 3DS game? Shiiiit.
    I don't understand why you are so hardline resistant to buying a 3DS. It's clear there are games you want on the system and games you will want. I would recommend waiting to see if they do a Black Friday combo pack like they did last year, but I don't think I've seen you or Rym hold a system up to such scrutiny before buying ever.

    Because I already have so many games I have not played. Why pay for another system to buy more games I won't play?
    Meanwhile, at Apreche's home PC, every steam sale -

  • I own a PS3, Wii, DS
    Fuck! That's a 3DS game? Shiiiit.
    I don't understand why you are so hardline resistant to buying a 3DS. It's clear there are games you want on the system and games you will want. I would recommend waiting to see if they do a Black Friday combo pack like they did last year, but I don't think I've seen you or Rym hold a system up to such scrutiny before buying ever.

    Because I already have so many games I have not played. Why pay for another system to buy more games I won't play?
    That's a fair comment. I brought my 3DS exactly because it DOES have the games I want to play.

    Mario 3D land, another run through OOT, Paper Mario, VLR, Layton, Layton Vs Phoenix Wright, Fire Emblem...

    I assume it will also get a few more good Nintendo published titles by the end of its cycle, with at least one Advance Wars.

    If you have other, better games, sure play those first.

    As long as you ARE playing the games you want to play first, and not just letting your backlog guilt trip you.

    I have tons of iOS games I've never even booted up, and at least 10 PS3 games I got given that I have never tried either. (Red Dead, FF13, Mirrors Edge, GTA4 etc etc)

    Dont care. I just do a quick mental list of all the games I own and what are the 1 or 2 games I want to play RIGHT NOW?

    VLR, Paper Mario and some Borderlands 2. So I Will.

    Play what you want, when you want. Ignore all else.
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