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Nintendo 3DS



  • Bit Trip Runner has a plot.
    OK it has a plot. Tell me how much the plot of Bit.Trip Runner improved your experience with the game.

  • Bit Trip Runner has a plot.
    OK it has a plot. Tell me how much the plot of Bit.Trip Runner improved your experience with the game.

    The plot of Bit Trip Runner:

    Scott got sent back to the beginning of the level for the 100th time. He got so angry he uninstalled it. Enjoyment improved a zillion fold because Scott never had to suffer that level again.
  • edited December 2012
    How is Harmoknight different from Bit Trip Runner?
    Bit Trip Runner sucks and also barely qualifies as a rhythm game.

    Post edited by Sail on
  • edited December 2012
    How is Harmoknight different from Bit Trip Runner?
    Bit Trip Runner sucks and also barely qualifies as a rhythm game.
    You know, the whole time I played it, I was thinking how I barely ever used the music as cues for the button-presses.
    The plot of Bit Trip Runner:

    Scott got sent back to the beginning of the level for the 100th time. He got so angry he uninstalled it. Enjoyment improved a zillion fold because Scott never had to suffer that level again.
    It's OK Scott. Everything is going to be OK.

    I only played Runner about a month or two ago and remember posting about it then, but don't know why I kept playing it. I am pretty good at these types of games and got to the second to last stage without much issue, but holy fuck... I would't be surprised if I didn't actually hit 100 attempts to finally beat that. It was not worth it.

    So more Nintendo news from their show today. WTF:


    Post edited by Matt on
  • What am I even looking at.
  • edited December 2012
    I don't know either. I haven't seen anything that weird on a DS since Feel the Magic XY/XX
    Post edited by Matt on
  • Bit Trip Runner has a plot.
    OK it has a plot. Tell me how much the plot of Bit.Trip Runner improved your experience with the game.

    Actually Bit.Trip X games have an over-arcing plot. You need to start with the first game (Beat) and end with the last game to figure out what is going on. Overall it is pretty good.

  • Meh, I sat in on a panel last year at IndieCade where the creators discussed the plot, and even they disagreed a lot on what the games are actually about. The basic outline though is that the first few games are about the birth of Commander Video, then Runner is about him and his life as a corporeal being. Fate is his death and Flux is him returning to an ethereal state. I'm not knocking the story, I think it's cool that these fairly unrelated games were given some chronology and symbolic meaning, but it's not exactly that compelling or important.
  • Meh, I sat in on a panel last year at IndieCade where the creators discussed the plot, and even they disagreed a lot on what the games are actually about. The basic outline though is that the first few games are about the birth of Commander Video, then Runner is about him and his life as a corporeal being. Fate is his death and Flux is him returning to an ethereal state. I'm not knocking the story, I think it's cool that these fairly unrelated games were given some chronology and symbolic meaning, but it's not exactly that compelling or important.
  • Best Buy: $160 3DS XL this weekend.
  • I like that that fire emblem has a dating sim in it, heroes that fight together might become friends or get married!
  • Fire Emblem is no Advance Wars but I'll take it.

    3DS getting a nice library now.
  • My board game group got me a 3DSXL for my birthday, booyah!
  • Oh fuck. Didn't realize they were going to make a portable Smash Bros. That might put shit over the line.
  • Oh fuck. Didn't realize they were going to make a portable Smash Bros. That might put shit over the line.
    They're developing the same game across the 3DS and WiiU and you will be able to play between them.

  • Oh fuck. Didn't realize they were going to make a portable Smash Bros. That might put shit over the line.
    They're developing the same game across the 3DS and WiiU and you will be able to play between them.

  • They announced that like two E3s ago. Ultimate convention game, right there. Also one of the reasons I don't see myself needing a Wii U anytime soon.
  • edited January 2013
    Oh fuck. Didn't realize they were going to make a portable Smash Bros. That might put shit over the line.
    They're developing the same game across the 3DS and WiiU and you will be able to play between them.

    What, play Smash on a GBA? No thanks. Probably the DS wasn't even up to the task.

    3DS however...

    Edit: Everyone knows that all the big N franchises will arrive, why are people surprised when they announce this stuff? If you like Nintendo games... Buy a Nintendo system!

    You won't be playing them anywhere else.
    Post edited by InvaderREN on

  • This game was kinda fun for the DS but never came out in America and could have used a decent amount of fine tuning but was a 4 player brawl.
  • Ah yeah, I played that on the R4. It was ok :)

    No smash tho!
  • I'm stoked. I always liked those games.
  • Oh Man, I was starting to think I'd never buy a 3ds game for my 3DS :-p
  • I always liked Fire Emblem but by all accounts, this one is just really fucking good.

  • Well shit, I just read this thread and learned about that Fire Emblem game.

    Now I have to buy a 3DS.
  • Well, I picked up a 3DS, so I suppose I'll post my friend code:

    It's 0791-1501-0201. Enjoy.
  • I'm going to add everyone from this thread later today.

    Does ghost data from Mario Kart come over when you add a friend? That would be cool.
  • For those going to PAX East, now is a good time to get a 3DS. Get all those puzzle pieces and earn all the cool hats in Find Mii 1 & 2!


    Me: 4811-7092-1029
    Jeremy: 2750-1277-0629
  • OK since it gives me a reason to get a little more of my moneys worth out of my DS, and I like this forum:

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