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Nintendo 3DS



  • Solution, buy a r4 card, don't care if you don't beat a game.
  • Solution, buy a r4 card, don't care if you don't beat a game.
    I don't believe you can use those with 3DS games, and while I understand this is not a charity, a lot of good developers are going under for not being able to hit whatever mythical number their publisher wanted, put a little support behind the games you like, even if you buy them dirt cheap.
  • Just saying Scott made it clear he doesn't want to spend money on the games, so he'll either pirate them or just not play them. I'm sure there were people who went out and bought 999 after he mentioned it on the show. So even if he was to pirate the games there is a higher chance that other people will spend money on the product as opposed to him not playing it and not saying anything about it.
  • edited October 2012
    Just saying Scott made it clear he doesn't want to spend money on the games, so he'll either pirate them or just not play them. I'm sure there were people who went out and bought 999 after he mentioned it on the show. So even if he was to pirate the games there is a higher chance that other people will spend money on the product as opposed to him not playing it and not saying anything about it.
    Yeah, and Nintendo are going crazy hard on security this time around, after the R4 fiasco.

    Apparently, this *permanently* blocks R4-esque flashcarts from working on the 3DS (lol, just play them on a DS lite!) but if they are working THIS hard to stop DS games from being pirated on the 3DS (yes, DS games, NOT even 3DS games) you HAVE to assume that the level of security on the (so far) un-hacked 3DS roms is going to be pretty damn tight.

    For those of you waiting for a R4 3DS or similar... You may be waiting a while.

    If you like your 999 sequel, your Fire Emblem, your Layton and Phoenix Wright, sorry, you might just have to.. buy it. Like everyone else.
    Post edited by InvaderREN on
  • Best thing about having a 3DS vs DS: Going to the home screen to change brightness settings without having to exit your damn game.

    I play in bed before I fall asleep and have to change the brightness to 1, then the next day change it back to 5. I don't have to save my game or anything. I never realized how valuable that is to me until today.

    It's still a good idea to save your game, but now I don't have to reset/restart the game and have to go through the loading crap.
  • So the new Animal Crossing is going to be called Animal Crossing: New Leaf. (Great name.)

    Also, they won't be charging for DLC for the game.

    I am impressed.
  • edited November 2012
    So I finally caved and bought an XL since it was slightly on sale at Target this week. Bought sticker star and OoT since I've never actually beat it and having it on the go I'll most likely finally finish it. Stoked to play some sticker star though.
    Post edited by MATATAT on
  • I want Liberation Maiden but I'm not sure it's worth $8.
  • Why didn't they sell that at Black Friday and get a shitload of sells. Even if it wasn't on sale people usually tend to just get stuff anyway during the day.
  • How many 3DS games are there worth playing now?

    Layton, Tennis, 999 sequel..
  • edited November 2012
    Depends what you consider worth playing. Personally I don't care about the 999 sequel or Layton but there are others I'm interested in. Paper Mario, Mario Kart, and some in the close future.
    Post edited by MATATAT on
  • Depends what you consider worth playing. Personally I don't care about the 999 sequel or Layton but there are others I'm interested in. Paper Mario, Mario Kart, and some in the close future.
    Is that a new Paper Mario, or a remake?
  • edited November 2012
    New one. It's not perfect but I think it's fun. I forgot about tennis I might to pick that up.
    Post edited by MATATAT on
  • Best thing about having a 3DS vs DS: Going to the home screen to change brightness settings without having to exit your damn game.
    This is something I'd do on the DS using cheat codes, there was one for most games where you press L+R and up/down to change brightness. The CycloDS and some other carts have this built into a menu you can pop up.
  • How many 3DS games are there worth playing now?

    Layton, Tennis, 999 sequel..
    Super Mario 3D Land was great. New Super Mario Bros. 2 looks good as well but I haven't gotten to that one yet. Pushmo is a must-play downloadable puzzler (sequel just came out as well, Crashmo). Kid Icarus: Uprising. Resident Evil: Revelations.

    I enjoyed the Pilotwings launch game as well. It feels like a giant tech demo but the challenges are fun and you can get it for dirt cheap now. It'd be good bang for your buck.

    Also just took a chance on a Sega puzzle/rhythm game called Rhythm Thief, that got favorable reviews. Saw it on an Amazon lightning deal on Monday so what the hell. I'll let you guys know how it is.
    Why didn't they sell that at Black Friday and get a shitload of sells. Even if it wasn't on sale people usually tend to just get stuff anyway during the day.
    They sold the 3DS with Mario 3D Land pre-installed instead, dunno why. Seems like they were trying to push stock of regular 3DSes instead of XLs, but Best Buy and Target had the XL for $20-25 off.

  • Yes, as others have said, you have VLR, Layton, a new Paper Mario, 3D land (bloody good!) and either Tennis, Mario Kart or NSMB2 to round out your purchase.

    The XL is a really nice piece of hardware too.
  • What Matt & Ren said. Jeremy is also playing the crap out of Theatrhythm or whatever the chibi Final Fantasy rhythm game is.
  • I've heard good things about that one but since I haven't played much Final Fantasy, I wouldn't appreciate the music as much. Also, that name.
  • Theatrhythm is good if you at least like the music from 5+ Final Fantasy games. I like all the music from I-X, so I'm happy.
  • They need to release HarmoKnight in the US.
  • There is no FF:CC in the Theatrhythm so it is a fail in my eyes. The chibi characters are cute, but that's about it.
  • You know what grinds my gears? Chibi characters.
  • I did love the original CC's music. But the music from the old games is still top-notch to me. And the gameplay is fun. And the unlockables are good.
  • They need to release HarmoKnight in the US.

  • edited December 2012
    They need to release HarmoKnight in the US.
    You boys got your wish today. HarmoKnight has been confirmed for a USA eShop release in 2013.

    Oh and new Fire Emblem and Brain Age games. Looks like Nintendo had quite a lot to share during their Nintendo Direct today.
    Post edited by Matt on
  • edited December 2012
    They need to release HarmoKnight in the US.
    You boys got your wish today. HarmoKnight has been confirmed for a USA eShop release in 2013.
    I want to kiss you right now.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • How is Harmoknight different from Bit Trip Runner?
  • edited December 2012
    How is Harmoknight different from Bit Trip Runner?
    From what I can tell, the camera swings around here and there and forces you to play from various perspectives. Seems like the one big difference that makes the gameplay more interesting.

    Based on the world maps, it's got more levels than Runner, but more importantly more boss battles, which seem to play like Space Channel 5.

    You've got a weapon, and there's a lot of button pressing to interact with the stage or enemies, but yeah, it's still just pressing the right button at the right moment when you boil it down.

    Lastly, HarmoKnight has a plot, whereas Runner has none. If you care about that sort of thing in a rhythm game.

    Post edited by Matt on
  • Bit Trip Runner has a plot.
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